Scotty, I went on a two week Evasion and Escape in a very large national forest, we finished the course in a day and a half and were forced to consume large quantities of beer while we waited for the others. One night I made the crawl to the Sgt's sleeping bag and scared the crap out of him, but he was armed with his walking stick and beat me about the head and shoulders before running into the forest.

P.S. Guys, sorry for my absence, I had to have another surgery. You probably didn't even miss me.

P.S. Guys, sorry for my absence, I had to have another surgery. You probably didn't even miss me.

I missed ya Johnny!
(Must not have allowed for windage...)

Hope you are mending well.
I always wonder about subliminal input while sedated. Hopefully your surgical team was a conservative one.
You don't have a hankerin for a spritzer do ya?:laughing7:

Yeah brother boogie you were missed. Hope you are doing well

If you heard the shot....... it wasn’t meant for you.... hehehe

Skydiving is not going to happen this weekend. :unhappysmiley:
Jesy has to work.
I sent her a message to tell me when she could jump.

I even offered to pay for her jump.


We'll see.

Y'all have a Great Weekend!



There is tumult in the maintenance shop.

But, I don't play a role in ANY "Peyton Place" type scenario....Dig?

Perhaps a major shake-up is in the works....

OK. I'll keep on doing what I was hired to do.

Scotty is known by everyone from the newest hired selector, all of the Supervisors and Managers,
all the way to Danny Barry, the man who runs the whole show, the site manager, as the one to call upon to "Git 'Er Done."

But, if the wave should happen to sweep my feet out from under me, I'll be OK.

I really don't even need to work.
I'm well suited financially for longer than I could ever decide to work, or live.....

And, I still get job offers on a daily basis from the Department of Labor in conjunction with the VA.
Sometimes 5 or more notices per day.....
I guess they realize what I can bring to the table....

But, I took this job because I was bored after a year of sitting at home piddling with coins and currency. Buying, selling, etc.

But, Dammitsomuch!
I love my job!
And I'm good at it!
I love being the one that others depend on.
Sometimes second shift selectors line up specifically to me for repairs.
I love providing a service to those who appreciate my hard work and willingness to be there when needed.
And, most importantly, I love the feeling of seeing the Friends that I've made and knowing that they are thankful to see me and know that I'll take care of any issues that they may have.

If I didn't have those pesky bills to pay every month, I'd work for Free....

I now have this weekend to re-evaluate my position at work and prepare my response to any contingency that will arise....

I cannot say any more other than I will resign or I will advance.


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Is it laundry month again?

The boiled peanuts should be ready soon.
About the same time to throw the clothes in the dryer....

Juan brought me a jar of REAPER Salsa this week.
Yeah, I put some in the boiled peanuts just now....
Friends, I tasted a half spoonful of it and thought I had descended to hell!

Hot? Well, have you ever licked a soldering iron?
And it followed down your throat?

Perhaps not the same , but, you get my drift. Dig?


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The first real song that I taught myself to play right-handed.

Monday I have my appointment at the VA to find out what is wrong with my left hand and why it is swollen.
(I'm left-handed...)

I hope that they say I need to reduce my sex life......LOL!

Seriously, I'm afraid that an operation might be necessary.

But, what other options do I have?

I can't play my guitars without pain (Yeah, try making bar chords...)
and work is difficult.

But, I only mention these issues here, because my Critter Friends know me best.....


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"So, Scotty says that he is rich, right?"
"You jackass. No. Scott is well off. He doesn't need to work like your sorry ass does."
"So, why does he work?"
"Because he isn't a dumbask like you."


"Listen, Squirt, do you want to work all your life or be a nobody like me?"


My phone number is:

Call me!

Ain't it funny how the older songs sound better when played LOUD!

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Speaking of my best Friend, Otis the Cat.

Have I told the story of how I saved Otis?

This is for you, my Feline Friend....

I would come home from a hard day's work, flop in my chair and whistle this tune.

Soon, Otis would come to me, jump into my lap and start purring.
We then both knew that everything was all right.
I guess you had to have been there, right?

Does one Really understand Love?

Some claim the devotion of the canine.

Some will advocate the personality of the feline.

I've known the love of both, and my favorite is


"We have breaking news....


"I got this scoop, Walter....."
"Neither is more loved.
America, keep on loving all animals!"

Please give of your time and volunteer at you local Animal Shelter.
Perhaps they may need old towels, cleaning supplies or just your time and love to take them for a walk,
or pet them to know that they are loved....


Otis 1.webp

"Yeah, Don't mess with Scotty or you mess with me. Dig? I'll claw both of your faces."

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View attachment 1616329

How about some music?


Otis was a kitten when I first held him.
I heard that he was to be target practice....
I immediately went to the site, had a brief discussion, and then SERIOUSLY beat their ass to include their loss of blood and consciousness.
I didn't shoot them but should have....

Sometimes, folks have no idea who they are messing with. Feel me?
No charges were filed....

I cradled Otis in my arms home.
We soon had a bond, I cannot describe, yet, our love was shared....

Perhaps you have known such a bond and unconditional love..........


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Haha Johnny you funny man....... I used to have an Uncle Johnny. He did his hair like Elvis.......... he was, I’m watching Showtime Boxing...... or wait long enough and these kids will argue over nothing.....


Love this guy!!

For Johnny

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And finally for my friends

Ok really the last one. I grew up watching Jerry Clower at the Grand Ol Opry. I would remember his routines and perform them.......I miss Jerry. Here’s to my southern friends

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