My offer for the 55 pounds of foreign coins was accepted.
I've paid and they are on their way! :headbang:
My swap list will certainly top 10,000.

Oh, and the 300 or so 1500's uncleaned Spanish cobs?

Yeah. They're on their way to me also!
You want some, let me know quickly...I've already sold some to a guy at work, and I haven't even gotten them yet!

Y'all have a GREAT Weekend!



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"When I got to work today, what did I see?
3 brand new forklifts dear to me."

"They are new without a care,
Yet when repairs are needed, I'll be there."

"I will talk to all drivers of this new gain;
Hopefully, to eliminate any pain."

"'If you have an issue,' I will say,
Please come tell me right away."

"For I am here to keep things right,
I am here every night."

"I want you to make money and be safe, too,
And I will keep the equipment righteous for you!"
(in so many words....)

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Here's another "pot" story that I may or may not have told....
(I told you that I had many stories....)

Anyway, it must have been late '70's and I was living in Augusta, Georgia.
My Friend, whom I served with in Germany, had tickets to a show at "The Whipping Post."
A small venue club on Broad Street in downtown Augusta.

The "Headliner" band was "The Allman Brothers!"
So, we had a fatty rolled and found a parking spot on Broad Street about 20 minutes before the show began at 9 pm.
We're sitting in his car and nearly had that fatty burnt,
He handed it to me and as I put it up to my lips, he elbowed me and was looking out his window....
I looked over and saw the BIGGEST cop I've ever seen in my life approaching the car!
What could I do?
I ate the roach. LIT!

The cop rapped on the window and my friend rolled the window down....
The sweet smell of cannabis poured out...

The cop said, "I know what you boys are doing in there. I can smell it."

My Friend is freaking out, but kept it together.
Me? I'm trying to get up enough spit with a case of cottonmouth to put that roach out as it slides down my throat...

The cop says, "I really don't care that you boys are getting high, just don't do it while I'm patrolling."

My Friend and I look at each other and in one voice we say, "YES SIR!"

The cop walks away and my Friend and I went on in to the BEST "small venue" concert I have ever been to!

And, yeah, I was soon up front..close to the stage, watching and learning guitar riffs....
If you can learn by observation from others, renowned, well, why aren't you learning?
Tune up that git-fiddle kid and try to keep up!



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Changing gears....

Something a bit more cerebral....
Perhaps a bit more relevant to one's situation?
A hot shower and a cup of cocoa or two will cure all worries....Dig?

Just last Tuesday, during Veterans court, a Vet Graduated the program!
I was there, as a mentor, not only to my Vet, but to all in the program, to congratulate him.

When the world seems like a crazy train, and your ticket is in hand, just cradle that hot cup of cocoa, tap your heels 3 times and say....
"There's no place like home...."

You are the conductor... enjoy the ride....
Tune up your guitar and let's play.....
I got rhythm or lead...your call....



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Yeah, the last song makes me feel rebellious!

Watch me!
I'm about to remove a mattress tag!

And, then I'll be a wanted man....
For yet another reason.....


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Thank you Canada for the second... greatest rock trio.. Rush is numero uno..

Power chords on a 12 string? Well hell yeh!!!!!!!!


So my 12 y/o’s soccer team won today 6-2. When he played goalie, they didn’t score on us. Now we are home watching Manchester United vs Tottenham.......... I asked “ Manchester United, is that an English team?” His reply “ no Grampa they’re from Britain.” ...... once again a product of public schools.......


Here's another Canuck group you might like since you're into guitar playing especially the heavier stuff.

Frank Marino & Mahogany Rush - All along the watchtower. They're from Montreal where I live.


Did I copy a link to a vid that showed a familiar looking currency sample? ( There is a mason jar with a wad of bills around here somewhere from S. Vietnam.)
Guy had a boring tour it looks like. But boring can be good......


Just requested info from the Franklin, North Carolina Chamber of Commerce regarding Gem Mining and Camping in the area.
I'm seriously considering that venue for my week-long Birthday Vacation "get away."

I certainly have all of the equipment and supplies needed for both...
Of course, I'll take a couple of my favorite beep sticks with me.

I have been to "The Crater of Diamonds" in Murfreesboro, Arkansas....
I'm not really interested in the "tourist trap" locations, but rather finding my own way along a creek where I might camp to find gemstones.
And, yes. I know lapidary techniques.

Perhaps I'll visit the casino along the way to ply my poker skills...

Hope all have a great week ahead!


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Perhaps I previously mentioned a bar that I built for the Eldridge House Hotel in Lawrence, Kansas several years back....
Mid to late 80's, I believe....
The same bar that I was hired to build with just a handshake for agreement.
I took my table saw into the room, brought the materials in and built that bar.
No blueprints. No plans.
Only a vision in my mind.
My fee?
The cost of materials, $200 and free drinks whenever I came in.
I CERTAINLY came out way ahead on that deal....:occasion14:
The bar survived the beatings of rabid fans during KU's rise and eventual winning of the NCAA Basketball Championship of 1988.
I still have a Championship shirt from that game...

The same bar that a few years later I was hired to remove when the bar closed and reorganized.
Since it was built in the room, it was too big to just take out of the door.
Again, I charged $100 to remove it.

I then sold it to my Friend for $200, who owned the "Outhouse."

To remove it, I jumped up on top and fired up my chainsaw....
I built it so I knew where to cut. Dig?
I took it to the "Outhouse," and put it together again where it lasted several more years!

Outhouse: Infamous Lawrence, Kansas, punk music venue stars in documentary | The Kansas City Star

Anyway, while searching my archive of photographs for something else, I found a couple of pics.

Eldridge House Bar 001.webp

Eldridge House Bar 002.webp

The memories contained in my box of pictures....



Guitars and chainsaws.
What a perfect pairing!

I can tune a guitar and I can tune a chainsaw....


"Junior" Approves!

KU National Champs 1988 001.webp
30 years old. Collectible?

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Just posted the picture of that 30 year old t-shirt to my home-town page Facebook group and immediately got a half-dozen likes!

Imagine that...

I'll bet that someone will offer to buy it....

I think that I paid $15 for it back then.

Should I sell it?
How much?

You see that it is in pristine condition; I only wore it once or twice....



Now the "likes" are at an even dozen!
Perhaps, in my collection, I have the Treasure that all KU supporters cherish!

A little secret just between you and me....
I have other collectible T-Shirts.
But, you knew that, didn't you?

Shhh! :coffee2:

Now it is at two dozen likes!

"What you gonna bid?"

The "Likes" have topped 30.
I just posted that it is for sale.

Nearly 40 "likes" just for a picture of a T-Shirt?

Oh! Over 40 "likes?"

Here's a little secret that I'll let you know that all auctioneers know....

If someone likes what you are selling, you are screwed.
If two or more like what you are selling, well, let the bidding begin!

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Once upon a time,
When life was new and we had just began to live,
We learned of the world around us.
We learned of life, love and most, but not all of that which was involved with our day to day existence.

We learned The pain of failure.
We learned The pride of success.

Back then we learned how to love, how to forgive, how to hate and how to live.

From the beginning, we learned....

Keep on learning how to Love.
Keep on learning how to forgive.
Keep on living...
Because, today is "The Beginning" of every new day....
What will you learn today?


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And, lunch tomorrow is ready for Tristan...
Love that kid as my Brother....
Just messaged him...

Mango-Habenero chicken wings, home-made baked beans, Brunswick stew, a hunk of smoked Gouda cheese, a spicy dill pickle and bread and butter.
Ole Scotty's cooking skills pay off!



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And my post about the T-shirt brought a comment from my first wife's older brother....
He and I used to spend hours searching with our metal detectors and spent many nights catfishing
on rivers late into the night...
My Daddy and his were in the same car "club" in the 50's. The "Outkasts."
I learned mechanics from my Pop, handing him wrenches when I was merely 5 years old....

Basically, I replied in a positive mien and said to give my best wishes to his sister....
Sometimes one might post and the results are unexpected....
I am always ready for whatever comes my way, Dig?
Did I ever mention that once....
Never mind.


Now over 50 "Likes."

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Joke of the day —What's the one food guaranteed to kill a woman’s sex drive?

Wedding cake.

haha thanks for the laughs

Uncle Bill:
A pang has not left ...Thinking of you ; and Toronto.
Hang in there.

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