Perhaps I previously mentioned a bar that I built for the Eldridge House Hotel in Lawrence, Kansas several years back....
Mid to late 80's, I believe....
The same bar that I was hired to build with just a handshake for agreement.
I took my table saw into the room, brought the materials in and built that bar.
No blueprints. No plans.
Only a vision in my mind.
My fee?
The cost of materials, $200 and free drinks whenever I came in.
I CERTAINLY came out way ahead on that deal....

The bar survived the beatings of rabid fans during KU's rise and eventual winning of the NCAA Basketball Championship of 1988.
I still have a Championship shirt from that game...
The same bar that a few years later I was hired to remove when the bar closed and reorganized.
Since it was built in the room, it was too big to just take out of the door.
Again, I charged $100 to remove it.
I then sold it to my Friend for $200, who owned the "Outhouse."
To remove it, I jumped up on top and fired up my chainsaw....
I built it so I knew where to cut. Dig?
I took it to the "Outhouse," and put it together again where it lasted several more years!
Outhouse: Infamous Lawrence, Kansas, punk music venue stars in documentary | The Kansas City Star
Anyway, while searching my archive of photographs for something else, I found a couple of pics.
The memories contained in my box of pictures....
Guitars and chainsaws.
What a perfect pairing!
I can tune a guitar and I can tune a chainsaw....
"Junior" Approves!

30 years old. Collectible?