This is a classic Bill!

Thanks! Didn´t heard this for a long time.


Johnny Clegg grew up in Africa don't remember which country but he has the same music and rythm in his veins as the rest of the troop.

Regards + HH


Uncle Bill, that was refreshing.

Uncle Bill: I don't remember if I told you before, I have a friend in North Bay, is that near you?

I’m at my grandsons baseball game. Once again I am proud to announce that everybody stood during the National Anthem. Including the 20 elders from the Local retirement home. My new friend Arthur ( he’s 82) informed me he won’t be playing first base tonight. He said he relinquished those duties to the “ younger generation “ but only for tonight’s game!![emoji4][emoji4][emoji4][emoji500][emoji500][emoji500]


I seem to recall you had mentioned it awhile back. North Bay is quite a distance Northwest of me it's about 350 miles from me.

Regards + HH


Uncle Bill: I don't remember if I told you before, I have a friend in North Bay, is that near you?

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Believe I've posted this version up before but worth a replay.

U2 and Mary J Blige - One.


We won 7-2 against cross town rivals. My boy scored twice!!!!!


Give my regards to the little guy on his win.

Regards + HH


Today was a typical (?) day at work.
A few "chores" that stand out are having to replace a potentiometer in a Crown 4500 double pallet jack....

Bad rack at work 001.webp
Lots of sure to get the right ones!

Bad rack at work 002.webp
Top view.

Bad rack at work 003.webp
The potentiometer is the blue thing.

Bad rack at work 004.webp
The bad one removed.

Bad rack at work 005.webp
The new one ready to install.
Fortunately, this is a "plug and play" item.

I installed the new one and calibrated it and the jack was ready to hit the aisles again!

Something told me to take my camera in to work today....:icon_scratch:

A forklift driver came up to me later and said that a rack was broken.
He told me where it was and I said that I'd get right on it.
So Tristan and I harnessed up and drove the scissor lift to the location.
The forklift driver failed to mention 2 small items....
#1- it was near the top.
#2- there was a pallet of product that had partially fallen.

Bad rack at work 006.webp


I can't wait until I see that forklift driver again so that I can "thank him" for pointing out this safety issue....8-)

The product was 4- 1 gallon plastic jugs of banana peppers to a box.
The entire pallet was banded and shrink-wrapped.
We decided that we had to off-load each box to a new pallet on a forklift raised to that height.
So, I climbed over to begin cutting the shrink wrap and banding....
Once the restraints of the banding and shrink wrap were being removed,
the boxes shifted and I got the hell out of the way!
2 boxes fell to the back and lodged half-way to the ground.
2 boxes fell into the aisle, bursting upon impact with the concrete floor 30 feet below.
I made sure that no one was below as I was cutting the bands and shrink wrap because I know that gravity sits back,
grinning, waiting for fools to err....Gravity will win, you know? And, gravity has no conscience....
I also made sure that Tristan was on solid footing, away from my efforts.

Bad rack at work 007.webp
(partially cleaned up....)

We finally got the rest of the boxes off loaded to the other pallet on the forklift and replaced the broken back side horizontal rack.

Bad rack at work 009.webp

Friends, I'm not really afraid of heights, but I was pretty damn glad to be back on the ground!

Later, I changed out some steering rollers on a 4500 Crown.

Bad rack at work 010.webp
One of the rollers had bearing damage and another was worn beyond micrometer specs....

Bad rack at work 013.webp
(The old roller)

Bad rack at work 014.webp
(A new roller.)

Otherwise, it was just "another fine day at the office!"

Lunch break today?

Once home, hot water beating on my back in the shower,
I thought to myself,
"Self, we had another good day today, didn't we?"

Yes we did!
But, Tomorrow..."

I look forward to tomorrow!

Y'all be good!



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Just communicated with my source for the Spanish coins from the 1500's.
Wants to sell me his remaining stock.


Somewhere around 300 uncleaned for $150.

My calculations reveal that is about fifty cents each.
And he pays shipping!

Friends, if anyone would like to buy some, let me know!

I'll be good to my Critter Friends and sell them at my cost.

I'll also give you my secret for cleaning them.

Shhh. Be quiet, 2GF....LOL!

So, how many would you like?

Y'all better hurry, they will go fast!

That is, if I don't decide to keep them all for myself!



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Just finished making 2 sushi rolls.
They are in the fridge right now chilling.
I'll slice then in the morning and I've made some wasabi from powder.
Of course it isn't "real" wasabi, but it's damn close though....

That sushi bazooka is GREAT!

If y'all like sushi, but aren't really confident in making sushi, I recommend getting one.

I used to make sushi the hard way; By hand.

But, seriously, this is SO easy!

You can use your imagination to create the sushi that you like.

And, I only paid $3.89 for it!

Free shipping.

Yes, I had to wait for it to be shipped from China, but it was worth it!

I just messaged Tristan that I have our lunch ready for tomorrow!

He loves sushi!
(But, not as much as I do!)



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As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

I just offered $200 for 55 pounds of foreign coins to another of my sources....


"Ole Scotty is spending money for money like it's going out of style."
"Waldorf, you old fart, that doesn't make sense. But, if it makes him happy, he should go for it! He's certainly earned his money, and can spend it anyway that he chooses."

"Statler, you remind me of some "talking heads" I once heard of back in '86. About a wild life. Stop Making Sense. No, not 1886, you jackass...."



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Another "Pot" story?

Sure. However, I may have already told this one.....

Again, once YEARS ago,

A neighbor came to me, knowing that I had a couple of metal detectors.

He said, "Scott, I buried an ammo can of pot in the woods and don't remember where. Can you help me find it?"

I said, "Absolutely!"

After about 20 minutes in the area, my beep stick sang!

And 10 minutes after that, we were both stoned to the bone! :laughing7:



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And, just 'cause I feel this way tonight...

Just sliced and plated the sushi for Tristan's and my lunch tomorrow....
That kid just doesn't know how special it is when I make sushi....
What's next? Sashimi?
Yeah, I can do that, too.

Let me be creative...I can create culinary masterpieces that are not only pleasing to the palate but also visually pleasing.
So pleasing that you feel guilty eating it....Dig?
Yeah, Ole Scotty knows how....

Bet you never had sushi on a camping trip, have you?
'Cause you ain't never camped with Scotty!

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The top plate has special chopsticks given to me as a birthday present a few years ago by a Friend.

Crab meat, Avocado, cream cheese and smoked Gouda cheese, sprinkled on top with blackened sesame seed.

Plenty of wasabi and soy sauce....




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Negotiations for the foreign coins is at $230 for the whole 55 pounds including shipping.
That's just a bit over $4 a pound. Shipped!

My, what a boost towards my swapping stock that gain would bolster!

Now, I await his reply....

Gotta consider the weight, Dig?


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