
That's one group I missed performing live for some reason or other.

Regards + HH


5 band line up that day BOB Welch, Heart, Little River Band, Nick Gilder, Ian Gomm

5 bands=5 hits of acid for each band=25 for the day.
Some how I managed to actually drove back to Vancouver Island that night, hundreds were partying on the 1.5 hr ferry ride back.
When we departing the ferry the Queen's Cowboys had set up road blocks at the end of the ramps. I still remember the fear of the ride check for booze, but who knew an idiot would be that wired so I got through.

Who the heck was this Ian Gomm? I do not remember him in the line up. :icon_scratch::laughing7:


For those of us getting on in years here's a bit of inspiration to be more physically active.


Dang ,you guys party much in your youth?
3 brothers from California used to spend summers here in Michigan.
A couple worked with myself one summer (79) and a bunch of us went to see Cheap Trick in concert.
One brother might have seen the warm up band ,but spent the concert passed out in the parking lot. Might have been the one rushing a rolling job while waiting in line by suggesting that by tossing the weed up in the air...the wind would blow the weed away , and the seeds would hit the ground.
Handed the checkpoint security /frisk /search you for naughty stuff (mainly bottles that could be thrown) guy an empty liquor bottle after I got past him/checkpoint. He did not see the humor in it , so I did not show him what was riding in my hatband....

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I talked with Shannon about taking Tristan to lunch.
He agreed.
I then said, "How about you come along, too. My treat!"

So, tomorrow we will go to "Sonny's BBQ."

However, Shannon said that he has some meetings to attend.
I told him that we can try to work out the timing.

Hope all are well.




"And, when your life is but a song, Play your heart out!
Play as you have one more chance!

Lifting the cork on a priceless special Whisky, I offer this advice....

Take it or leave it.
I don't care.
"Some will win, Some will lose...."
I am old enough to offer advice.
Play me and lose.

You want to win? Pay attention....
I will show you how to win...."

The secret, my friends of how to win is:
Be strong in your convictions.
Know what you are talking about.
Be there for others.
Protect Children, the elderly and animals.
Mentor those who need guidance.
Learn something new each day.
Ask of forgiveness daily from God.

Live as if today is your last,

Enjoy good music!

Have I forgotten anything?

Be a Friend to those whom are Friendless....
Sometimes, I have found that a Friend is one whom society would ostracize....
And that individual would inevitably teach me a humbling lesson....:notworthy:

If you are too haughty, you are more than likely to be wrong. Dig?

Several years ago, I met a man living under a bridge.

He had a guitar and we took turns playing our favorite songs.

Then, red lights appeared from the roadway above us!

A Sheriff's Deputy came to our campsite and said,
"Jim, A deer was hit on highway 60 about 10 minutes ago. You want it?

Well, Jim and I went into action.

We rode with the deputy to the deer and took the deer to our campsite.
Some 3 hours later, we had a fire and dinner cooking!

Yeah, I still got a newspaper article...Somewhere around here....
You really need to wonder?

I've googled, "Gives a flying fark."
And, my name didn't come up.....
Perchance, what does that say?

Deer steaks, a campfire and guitar music.
A man in the wilderness.
You ever been there?

So many things of my life that you or anyone else will ever know.....

Y'all be good to one another, and strangers....who might just become a Friend!

I am a simple man.
I turn wrenches for a living

Tomorrow, I'll turn lives.........Y'all do the same....


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Sorry Scott. I’m going to have to pull for Duke over Kansas in today’s prep for the Final Four..... my Gators lost long time ago.....[emoji16][emoji16]

Have I ever mentioned a "Jayhawk Puzzle" that I created?
It is a "mechanical perception" puzzle....
I first saw a similar puzzle when I was in the 5th grade and easily solved it.

Back when I was a Freshman at KU in 1989, I worked the Jayhawk image into the puzzle.

My Veteran Friend, Ron, who drove a bus on Campus, and I, collaborated on this "Get rich" scheme....
I still have the "UDK," (University Daily Kansan) a College newspaper, write-up of the creation.

We had to get approval from the NCCA to use the image of a Jayhawk.

We sold the puzzle in a couple of different stores in Lawrence and at KU home basketball games.
During one game, we gave a puzzle to Bob Dole and Nancy Landon Kassebaum, whom were in attendance.

I blew past security, (nothing can stop Scotty on a mission) and personally handed each a special puzzle to enjoy!

Gimme a minute and I'll find a copy of the UDK write-up....

Sadly, my Friend, "Rockin' Ron," a Viet Nam Vet, has passed....
Yet, I still have the original prototype puzzle....

I will post more info and pics soon....


Since the puzzle with two loops became mundane and too easy to hold my attention, I added another loop.

Then, when that became too easy, I added a fourth loop.
Yes, it can be done!


I'm working on it!

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Damn...Thoughts of when....
Sorry, Friends.

Looks like another night of no sleep.
And defying thoughts I shouldn't have....

I am stronger....Maybe.....

Seems like sometimes we all need a Friend....



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~S~ All: Funny but true, a robbery gone bad.

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Is it an online video or one you have on your computer?

Regards + HH


I think it’s being married Uncle Bill.....

One of my favorites!


There's another nice tune called Thank You, however, the official video has her in a rather unclothed

It's on youtube so you can view it there.

Regards + HH


Ok I found a live version of it for sharing.


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