"And, when your life is but a song, Play your heart out!
Play as you have one more chance!
Lifting the cork on a priceless special Whisky, I offer this advice....
Take it or leave it.
I don't care.
"Some will win, Some will lose...."
I am old enough to offer advice.
Play me and lose.
You want to win? Pay attention....
I will show you how to win...."
The secret, my friends of how to win is:
Be strong in your convictions.
Know what you are talking about.
Be there for others.
Protect Children, the elderly and animals.
Mentor those who need guidance.
Learn something new each day.
Ask of forgiveness daily from God.
Live as if today is your last,
Enjoy good music!
Have I forgotten anything?
Be a Friend to those whom are Friendless....
Sometimes, I have found that a Friend is one whom society would ostracize....
And that individual would inevitably teach me a humbling lesson....
If you are too haughty, you are more than likely to be wrong. Dig?
Several years ago, I met a man living under a bridge.
He had a guitar and we took turns playing our favorite songs.
Then, red lights appeared from the roadway above us!
A Sheriff's Deputy came to our campsite and said,
"Jim, A deer was hit on highway 60 about 10 minutes ago. You want it?
Well, Jim and I went into action.
We rode with the deputy to the deer and took the deer to our campsite.
Some 3 hours later, we had a fire and dinner cooking!
Yeah, I still got a newspaper article...Somewhere around here....
You really need to wonder?
I've googled, "Gives a flying fark."
And, my name didn't come up.....
Perchance, what does that say?
Deer steaks, a campfire and guitar music.
A man in the wilderness.
You ever been there?
So many things of my life that you or anyone else will ever know.....
Y'all be good to one another, and strangers....who might just become a Friend!
I am a simple man.
I turn wrenches for a living
Tomorrow, I'll turn lives.........Y'all do the same....