Talked Friday with my Supervisor about returning to the 6 pm to 2:30 am shift.
He initiated the conversation.
He is not just my Supervisor, he is a Manager. We get along pretty well...
He asked if I was ready to go back to that shift.
I told him that I had learned quite a lot since being hired. And in fact, the maintenance PM daily sheets had been greatly reduced to the point that my presence at that shift would be mostly unproductive except for occasional need for repairs during that time frame.
He nodded in agreement.
I also mentioned some of the specialty tools that I have purchased since I was hired.
I told him that I felt comfortable in any shift or time that he felt that I could be productive and beneficial to the company.
He said that it was up to him and that he could move me to straight days if I wanted.
Many different time options were bantied about...but nothing was agreed to.
I believe that any 8 hour shift that I propose would be seriously considered.
All other maintenance techs leave around 5 pm.
Perhaps if I came in at 4 pm and worked until midnight, I could learn of needed repairs from the other techs before they left and be able to perform repairs before midnight.
Think I'll propose the 4-12 shift. A "True" second shift.
Seems to be the best for all involved.
Also Friday, about 6 pm, a new employee driving a jack turned a corner too sharp and threw the 24V battery to the ground. A battery that weighs nearly a ton.
The battery hit the ground and started spilling acid on the floor.
I ran to the sight with safety traffic cones to block the path and told Tristan to get a case of baking soda to spread to neutralize the spill. I organized a response to include a forklift driver to lift the battery upright.
I was constantly aware of the safety of all involved. I provided safety glasses and gloves.
After about a half hour, it was under control and all that was left was clean-up.
After all was taken care of, I turned to Tristan and said, "Time for our break, ain't it?"
I'm certain that my response to the situation was noted....