'Twas an interesting Friday for ole Scotty.....

I went to my truck to go to work and it wouldn't start. :BangHead:

I've been having problems lately with it.
It is a 1999 Chevy S-10 stepside 5 speed.

Perhaps some of y'all can help....

When ya got a manual tranny, ya gotta engage the cluch to start it so that you don't start it in gear.

Well, at first it would only start now and then.

Then, I figured out that if I had the clutch engaged and it wouldn't start, I'd work the gear shifter from 1st to 2nd and it would start.

Today, that didn't work.

After trying for 20 minutes and cussing in every language that I know and a few that I made up, I had to call my Supervisor and said that I might not make it in.

NOT COOL while on my "probationary" period.

I kept on trying and it FINALLY started!

I hurried to work and was only 10 minutes late.

Anybody have any ideas what the problem is?
I tried "jumping" the clutch switch and it was a no go....

A fellow lift mechanic at work said something about a "synchronizer switch." :dontknow:

Anywho, the Supervisor was OK with me being only 10 minutes late because I already have nearly an hour overtime for the week.

After the accident earlier involving a jack lift, the "Kid" and myself worked hard on getting the rest of the jacks up to snuff and the Supervisor took us to lunch at Texas Roadhouse.

He said, Order what you want. You've deserved it."

I got an 8 ounce sirloin, medium rare, cheesy tater skins, a house salad, broccoli and baby carrots.

Mama always told me that hard work pays off. :thumbsup:

Monday is a Holiday but I'll certainly grab 8 hours of that time and a half at $25 an hour!

I should be able to save up a few grand in the next 4 months, with all of the Holidays, to pay cash for a NEWER TRUCK!

But, the one I drive now has to hold out till then.

All help is appreciated!

Y'all have a safe and Happy Holiday Weekend, Hear?

Best Always,



And when we got back to the facility, the roll-off compactor was smoking!


(Helpful image of a compactor unit)

We quickly got a mast lift, chained to it and dragged it away from the building.

The Plant Manager quickly was on the scene and I got hoses and hooked them up to a spigot.

We opened up the unit, a metal "dumpster" type of container about 20 feet long and weighing about 3000 pounds and started soaking the growing flames.

I was once a Volunteer Firefighter for the Sarcoxie Township Fire Department in Jefferson County, Kansas.

Within 15-20 minutes, we had the situation under control.

The Plant Manager said, "Scott, I think you'll fit in just fine here."

That statement made me feel good.

Sometimes, little things that people say can make your whole day! :headbang:



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Hmm,ignition to starter.....Key switch ,fast or slow twist to start can matter on a worn switch.
Clutch switch allows power ( when working) to solenoid on starter.

I put multiple starters in my old S-10. ( Automatic tranny and older than yours,year not recalled) and you have about a half a millimeter clearance to remove the starter ,after manipulating it with bolts out...

See if the admin response to this guy makes any sense...


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Ah, I appreciate your help, but the link/site won't come up for me...

The starter seems to be strong....

I'm fairly certain that it is something electrical, which always is beyond my understanding.....

Also, my horn doesn't work.

I've checked all my fuses and they are OK.

I've also got a light on the dash that says, "Security."

At one time, it caused me to wait about 15 minutes before it went out before I could start the truck.

It now goes out quickly, leading me to think it is not a problem.

I don't have a "VATS" system or a chip key.
I think I have a "Pass" system.


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Ah, I appreciated your help, but the link/site won't come up for meThe starter seems to be strong....


A flat spot in a starter can give you fits though. Playing with your shifter on a manual should not change clutch switch...On a worn ( slammed into reverse at 50 m.p.h. ) automatic I had ,pulling away from park ,or neutral just enough for a small offset allowed cranking. The plunger on your manual ( clutch switch )is activated by the clutch pedal though.

The admin wrote ,( 1991 s-10) with test light on purple solenoid wire ,if it lights when trying to start then the solenoid is bad. ( He did not mention you still want a light there ,to allow power to start ,right? As in ,power is making it through entire circuit ,but not being used by solenoid.)
And with a bad solenoid ,might as well replace the starter if it has been awhile.

After which he wrote ,if you do not have power to solenoid when trying to start, check for current at clutch switch.

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I put a voltmeter on the clutch switch with the power on and hit the ignition start and got no power registered.

Other than that, I'm lost.

I leave the key in the ignition and I'm thinking of placing a sign on the windshield saying,
"If you can start this POS, you can have it."


And, sometimes, It will hit a lick and start right up. (rarely) Go figure.....:icon_scratch:

A reason that I haven't went camping for awhile.
Don't want to be stranded in the wilderness....

Well, yeah.....
Like this weekend! Sheesh!

I still got a new tent that I want to use!

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I put a voltmeter on the clutch switch with the power on and hit the ignition start and got no power registered.

Other than that, I'm lost.

I leave the key in the ignition and I'm thinking of placing a sign on the windshield saying,
"If you can start this POS, you can have it."


Park it on a hill and someone might!

Not sure what side of switch you are checking.....
If you had the clutch in ,and the clutch switch plunger was depressed ,and no power went through switch ,the clutch switch is suspect. ( IF power is making it to the " upstream"/ before the switch side of switch).

If no power is making it to ( not through) the switch ,it is either in the ignition switch ,or in a security system switch ,or alarm switch.
I've no idea what system circuits you have on your model.

Or when to sing ding dong the switch is dead....

Gettin crosseyed..but you replaced the battery a while back?
Might double check that it is up to snuff before chasing ghost's through switches ,just in case the alternator or a field coil or something is not keeping battery charged fully.

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Park it on a hill and someone might!

Not sure what side of switch you are checking.....
If you had the clutch in ,and the clutch switch plunger was depressed ,and no power went through switch ,the clutch switch is suspect. ( IF power is making it to the " upstream"/ before the switch side of switch).

If no power is making it to ( not through) the switch ,it is either in the ignition switch ,or in a security system switch ,or alarm switch.
I've no idea what system circuits you have on your model.

Or when to sing ding dong the switch is dead....

Gettin crosseyed..but you replaced the battery a while back?
Might double check that it is up to snuff before chasing ghost's through switches ,just in case the alternator or a field coil or something is not keeping battery charged fully.


Thank you for your post.
It certainly reduced my stress...

"Ding dong the switch is dead...."


Only you could have provided that line! :headbang:

Be Well, my Friend!


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And now, I will provide a commentary.....
As an American, A Veteran and a Wolf Pack Member.....

Ya know, sometimes people disagree. I understand that.
But when it comes to Americans in need, there can be no disagreement. Dig?
When the Liberals step up to help, when the conservatives help, aren't we all Americans?
Screw BLM. Al Sharpton, and that ilk.
They only jump to the occasion to spread their hate.

Isn't there enough hate in your life and mine to show love and compassion?
Aren't you tired of the crap spewed by those who try to divide this great country?

Be one to reject the message of hate and divisiveness and show the true
Spirit of America; that of Unity, Compassion and Love.

Regardless of political affiliation, let's come together and make America the greatest nation on this planet!


And, as I type my thoughts tonight, my candle grows short....
Hopefully, my desires for humanity will transpire into your soul and thus live.....

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My Landlord is away this weekend racing in North Carolina.

That means I get to look after his kitties!

You know that I love cats, right?
View attachment 1489800

Otis knows......


I've learned a lot from cats... Like not giving a damn....Dig?

Fight when I have to, love when I can.....

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Now I'm confused....

A truck or a 12 string electric Ovation guitar?

I've had quandaries before and always chose correctly,

But, now?

Perhaps both?

I see a lot of over time in my future.....


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I have been mentoring the Kid lately.

Today I told him what my Mom told me....

If you REALLY want something,
Don't fall for a payment plan.
Don't take a loan.
Don't ask Friends and relatives for money.

Save up and pay cash. You will appreciate it more!

I have much to teach.

I don't talk down to him.
I talk to him as a big Brother.

His Father died when he was young.
His Mother is a drug addict.

He has no one to look up to....

Can I be the influence of his Mother and Father?

Can I show him the way?
I hope that my teachings are true.....

If I choose to help, it will be difficult....
He is headstrong in his ways....yet he cries silently for help....

Yeah, I have chosen to be there for him.

I will do my best.


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My sleep is now awaiting.

As one who lives virtuously while awake,
I now shall enjoy peaceful slumber.

At least, that's how it should work, right?

Good night, my Friends.


Ah, Dang!

Just got a message from a Friend about a .357 S&W wheel for sale.

Price is right.

I said, "Talk to you tomorrow. Hold on to it till then."


Truck, guitar or gun.

Don't do this to Scotty, Please!

I want them all!



I'm leaning towards the wheel....:headbang:

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Well it's all a matter of need a truck for transportation to get to work so that's the number one priority.

The pistol and guitar are both nice to have items but if you have no means of transportation you can't earn the money to buy them down the road.

Regards + HH


Now I'm confused....

A truck or a 12 string electric Ovation guitar?

I've had quandaries before and always chose correctly,

But, now?

Perhaps both?

I see a lot of over time in my future.....


Well, you can make noise with a truck,or a guitar,or a wheelgun...

Paying cash as a method of delayed gratification can be good ,if it fits short and long term goals of what YOU need vs what you want.
Occasional " treats " are not a crime,but do cut into savings goals.

Champagne on a beer budget you are likely familiar with all ready as a budget busting technique.

You have to figure priorities.
Having a working guitar in hand might suggest holding out on the Ovation longer.
I'd be fixing the truck while looking for a deal on it's replacement.
A good price on the S.&W. we know will hold it's value better than many things.

Hey,I found a good price on a tractor about an hour and a half away......Been fighting the urge to go look ,but would want to touch it ; then of course drive it ,then....

.Huh, don't come up now on the link,must have sold? Psheew,that saved me money.
I know of another though.....Must refrain,must refrain.

Ohh,it's still listed....I better quit browsing....

Good luck ( planning) Scott!

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Well I'm bored to death. Nothing gets my adrenaline up like it use to be...... so I'm looking into paramotor flying Hooty hoo

I put a voltmeter on the clutch switch with the power on and hit the ignition start and got no power registered.

Other than that, I'm lost.

I leave the key in the ignition and I'm thinking of placing a sign on the windshield saying,
"If you can start this POS, you can have it."


And, sometimes, It will hit a lick and start right up. (rarely) Go figure.....:icon_scratch:

A reason that I haven't went camping for awhile.
Don't want to be stranded in the wilderness....

Well, yeah.....
Like this weekend! Sheesh!

I still got a new tent that I want to use!

Have you had the battery disconnected for a long period of time. If so, the computer needs to be unlocked by turning the ignition switch to the on position but do not hit start. Do it three times and each time leave it there for thirty seconds to a minute. The fourth time hit the ignition to the start position. It should start and not fail to start unless you disconnect the battery again for a long period of time. I hope this helps.

After reading more of your post. You may have battery terminals that needed cleaning and put some grease on them. Or it could be a small solenoid that bolts on the side of the starter. If no solenoid then you definitely have a loose wire or connection. Check the battery wire to the starter and make sure it is tight. Other than that. I wish you luck.

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