
Sweet Home Chicago - The White House All Stars.



Sorry I missed sending you Birthday Wishes.

I've been pretty busy lately....

Hope it was a Fine Day for you, my Friend!

Hoping for many more to come!

Best Wishes,


The two Facebook Groups that I moderate have been extremely taxing lately.
(Between the two groups, there are over 36,000 members.
Oh, and did I mention that I started a new group of my own? AND I work Full time!)

Seems like I'm doing ALL of the work.

Wait, I AM doing all of the work!

The Administrators haven't performed any actions for weeks.

I'm doing all of the approving requests to join, denying requests to join, removing posts, banning people and getting cussed daily.

Guess I'm doing a good job....:icon_scratch:

The message that I sent to the Director of Personnel at work, concerning safety, was replied to thus:

Thank you for your feedback Scott.
These are great suggestions and I will pass them along to our safety committee and not reveal the source.
We should have processes similar to this in place with a lock out/tag out system but need to follow up with disciplinary actions.

Thank you,

Jana Simpson

I was assigned on Monday by my Supervisor to make a "Station" to report maintenance safety issues and to mount a "Lockout/Tagout" board with locks and tags.
Perhaps a "squeaky wheel" got greased?
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A response from my Academic adviser to my recent message was this:

Hi Scott,

I’m glad that things are going well for you—both in terms of an external job and a possible volunteer position in your chosen field of work.

I will be able to help you to some extent. The limits will be that I am familiar with psychology and not Human Services. Just for the record, we do not have a bachelors in Social Work. Closely related, however, we have a bachelors in Human Services. The professors that I know in Human Services are nice (although I do not know all the professors in their program).

Just as a heads-up, unless UNG has changed its policy, the policy was that a student did not have to re-apply for admission if they had been out of school for a year or less. If a student has not been enrolled for over a year, then they do have to re-apply. You will (of course) need to change your major to bachelors in Human Services (in Banner).

Maybe I’ll see you next semester?

I just replied....

Thank you for your reply.

I will have to re-evaluate my priorities as far as which Bachelor's Degree that I will seek to best compliment my passion. I have chosen to stay in the Gainesville area, for the time being, and try to further my education and experience here because of my affection towards UNG, the contacts that I have made professionally and as Friends, and my love of the mountains for brief respites to sojourn with Nature.

Based upon your reply, it appears that I'll look into options that you mentioned.
Knowing my passion, as I'm certain that you do, what path of courses would you suggest?

Always my Best Wishes for Health and Happiness,

Scott Xxxxxx

So, as one can see, I've been pretty busy!

Hope all are well!


And, I still have time for my guitar!

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I've just upped the ante...

I replied to the Director of Personnel thus:


I have held positions of management in the past that included completion of Management Development Training, Co-Chair of a Safety Committee, Team Captain of a "Quality Improvement Program," coordinated in-service training programs and was responsible for 5 monthly budgets.
If these skills would be beneficial to Xxxxxxxx, I would like to discuss my potential to contribute in any capacity that I can.

Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx

Let's see where this goes, shall we?


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And, the "Kid" I spoke of?

I'll take a lunch in tomorrow for both him and me.

He hasn't had food to eat for lunch since I've worked with him.

I cooked a couple of cheeseburgers tonight and will take some chips and a couple of colas.

Of course, I'll use the moment for mentoring. :coffee2:

I see potential here....:headbang:



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Sometimes I forget my age.

I'm nearly 60 years old. With the soul of a child....

Some days, I feel like I'm still 20.


I have pain in my hands. Arthritis?
I have pain in my shoulder. Arthritis again?
Let's not talk about my knees.....

I'm always tired.
I always love "Bedtime."
Except for the dreams.....

But, I'm always strong. I'm always ready.
And I'm always there for Veterans and my Friends.
Now then.
Where's my aspirin? :tongue3:

Hope that all age gracefully. Like me.

Be Well, my Friends!


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"Watch this! Scott is close to "Burn-out."

"And, You fool. You know Damn good and well that Scott will WIN! He always does"

"Like I said, Watch this."

"I got money on Scotty. He Will Win!"

My, it's late, again.....
Time to plan my winning strategy once more.

I got this! Dig?


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When the government restricts guns, the government restricts Freedom.

Support the Second Amendment!


Yeah, come take my weapons?
I got something for you. Come get ya some......
Remember, day or night, I never sleep.....waiting for you.

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Go Scott Go!

I been workin real hard. O.k., so maybe not workin too hard.
Seen Yore Dobbin has though...At 69 still capable.
Ahh ,the sights sounds and smells,and the taste of dust on occasion.
Rye is seeded in part of the field ,waiting for rain.

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How's everyone tonight?
Hope all is well!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


"Watch this! Scott is close to "Burn-out."

"And, You fool. You know Damn good and well that Scott will WIN! He always does"

"Like I said, Watch this."

"I got money on Scotty. He Will Win!"

My, it's late, again.....
Time to plan my winning strategy once more.

I got this! Dig?


Scott, don't feel too bad. Most days my knee is sore from my injuring it roller blading (wife made me do it!) and now I have some serious shoulder and mid back pain. I over worked myself and now I can't get rid of this pain. It's been about three weeks now and it's so bad at night I only sleep in short stages now until the pain wakes me up.
I researched it on the web and I think I've injured my rotator cuff...not good. In stubborn but I think a dr visit is inevitable on this one...and I'm only 39!!!!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


Better get the doc to check you fun when the aches keep you from sleeping.

Regards + HH



Isabella Manfredi & Stephen Cummings - Baby Blue.



Better get the doc to check you fun when the aches keep you from sleeping.

Regards + HH


Yeah it's going to be another long night.

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


Muddy Waters & Rolling Stones - Baby please don't go.

Regards + HH



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Dark end of the street - Tedeschi Trucks band.


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