bill from lachine
Platinum Member
Tim Rogers + Vika Bull - Gimme shelter.
Tim Rogers + Vika Bull - Gimme shelter.
Umm.... what if you knew someone that got in trouble ...spent some time in the "slammer"
Would your feelings towards said individual be influenced?
As promised here are some pictures of our gardening efforts.
I have 4 other pictures but I was given a message that the file was to large to upload I'll see if I can sneak in some more later.
In any event along the fence on the right the first plant is a black raspberry and behind that several red currant bushes and some more along the back fence we made something like 25 8 ounce jars of jelly with them this season.
In the front to the left of the berries are yellow bush beans and some swiss chard and behind in 3 different boxes we have 19 tomato plants which are starting to produce.
And my wife is in the hospital. A week ago she had injections for migraines. For a week she's complained of chest pain. I begged her to see her primary care and she did today and he put her in the hospital today.......... more to follow
Worked with a guy years ago...He would get weeks and sometimes months behind in cashing checks. The payroll lady would get upset. She told him he was messing up the books.Which made me wonder? Hmmmm Maybe they don't have much money to cover checks! I better runa nd get mine cashed before he cashes his!!!!!
Any advice on "fine grinding" my habeneros?