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Scott he doesn't like sushi, but I make up for that. Last night was insane...... I couldn't sleep ( what's new?) at 0250 my wife busts out of the bedroom and I'm watching tv, she says "an animal is dying outside our window " HUH? I grabbed my flashlight went outback, 11 y/o grabbed my arm " I don't want you out there poppa" and about an hour later I saw it, screaming in the tree....... a darn bobcat!!!!!!! Oh yes I gave it space and finally dozed off....... hehe! Have you ever heard a bobcat scream? SCARY...... for an 11 y/o. Haha
I experienced Bobcat noises this summer for the first time. We have one on our property where we camp. To give you an idea, the closest house is about a half mile from where we camp, other than that? There is nothing for a few miles. Not real remote, but good enough to have a thousand acres or so around with no people.
We camp up there with no fire or lights most nights. We have flashlights handy, but would much rather sit and talk in the moonlight. We sleep in a back of a truck with some blankets. We don't use a tent right now, just because it's much easier to keep track of our son. He is so curious and really has no fear! You give him a chance he will run straight in the woods in pitch dark!!!! He listens pretty good but is lightening fast!!!
Anyhow, middle of the night, her and I are sitting behind the truck in the dark....And something screamed in the woods, Like it was fighting or warning something! We tripped over each other trying to get in the back of the truck!!!!!!!!

That was on one of our first trips up. We were jumping at every noise. Now? We just sit and listen and got over the fear. I camped a lot in Ohio, When you change areas? It's all new noises.
We also heard a growl? type noise that was deep and airy(if that makes sense) it was big! You could hear the air behind it. They tell us there are no bears in that area, but I'm not so sure. I've heard dear scream and grunt, but this noise was something I've never heard in the woods. Her first words were..."thats a bear"!
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