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Just happened to think of a University production that I was involved in as a "right spotlight"
Back in the 70's....

Twas a production of.....
"Annie, Get Your Gun!"


My High School English Teacher was a director, and, well,

One of my favorite spotlight chores was this scene........

I LOVE Theater!


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Ya know, Since
I communicated with my Congressman and President Trump,
My computer is whacked....

What can this mean?

Y'all be careful!


Here's a crazy Canuck gal who tried sky diving to give you a bit of encouragement.

I did my first solo jump with these guys about 10 years ago, and absolutely loved it!

Y'all still up?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!!!


Nice of you to drop by.

Regards + HH


Thanks Bill,

I just sort of stumbled across this site.

I'm guessing it had been mentioned elsewhere before, but sometimes I can miss the obvious. LOL.......


The sky diving video is pretty tame compared to this

This is Yves "Jetman" Rossy soaring over Rio with his customized jetpack....enjoy and go full screen.


Stopped by the local grocery store this evening for some bread and milk.
I parked and as I was walking toward the store, I noticed 2 guys walking out and one was carrying one of those hand baskets provided to customers for just a few items.
I thought, "How odd..."
I noticed that the items in the hand basket weren't "bagged."
I then saw them put the hand basket in the back of the truck and start to drive away.
I walked towards them and said, "Hey, Buddy...."

They started to peel out and I got the tag number.

I then walked up to the customer service counter and reported what I saw.

The clerk took the info and my name and phone number and said that surveillance video would be examined.


Possibly I will be contacted by the police soon about this incident for my statement....




Glad you did the right you I try to do the right thing and always pay my own way.

I was speaking to a young black guy about 25 years old or so a few weeks ago when on the bus who came from a rough background....lots of people he knew and grew up with were selling hard drugs, stealing, members of street gangs, etc....and he said he managed somehow to distance himself from the bad influences in his life.

He has a good job with UPS and wants to go back to school to get an advanced education.....I congratulated him on the direction he was headed in and told him I try not to be judgemental and pretty much the best advice I could give him is to follow his internal moral compass and the reality check would be if he does the right thing he should be able to look in the mirror in the morning and not be ashamed of his behavior.

Regards + HH


My first thought was that they were stealing the hand basket.
But when I noticed the items weren't bagged, I knew the loss was probably more.
Could have easily been over $100 of steaks in that basket!

I am always aware of my surroundings and having been in Law Enforcement (Military Police),
and have been armed security as a civilian, not much escapes my observation....

I then asked the clerk (shift manager) if they were hiring.
I said that I'm good at "loss prevention!"

She said, "YES!"

Perhaps I'll apply....



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Good for you.

I guess that's the part of the equation I forgot to mention to the young fella.....when you do the right thing it tends to give off good karma which comes back to repay you in one form or another.

Regards + HH


Whether it is called "karma" or "serendipity,"

I believe that when one does good, one is repaid with good. Eventually.

Not just for altruistic desires, but because the idea of doing good was instilled in me as a child by my Mom.

Now then, if you like a jazz riff and like the bass guitar,
Please enjoy this tune, called,

My Best Wishes,



A story of "doing good" as a child....

When I was perhaps 7 or 8, I was a voracious reader.

I could always be found in the school library and during the summer, I always had certificates from the city library for reading.

During High school, I was also a library assistant...

Anyway, when I was just a kid, I had read about the Secret Service and learned about counterfeit money.

One day I got a nickel that didn't sound right when I dropped it on the counter.

I was SURE that it was counterfeit!

I made my Mom take me to the police station to turn it in!

We met with a police officer and he looked it over and said,
"It's genuine and it's a nickel from WWII when they were made with silver, It's worth at least a quarter."

Well, Friends, a nickel worth a quarter?
I've been hooked on coin collecting ever since!



And, seems that my life stories fail to gain appreciation...

Guess I'll scrap the shoot-out story.

Yet, it involves a stripper, and my help to her life.......

He had a .32 auto and I had a .38 S&W wheel....

Looks like I won....though I was hit....
No charges were filed, though.....
'Nuff said....
Last I heard, she was attending college!


And I don't even remember her name.....



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When life is hard, and the future is demanding,
You must surrender!


Fight on!

Fire your rounds!
That's why we carry., Dig...

Be a survivor!
You either win or you perish....
I choose to win!
How 'bout you?

Even though I've caught a shot, I'm still playing it forward! And I'm still here as a winner!

And I still carry...Feel me?

Dig the jam!


Yeah, Stories of my past....

You have no idea.....

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Here's a mellow song to enjoy....

Perhaps when blood is spilled, and we are on the front line, we shall seek a safe place in the mountains,
I'll be your lead....
Follow me....
We will live!


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CQ again? Nah..Reality this time!
In Defense of America and our Freedoms!

I'm here all night!

"Halt! Who goes there?"

Protecting our Security all night!

Always thinking like a soldier....


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And ,
An advanced College degree where?



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And soon,
I will jump again....

This time for pleasure.

In a week or two....

I am charging my camera battery....

See y'all soon!

Let's do this!


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