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Here's a song that describes really well how I feel everyday at the end of the day...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I've not been well. I've been in the hospital a couple days but home now. If you even remotely think you hear the word gather that split tailed gown around you and as fast as you can you head to the nearest swamp!!!!!! Hahaha. I had to say that , but isn't all my worries. I love everybody. Take care of each one. Take the time to chase the butterflies.......if we live to be 60 years old......what's 60 years? Like I told my troubled daughter just last night as she was screaming in another of her rages at 33 years old...... I asked her to please stop living in yesterday, we aren't promised tomorrow. Don't be miserable your whole life and blame the world or me and your mother. I became so enraged at her because as best as we could life was handed to her. Everyone knows my story. Became successful. But it must be this generation of instant gratification. NOW. Why is it called an IPhone, an IPAD......selfishness. What happened to the whole family sitting down to the table and having dinner together ???? I thought long and hard and tired of my daughter wasting away. I have now lost 52 friends over the course of 34 years 30 years AD......... Let that sink in....... I walked into my daughters bedroom an our ago and I said " I want you to do yourself a favor......I want you to write your own obituary. Because that's where your headed" then I came outside with her kids and watched them play in the pool. She don't. She spends 23 hours a day in the bed. Tough love? I'm i an *******? Don't care nothing seems to motivate her....... And now I find myself some kinda sick, but I've always taken the chase the butterflies.


Hang in there buddy hopefully things will take a turn for the better.

Regards + HH


Forward all!
Tomorrow will be a beautiful day , if we appreciate this evening.
2 G.F. , don't plug the (cold) shower drain with that bucket of sand.8-)

Scott: do you have an appointment?

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As you can see I can't sleep. So the 10 y/o just asked me a question " grandpa yesterday and the other day can it be a week? " I said compared to what he said tomorrow !!!!! Have no idea what we just said but we are laughing so hard it hurts !!!!!!

TGF, remember the best love is often tough love; for to be an enabler is the exact opposite of love...

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

I've not been well. I've been in the hospital a couple days but home now. If you even remotely think you hear the word gather that split tailed gown around you and as fast as you can you head to the nearest swamp!!!!!! Hahaha. I had to say that , but isn't all my worries. I love everybody. Take care of each one. Take the time to chase the butterflies.......if we live to be 60 years old......what's 60 years? Like I told my troubled daughter just last night as she was screaming in another of her rages at 33 years old...... I asked her to please stop living in yesterday, we aren't promised tomorrow. Don't be miserable your whole life and blame the world or me and your mother. I became so enraged at her because as best as we could life was handed to her. Everyone knows my story. Became successful. But it must be this generation of instant gratification. NOW. Why is it called an IPhone, an IPAD......selfishness. What happened to the whole family sitting down to the table and having dinner together ???? I thought long and hard and tired of my daughter wasting away. I have now lost 52 friends over the course of 34 years 30 years AD......... Let that sink in....... I walked into my daughters bedroom an our ago and I said " I want you to do yourself a favor......I want you to write your own obituary. Because that's where your headed" then I came outside with her kids and watched them play in the pool. She don't. She spends 23 hours a day in the bed. Tough love? I'm i an *******? Don't care nothing seems to motivate her....... And now I find myself some kinda sick, but I've always taken the chase the butterflies.

Brother, PM me!

My constant thoughts for you, Brother.

"The love of a Brother,
There is no other!"



As you can see I can't sleep. So the 10 y/o just asked me a question " grandpa yesterday and the other day can it be a week? " I said compared to what he said tomorrow !!!!! Have no idea what we just said but we are laughing so hard it hurts !!!!!!

Perhaps it is similar to when I was about 7-8 years old.
At that time, according to my Pap, I was to become an Electrical Engineer.

I thought, "Cool! I like Trains! I wanna be an Engineer!"

A friend of my Pap came to visit one evening.

He brought me a candy bar!

My Pap put it in the drawer.

I asked, "When can I have it?" He said, "Later."

I bugged the hell out of him to define, "Later."

After about 30 minutes of this, he gave me the candy bar and said, "That's the longest later ever."




Forward all!
Tomorrow will be a beautiful day , if we appreciate this evening.
2 G.F. , don't plug the (cold) shower drain with that bucket of sand.8-)

Scott: do you have an appointment?


Meeting Dr. Panda. Check.
Nurturing the locksmith account. Check.

The VA?

Perhaps next week?

I woke early today, (again) to hopefully make "sun tea."
It rained all day. ;(

I should have been Camping.

At least I didn't have to cut the grass today....



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Perhaps I have learned the lesson of patience again today..... The hard way....


Perhaps I have learned the lesson of patience again today..... The hard way....


Yes, this is a lesson in always getting better at. I'm way more patient today vs ten years ago!
Hopefully your latest lesson didn't cost you any money!

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Speaking of lessons, the older I get the more spending money gives me a sick, sick feeling. Perhaps a lesson to be learned here for me?

Sent from a spun out toilet paper tube (one ply)!

Remember when I sent an email to Senator Butch Miller concerning Veteran "Cold War" tags for vehicles?

Got a reply to wit:


Thank you for your email. I am going to have my staff look into this and help me get
some direction on this. I will get you an update sometime next week. I am copying my
assistant on this message, she is my go to on things like this. Always happy to help,
good to hear from you.

Kind regards,

Butch Miller
Senator, District 49
Governor's Floor Leader
115 State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334


Hope all have been well.



Original message:

Honorable Butch Miller:


In a recent conversation with Bill Kokaly, of Congressman Collin's office, I inquired
about "Cold War Veteran" license tags. He recommended that I should contact you
for possible assistance in the creation of a "Georgia Cold War" tag.

I am an Honorably Discharged US Army MP Vet. I just received my Associates Degree in
Psychology at the University of North Georgia and will continue towards a Bachelors
Degree to work with returning Vets who may have problems readjusting to civilian life.

I currently have the "generic" Veteran tag.
I strongly believe that having served during the "Cold War," we are the Vets
who kept America FROM a war.
Shouldn't we receive the same Honor of our Service as the specific other license tags
currently available?

I appreciate your response as to how we can see this become a reality.

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx
PO Box xxxx
Gainesville, GA 30503

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Just replied thus:

Honorable Butch Miller,

Thank you for your reply.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for assistance on this goal, whether a petition
drive is required, a personal meeting to further discuss the issues or even an appearance
before a Senate Committee to petition this cause.

I have stood behind America with my Service, I stand behind you with my Vote and I always
stand behind our Vets and current Service Members with my passion.

My Best Wishes,

Scott Xxxxxx
PO Box xxxx
Gainesville, GA




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Having just posted a coupla-three new items on ebay,
I notice one of ya Critters follow me there! :notworthy:

(Please bid! My truck isn't even worth stealing. IF it even starts....)

Anything you want me to list for sale?
(A webpage that I created awhile back as a College Project....)

(you get an idea of the items available...)

I've also updated my ebay profile. :thumbsup:

Because the Landlord had a "roll-off" dumpster delivered to the driveway.

Seems that we both have much to shed. NOW!

AH! I hear the clang of his contributions now!

Less to travel with.

Perhaps merely one suitcase?

Full of money?

When I do move, I may end up "Off the Grid."


Homesteading. I like the idea! :thumbsup:


"I like feeding chicks in the yard and the smell of Nature in my life, so sweet;
Living life simply. This Life you just can't beat."©

Best Wishes,


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A melancholy evening tonight and I see rain and hear thunder outside of my door in North Georgia...

And, I think of my Friends...

Here and throughout the world....

Meine besten Wünsche!


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