I saw a documentary on geniuses, very interesting, it appears that the majority of us are actually born with genius level IQ's but for whatever reason we spend the rest of our developing years dumming ourselves down. As kids my brother and I tested as having genius level IQ's, we got to take all kinds of extra placement type tests for our schools, turns out they got extra funding somehow for having "smart kids". I never really fit the mold or followed the path of my "expected potential", in fact I've always refered to myself as a "genius level underachiever". Not that I don't like using my brain, I'm an info junkie, if I'm not learning I'm not happy. I've just never been able to picture myself devoted to one specific task or discipline. I'm all over the place, for instance ever since Dieselram posted that sailing youtube link I can't get enough, I've been stuffing my brain learning everything I can about sailing and sailboats, and the logistics of living aboard and going around the world. Next week it might be model rocketry, I can't help it, it's a big world with lots to learn. Needless to say I have never been bored in my life, I can keep myself entertained indefinitely, and it doesn't take much to do it.
A familiar scenario for me, also....
When I was in the second grade, they came around with those test for the 5th and 6th graders.
They had a few tests set aside for younger students to take, that they requested of the Principal to choose.
I was chosen.
I placed in the top 2%.
Including the 5th and 6th graders!
When word got out, I was ruined socially.....
Immediately, my Parents were called to the school.
It was suggested that I be advanced a grade or two....
While my Dad sat with his mouth open, wondering how his little boy could warrant such a School meeting and what it all meant,
My Mom sat forward in her chair and said, "NO!!"
I don't remember much else of the conversation, but I was introduced to an additional "curriculum" for a while after that.
I always finished this extra work early and often found myself bored. And finding ways to get into trouble....
It turns out that I could have Graduated High School nearly 2 years early, but WHY?!?
Can't be a Soldier until you're 18!
Best Wishes,
Remember these?
(Additional thought: The composition of this photograph, though simple enough, through placement, angle, background, lighting...etc...will keep you looking at it beyond a simple glance. To me, it has meaning....
If you appreciate images and such....
I certainly do!
