
Seems as though when I post, whether it is clues, observations or just humor....

The thread grows quiet....:icon_scratch:

I'm sure that no one wants the clues to be tainted, and certainly I appreciate your concerns of such,


Let me say that no one will get special clues of the Tube.

I repeat: NO ONE!

I still have yet to determine the final location and no one knows where it will be.
Not even me!

I have this summer to travel and will have the tube with me.

When it feels right,
That's where it will be.


So, don't be afraid to post because of the Tube, Dig! :thumbsup:



Yeah, The Tube grows in contents!

I try to let the thread run and not interupt for a few so as not to detract from the clues or point. That and lately between the recovery from surgery and the realization that like Santa and the Easter Bunny the basic believes I've held about my country have all been an illusion. Pretty depressed and feeling like I've been played like a fool. Like I said in another thread- I think I handled finding out the realities of Xmas and Easter as a 9 or 10 year old better than I'm handling this. I will never again tell another soul that if they don't vote they don't have a right to bit-- and I'll never say as long as we have the power of the vote we hold the power over our government- I despise lying to people so I won't do it. Good news is surgery so far was succesful so the replacement of the replacement was a good thing.


When I heard this little girl sing it gave me goosebumps and apparently the judges thought the same as they gave her a pass to the final competition without going through the usual elimination rounds....quite the special talent.

Regards + HH


She obviously was well trained years ago....

What I have learned thus far, from hours of study, psychologically, is that youth have a greater ability to be "Prodigies....."


"OK. Prodigy this, Kids.....
"I got Freakin' Finals comin' up. I got Online exercises due. I got a damned Power Point to finish...
Not to mention yardwork. Where's "scissorhands" when ya need him, Huh"

Humma, Humma, Shi*"

{Get 'er done, Scott, I know that you will.}

Thanks, Rodney!



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The surprising thing is she has zero training she just checked videos on youtube and is self taught go figure.

Regards + HH


She obviously was well trained years ago....

What I have learned thus far, from hours of study, psychologically, is that youth have a greater ability to be "Prodigies....."


"OK. Prodigy this...
"I got Freakin' Finals comin' up. I got Online exercises due. I got a damned Power Point to finish...

Humma, Humma, Shi*"

{Get 'er done, Scott, I know that you will.}




I try to let the thread run and not interupt for a few so as not to detract from the clues or point. That and lately between the recovery from surgery and the realization that like Santa and the Easter Bunny the basic believes I've held about my country have all been an illusion. Pretty depressed and feeling like I've been played like a fool. Like I said in another thread- I think I handled finding out the realities of Xmas and Easter as a 9 or 10 year old better than I'm handling this. I will never again tell another soul that if they don't vote they don't have a right to bit-- and I'll never say as long as we have the power of the vote we hold the power over our government- I despise lying to people so I won't do it. Good news is surgery so far was succesful so the replacement of the replacement was a good thing.

Glad to hear the surgery was a success!!!


The surprising thing is she has zero training she just checked videos on youtube and is self taught go figure.

Regards + HH



I believe that if an investigation was conducted,
There would be evidence of training, Just sayin'.....
Just look at the people in the wings. Who are they?




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I saw a documentary on geniuses, very interesting, it appears that the majority of us are actually born with genius level IQ's but for whatever reason we spend the rest of our developing years dumming ourselves down. As kids my brother and I tested as having genius level IQ's, we got to take all kinds of extra placement type tests for our schools, turns out they got extra funding somehow for having "smart kids". I never really fit the mold or followed the path of my "expected potential", in fact I've always refered to myself as a "genius level underachiever". Not that I don't like using my brain, I'm an info junkie, if I'm not learning I'm not happy. I've just never been able to picture myself devoted to one specific task or discipline. I'm all over the place, for instance ever since Dieselram posted that sailing youtube link I can't get enough, I've been stuffing my brain learning everything I can about sailing and sailboats, and the logistics of living aboard and going around the world. Next week it might be model rocketry, I can't help it, it's a big world with lots to learn. Needless to say I have never been bored in my life, I can keep myself entertained indefinitely, and it doesn't take much to do it.

When I cross the stage, as a Graduate, I'll shout,

"Got 'er Done!"



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I try to let the thread run and not interupt for a few so as not to detract from the clues or point. That and lately between the recovery from surgery and the realization that like Santa and the Easter Bunny the basic believes I've held about my country have all been an illusion. Pretty depressed and feeling like I've been played like a fool. Like I said in another thread- I think I handled finding out the realities of Xmas and Easter as a 9 or 10 year old better than I'm handling this. I will never again tell another soul that if they don't vote they don't have a right to bit-- and I'll never say as long as we have the power of the vote we hold the power over our government- I despise lying to people so I won't do it. Good news is surgery so far was succesful so the replacement of the replacement was a good thing.

Detract away fowledup..
We circle back after we get tangled up ..usually.

Good to read of your surgery success.

There is some good in this country yet.
It may not be overwhelming or run you over everyday but it still exists. In some of the land itself still , and in many of it's people.
Little on T.V. mainstream or in politics though.

When I cross the stage, as a Graduate, I'll shout,

"Got 'er Done!"



And then?

"Scott, my lad, surely you have aspirations of your future..."

"What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I know that I will fight for Seniors, Children, the Handicapped, Animals, America and our Veterans."

"Any Questions?"


"Yeah, I gotta cause, baby. "Cause I'm alive and can make a difference, Dig?"





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There is some good in this country yet.
It may not be overwhelming or run you over everyday but it still exists. In some of the land itself still , and in many of it's people.
Little on T.V. mainstream or in politics though.

Agreed, it's the people and places that made and continue to make this country what it is. Contrary to what the politicians and power brokers would have us believe, I know better than to let the energy sucking POS talking heads get to me, but alas at times they do.

I saw a documentary on geniuses, very interesting, it appears that the majority of us are actually born with genius level IQ's but for whatever reason we spend the rest of our developing years dumming ourselves down. As kids my brother and I tested as having genius level IQ's, we got to take all kinds of extra placement type tests for our schools, turns out they got extra funding somehow for having "smart kids". I never really fit the mold or followed the path of my "expected potential", in fact I've always refered to myself as a "genius level underachiever". Not that I don't like using my brain, I'm an info junkie, if I'm not learning I'm not happy. I've just never been able to picture myself devoted to one specific task or discipline. I'm all over the place, for instance ever since Dieselram posted that sailing youtube link I can't get enough, I've been stuffing my brain learning everything I can about sailing and sailboats, and the logistics of living aboard and going around the world. Next week it might be model rocketry, I can't help it, it's a big world with lots to learn. Needless to say I have never been bored in my life, I can keep myself entertained indefinitely, and it doesn't take much to do it.

I just watched a video, lecture, whatever you want to call it that said for the most part, most people can raise their IQ, We tend to stay away from the things we don't care to learn. Even though most anyone can learn anything if they want. It was really interesting stuff, and above my head.:laughing7:

I wanted to be in Mensa at one time, but I forgot to sign my name! Well? that and my IQ was too low, but I won't mention that! :laughing7:

Can't say I didn't try!

View attachment 1301627

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Ya gotta believe me!

I was there! :tongue3:



And now would be a good time to analyze this post for clues, don't you think?

Honest Abe.
A trait that we expect in our leaders....

What is the 16th President's association with Kentucky and why is he depicted on an
Illinois State Quarter?

And how am I related to him?
(Quick answer: Through insanity.)



Head start?
Perhaps.... :dontknow:



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Ya gotta believe me!

I was there! :tongue3:



And now would be a good time to analyze this post for clues, don't you think?

Honest Abe.
A trait that we expect in our leaders....

What is the 16th President's association with Kentucky and why is he depicted on an
Illinois State Quarter?

And how am I related to him?

Head start? :dontknow:



deleted, and added.......... Oh, never mind, I see you added more. I got stuck thinking about the first part, and now have no clue? Or a bunch of clues?:icon_scratch:

I'll have to back up so I can try to follow. I'm kinda jumping in the end here. About what post does this begin? I can't seem to find the beginning.

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Ya gotta believe me!

I was there! :tongue3:



And now would be a good time to analyze this post for clues, don't you think?

Honest Abe.
A trait that we expect in our leaders....

What is the 16th President's association with Kentucky and why is he depicted on an
Illinois State Quarter?

And how am I related to him?
(Quick answer: Through insanity.)



Head start?
Perhaps.... :dontknow:



[What is the 16th President's association with Kentucky and why is he depicted on an
Illinois State Quarter?]


Fowledup I'm glad your surgery went well buddy! Scott take a slow stroll across that stage, smiling the whole way! Me, been home from the hospital couple days with my grandson. Saw his doctor today. He gets another week out of school. He can't hold any food down, keep pushing happened April 11th, hospitalized April 13th- 18th. His mom visited once. He's still sick...... Haven't heard from his dad yet! I never left his side. This is where I belong now.....time to save every dime for that sailboat for us!!!!!! Yes I'm exhausted


Hang in there buddy.....smoother times are coming soon for you.

Regards + HH


Thinkin of ya 2 G.F. , and the tadpole.

TGF your doing it right man! There are but a handful of folks that come into our lives that make a serious impression or difference in who we become as adults. My grandfather was definitely one of those for me. He is responsible for many of my interests, and most of my personal values and principals. I can truly say of all the people that have been in my life he was always the one I never ever wanted to let down or dissapoint. I strive everyday to be the same kind of man for my kids and grandkids that he was for me, Keep it up!!!!!!!!!!! Old guy Papa power rules! Oh yeah nice quinky dink- Tadpole and I's surgeries were on the same day- so a country apart we were all of the same frame of mind- lol

Fowledup I'm glad your surgery went well buddy! Scott take a slow stroll across that stage, smiling the whole way! Me, been home from the hospital couple days with my grandson. Saw his doctor today. He gets another week out of school. He can't hold any food down, keep pushing happened April 11th, hospitalized April 13th- 18th. His mom visited once. He's still sick...... Haven't heard from his dad yet! I never left his side. This is where I belong now.....time to save every dime for that sailboat for us!!!!!! Yes I'm exhausted


Try this old remedy for his eating problem:

Sage tea.

Weak at first, gradually strengthening it.
Try a few saltines.


When he gets tired of the tea, go to a bullion dissolved in hot water.

Tell my "Little Buddy" that I hope he gets well soon and we can all go on the boat!

Prayers your way, Brother!



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