Money is easy to run through when you live like Jake lived.... All of the people who worked for Jake where told to shut up or go to Jail...Most of the people who worked for him where women from the streets, some prostitutes....


Tom Kollenborn Chronicles: 'Crazy' Jake's Camp

"Many people have wondered where he hid all money he talked people out of. I don’t think he hid the money. I really believe he spent a lot of it in the mountains. He was certainly a man with a golden tongue and could talk people out of their money."


Tom K. may have got his dates mixed up in the article you linked. He tells of visiting Jakes camp at the top of Squaw canyon in 1987. Jake was in prison the entire year of 1987. No one was in that camp after Jake was prosecuted and sent to prison.

Jake was indeed a charismatic individual, but one thing not many are aware of is it was another man who solicited most of the money that Jake (allegedly) received from his Superstition mountains shady deals.

Matthew K. Roberts

that may have been the best time to visit jakes camp? when he was locked up?

i remember a whole group of people out there then...who flat made me nervous...alone, together, selling ideas, parts of legends...ect.
Mexicans telling me the mine is theirs an not to look for it...i wasn't?
apaches telling me how much i wanted their gold...really? i know where to find lazy to dig.
people telling me about gold bars...never saw one...saw a lot of photos...
people telling me i was a guardian...??? of what?
that Tibetan priest sure had me going with tales of a library of the ancients...still has me scratching my head.

Money is easy to run through when you live like Jake lived.... All of the people who worked for Jake where told to shut up or go to Jail...Most of the people who worked for him where women from the streets, some prostitutes....



Jake was certainly no saint, and was mixed up in some pretty bad enterprises. Stories of him being involved in prostitution and drugs have circulated and grown over the years. The truth is, Jake was never charged or prosecuted for any drug, alcohol or prostitution offenses. And Jake never tested positive for drugs or alcohol during his arrest in 1986.

While Jake had in his possession hundreds of photos of women alleged to be prostitutes and of wild parties at his ranch in Chandler. None of what was confiscated could be prosecuted. The State simply had no evidence against him nor witnesses to testify against him on those events. You can be sure, if MacAfee (the States lead prosecutor) had any evidence against Jake on the drug and prostitution charges, he would have filed charges and prosecuted because the State wanted Jake behind bars for as long as they could put him there.


that may have been the best time to visit jakes camp? when he was locked up?

i remember a whole group of people out there then...who flat made me nervous...alone, together, selling ideas, parts of legends...ect.
Mexicans telling me the mine is theirs an not to look for it...i wasn't?
apaches telling me how much i wanted their gold...really? i know where to find lazy to dig.
people telling me about gold bars...never saw one...saw a lot of photos...
people telling me i was a guardian...??? of what?
that Tibetan priest sure had me going with tales of a library of the ancients...still has me scratching my head.


Matthew in Superstitions 75.webp

photo of me taken by Walter Gassler 1973 in one of Jake's men's camp nearby his pemanant camp.

You must have ran into Sanchez and Jesus Gurerro up there, both of them were hired by Jake and would try to intimidate and threaten everyone they met to get out of the area and Jake's mine. Both Gurerro's were bad news, Sanchez ( Lasidio Sanchez Gurerro ) killed Charles Lewing about where I am sitting not long after this photo was taken. He shot him several times with a .45 automatic Jake had given him, tied a rope around Lewing's neck, drug him over to a nearby cliff and dumped him into a crevice and threw rocks and brush in to cover him up. When Jake found out what he'd done, he called the sheriff and made up a story that Lewing attacked Gurerro and Gurerro killed Lewing in self defense. Since there were no witnesses, Gurerro was not prosecuted. Lewing never fired his .22 pistol. It had a bent firing pin that only worked about 1 out of every 6 or 7 shots.


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Matthew now this topic can move towards a great discussion......What other info do you have on the "other guy"....


Matthew now this topic can move towards a great discussion......What other info do you have on the "other guy"....



The "other guy" was actually two men, John Farnsworth and Walter Eicher.
Farnsworth and Eicher were both wealthy and prominant Chandler physicians who became friends with Jake.
They acted as middlemen for "loans" and "investments" for Crazy Jake's schemes. They would solicit their business contacts, patients and friends for money promising huge returns on their investments when Jake would bring the gold out of the mountains.

Between Farnsworth and Eicher they received several million from some 240 investors and passed the money (allegedly) on to Jake. In the end, only 12 of those 240 would come forward to aid in Jakes investigation and only 2 would actually agree to testify in court against Jake.

Matthew K. Roberts

What where the names of the two who testified against Jake?


What where the names of the two who testified against Jake?



In the end, no one testified against Jake. Just before his trial was to start, Jake and his attorney made a plea arrangement with the Az. State prosecutors office. There was no trial. Jake pleaded guilty to 3 counts of fraud. 3 counts of fraud were dismissed against Jake. He was to received a lighter sentence in return for restitution of some of his victims before his sentencing date.

The two who were prepared to testify against Jake in court were, Phillip Shepherd and Michelle Grundy.


Sometimes memory lane is where you need to go to find the other fork in the road Secret Canyon.....
Matthew have you been to this house? Notice the chair that someone made from two boulders...


Thanks for the names Matthew....I can see how far you have gone in this direction. Are you the one who found the tool stash with the other stuff?



No, I do not believe I have ever been to that house.

Almost all of the things found you refer to were found before I became involved, some things found as far back as 1866. Only one or two things of significance were discovered after I was involved. Some of the items are still around, some in private hands, some in museums and private lock boxes for safekeeping.


Matthew and Cub...Do you think maybe Jake was used by another group?

Personally I doubt it, but I have almost nothing but gut feeling to go on since I only know Jake from reading about him and hearing people's stories. I don't picture him as being someone easily used or manipulated. He seems like the type that wanted to be in charge and in control, and he was probably a little paranoid about people trying to use him, so I imagine he was always wary.

On the other hand, if he truly believed he knew where something of value was located, that does open up the possibility that someone(s) could have taken advantage of that obsession as a weakness and used him. What do you think Kurt? I'm guessing since you raised the question, you have reason to believe someone(s) may have been using Jake as the "hands on" person to find something valuable.

Sometimes memory lane is where you need to go to find the other fork in the road Secret Canyon.....
Matthew have you been to this house? Notice the chair that someone made from two boulders...


Where was this taken at?
That is a big cave,or 2 room house in a cave.

Paul, I just wanted to see what info Matthew had on the area. roadrunner it is deep in the supes...Have you been there? you seem to know it has two rooms...I have posted the image before talking about the location and the fact that it has two rooms...I left out the photos of the second room, so if someone said they where there I would know when they talked about the second room...


Matthew now this topic can move towards a great discussion......What other info do you have on the "other guy"....

Paul, I just wanted to see what info Matthew had on the area

I'm a little confused then - I had the impression this was going to lead to an interesting discussion and not just a way to try to find out what someone else knows and what they don't.

Cub....You missed it...Mattew answered my question. No more needs to be said on here...I guess when you find the mine, it is then when you need to ask yourself if it is really worth going to Jail?? What would all of you do? would you take from the mine and risk going to Jail? No I did not find the mine at all, I was just asking your opinion....


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