Craigslist Scam

I hope they catch the scumbag and put him in a jail cell with someone that hates his guts!
Better yet, throw him in general population and hang a child molester & snitch jacket on him! Bet the taxpayers would only have to pay for two weeks to house & feed him!:laughing7::laughing7:

Seriously! the lady was kind of dumb. If you're familiar with CL you know they have warnings all over about this very thing. I personally don't deal with anyone out of state. I give them the address of the local cop shop for the meet. Sure is an easy way to weed out the crooks when buying or selling!

I choose only to meet in person if buying on craigslist or offerup. I have had many attempt to purchase from me that "just left the area on vacation" I laugh and say contact me again when you get back........

Same here, most of the time I will ask the person to meet me at the local police department, half of the potential buyers do show up at the police station, the other half have refused and no sale to them.

Anytime I buy from Craigslist I ask if they have a problem meeting at a police station in the area if they have a problem with it then it's a scam... Protect yourself out there people are CRAZY!

One has to be very careful these days. In the last little while we had a gentleman murdered as he sat in his truck attempting to sell a drone to two teens. They simply shot and murdered the man and robbed him. Just last week another man was shot sitting in his car again, attempting to sell an item to two teens. This time it was caught on camera. One teen turns to walk away from the car, spins and pulls a weapon from his waistband and returns to the car firing into the car hitting the driver several times. Both of these instances were in the metro Atlanta area. Now is the time for some urban renewal. Where is General Sherman when you most need him? Lol If you buy and sell on CL be SAFE.

Just a little over a week ago, I had two Scammers try to scam me out of money and possibly out of two out of the three German WWII Era Scopes I have listed on Craigslist. I warned them ahead of time that I don't fall for scams but they persisted and insisted it was not a scam. I went along with it but as soon as I got the checks on Wednesday I knew they were bogus. One check appeared to be a personal check from a Dentist in Washington State and the other appeared to be a Cashier's Check written on a Bank in Minnesota. I called the Dentist's Office and the Bank to verify that they were counterfeits. I then played the two Suckas (Scammers) by saying that I had to leave town early Wednesday (before the mail ran) and would not be back until Friday but would deposit the checks as soon as possible on Friday. Needless to say, I was compiling the information to turn it over to the Postmaster here since it is extremely difficult to submit all of the info to the FBI Cyber Crime ( link for victims. On Friday, I told the Scammers that I had deposited the checks and would have to wait until they cleared but instead turned over all of the evidence to the Postmaster here. It was clear at times that I was dealing with different persons than the original Scammer due to somewhat repeating requests and not replying back to what I had written in texts. I can only assume that they must work in teams, have different scamming work hours and the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing or has done. I played them until late Saturday, then really blasted them with the gig is up. One wrote back FU, you wasted my time to which I wrote that it was my pleasure as it might save some unsuspecting person from being scammed and that they could F themselves. The other just went into Craigslist and flagged my Ad for the scope to which gives the Postal Service Investigators and the FBI another way to track them down.


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I hope this team of Scammer's are caught and handled appropriately. You did good playing them along while compiling the information for the postmaster. This is justice in the truest form.

Just a little over a week ago, I had two Scammers try to scam me out of money ....

Frank, great story. Good on you for harassing them. Thanx for posting.

I hope this team of Scammer's are caught and handled appropriately. You did good playing them along while compiling the information for the postmaster. This is justice in the truest form.

Frank, great story. Good on you for harassing them. Thanx for posting.

Thanks devldog and Tom! I hope they are caught as well and justice is served! After getting one Scammer put away and the FBI hot on the trail of another one more than 6 years ago, I kind of got lax in taking the time to turn them in because the amount of time and trouble it sometimes takes to put the evidence together and send it to the appropriate Law Enforcement Agencies. I used to be able to deal directly with an FBI Agent and mail plus email the evidence to him but due to work overload, the FBI has cut that out and want me to use the Cyber Crime Reporting link I noted above. The problem with that, is 1) I am not a victim and 2) it is impossible to send all of the evidence to anyone using that link.


all I have to say is : where is the compassion in the world today. this lady is probably the sweetest lady any of you would want to meet. she would probably do anything for a stranger. even U maybe she needed one of you to go over to her house with your gun and wait for the scammers to come over. I used to be stupid. yep stick my neck out for friends just to get it chopped off ! so don't anybody ask me for a favor anymore. DUMB DUMB DUMB do stupid people know they're stupid. do alcoholics know they have a problem ? do drug attics know they have a problem ? not until its too late. your all just big rough and tuff bad guys. just my 2 pennys.

Always tell them you don't have a bank account. Then tell them that you need $20 cash to open said account. With an account you can deposit their check! Just keep the $20 they send you.

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