Craigslist Scam

Back when I had a land line, I got a phone call from a guy with a Caribbean accent. Said I'd won a 5 million lottery. I called him a "Lying (bad word starting with S)." Told him I bet on 10 Mil and he is keeping half. Thought I was being funny, big argument about money I never won or bet on. But the joke backfired, and I was on the sucker list for a long time, lots of phone calls about winning money. It was fun for awhile though, I used every bad word I ever learned as a sailor, and my wife would have a fit about me talking that way. Of course they wanted me to send them money so they could send me money. For some reason that didn't seem logical to me.

I live by the old saying "If it Sounds Too Good to Be True, it Probably Is", it has served me well through the years.

I'm pretty sure the saying goes if something looks to good to be true jump on it before someone try's to muscle in on your good fortune

I'll say it for you. There is a Special Place Awaiting folks who prey on children, the elderly, and the helpless.

GRATZ – State police at Lykens are investigating a theft involving a 55-year-old Gratz woman that occurred between Feb. 17 and 19.
Police said the woman reported receiving a text message in reference to an ad she had on Craigslist from a man who said he was from Ohio and that he could only pay using PayPal.
The man said he was going to put money into the woman’s PayPal account to purchase items she had listed for sale, but the woman refused to take payment that way, police said.
The man then created a fake email and represented himself as the FBI, claiming he was going to arrest her if she didn't send money. Police said the woman sent a $520 MoneyGram card to an individual in Indiana.

Police are warning all residents to be aware of potential fraudulent activities associated with Craigslist.

People are really Dumb !

I would have said come on by !
I'm locked & Loaded & ready !

and prove pretty quickly it's a scam.

I think i'm just as dumb???
So the Lady would not take paypal ? Then the Guy pretends to be FBI to get the Lady to send him $
Hmmmmm. I think I need to reread this.:icon_scratch:

Thanks for sharing tho.

yep !

in the First place she said, She told him she did not want it on her Paypal.
So even if she had Paypal, Why would she give him per PayPal ID ?

If she didn't. then him suggesting he sent it to her Paypal is Impossible.
If she did give him per PayPal ID , & the money wasn't there. make him prove it Was. (receipt ?)

FBI Asking for a MoneyGram card ? Not Likely.

No Trial , No Verdict, No Case

Their both Crooks. .. I suppose. lol

NEVER buy anything on craigslist that you're not able to go and pick up. If you're selling accept only cash. It ain't Ebay and there is NO protection for a deal gone bad.

I agree 100%.

Your Avatar Picture , Still Scares Me.
I try to stay away from storm sewers.

Hehehe...We had a call here and the guy said he was from the FBI and I said really? May I have your badge number... He asked why I needed it as I replied the FBI never call anyone they just show up at your house with a warrant and if you dont give it to me I will make sure your badge is taken as well as your job, as my phone is being monitored by the FBI and all I had to do was to call them to have them pick up the line... Just a minute I am on the phone with the local FBI and they want to talk to you ... <>,. Funny how that works on the phone.. oh yeah and my phone has been quiet from scammers for a while.
I did turn that number in to the local Sheriff and placed a complaint.

I feel bad for those that do get scammed.

I think i'm just as dumb???
So the Lady would not take paypal ? Then the Guy pretends to be FBI to get the Lady to send him $
Hmmmmm. I think I need to reread this.:icon_scratch:

Thanks for sharing tho.

Yea Something Seems Missing.

I'm taking for Granted Somewhere in there he said he put it in her Paypal & She said
it's not In.

My Confusion begins with How did he get her Paypal If she didn't want it on there ?
was she that Dumb that she gave it to him anyway ?
Or so Dumb she thought he got it By magic ?

Yea Something Seems Missing.

I'm taking for Granted Somewhere in there he said he put it in her Paypal & She said
it's not In.

My Confusion begins with How did he get her Paypal If she didn't want it on there ?
was she that Dumb that she gave it to him anyway ?
Or so Dumb she thought he got it By magic ?

I assumed he wanted to pay by Paypal (to be safe) & she did not want to do it that way.

People..Even Myself, never surprise me anymore. :occasion14:

I was just being scammed two days ago on Craigslist. I listed an item and 1 hr later was being text by someone that wanted the item and was offering to give me an extra $50 to hold it until his cashiers check cleared all he wanted was my exact name and address so he could send the check. I texted him back and told him to call me because I don't just give my address to anyone needless to say he never called.
New listings on Craigslist beware never give out your address to anyone

I'm sort of wondering about Phone Calls I've been getting for the Last week

a guy named Jeff Frantz (Spelling on last name a Guess.
rings my phone every day. hangs up after 3 Rings, Dials it again and
when my Answering Picks up, he says he's With Chapman Chevrolet
and he wants to set up an appointment for me to Come down and Look at a New Chevrolet. at 20% off.

The Issue. his Private Phone # Goes to Tempe Arizona.

there is a Chapman Chevrolet in Tempe.

He should Know I'm in PA By my Number
but I'm tempted to answer and Ask if he'll run a Few of them here & let me do some Test drives :laughing7:

And wait till he asks where I am :laughing7:

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LOL I just decided to Call him Back and Ask him if he'll run one By.

He said "Well where are you At ?"


"Probably Not"

He did say after if I'm gonna Buy he will :laughing9:

But Hopefully he pulled My Number out now :(

Never deal alone, always have a least one person with you. They may want to rob you of your money and items. Be careful and good luck.

A guy on a scooter forum wrote that he had an ad on craigslist and a guy answered the ad and asked him to drive it over to his side of town so he could see it. The fellow said sure and did so meeting at a predesignated parking lot. He no sooner got there and he saw one guy, then 3 more jumped out of the bushes and beat the crap out of him and one of the guys rode off on his scooter. A very expensive lesson was learned.

Here's another Craigslist scam.

I responded to an add about a 2003 Harley Davidson for a great price an left my email as a contact. Two days later an "Amanda" responds and gives me the story that the bike is in perfect condition and was/has been barely ridden since her husband passed away and that it has too many bad memories for her and she would just like to sell it.

Her story continues with, my daughter and I had to move to Kansas, to get away from these bad memories of her husband and that the bike was there in Kansas. She stated the shipping would be free to me since a previous buyer already paid for shipping so I could inspect the bike and if it wasn't acceptable that I could ship it back for no expense to me.

Amanda continued with, that all I would have to do on my end was put up the money in an Amazon trust where they hold the money until I approved the sale and once approved by me then they release the funds to her.

Eazy Peazy right? ????

I then did a search for this so called Amazon as a broker to hold money for a sale like this and what did I find?
A major scam that's been going on for awhile right down to the fake Amazon website where the unsuspecting are to send that money! Amazon doesn't ever play that game and has no involvement with this kind of deal.

A google search returned hit after hit, word for word right down to the period...about this scam!
Although I'm a bit red faced about how I almost bit on that bullet, I thank god for my awesome clear headed wife that said, "if it's too good to be true it probably isn't!"

My step daughter decided to sell her older smart phone on line and had all sorts of calls from people wanting to buy it but have her ship it somewhere. I don't think that she got an honest call about it at all, just a bunch of scammers. It is pretty much a dead giveaway when someone offers to pay more than you are asking for it.

Jeff is young compare to me. I am 74 years old. I used to get phone calls that my computer is full of virus, which was not true. They try to con me to used their pay services, which I never did. They stop calling me.

I choose only to meet in person if buying on craigslist or offerup. I have had many attempt to purchase from me that "just left the area on vacation" I laugh and say contact me again when you get back........
My favorite spot is the front lot of the PD. I give them turn by turn directions there. 8 times out of 10 I get the.......

Wait for it!

Wait for it!

"Hey a guy just stopped by and bought it, sorry!"

One of my tells is if there's God bless, Have a blessed day or the likes. 95% of the time something smells like a scam. No prejudice just personal experience.

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