Here's another Craigslist scam.
I responded to an add about a 2003 Harley Davidson for a great price an left my email as a contact. Two days later an "Amanda" responds and gives me the story that the bike is in perfect condition and was/has been barely ridden since her husband passed away and that it has too many bad memories for her and she would just like to sell it.
Her story continues with, my daughter and I had to move to Kansas, to get away from these bad memories of her husband and that the bike was there in Kansas. She stated the shipping would be free to me since a previous buyer already paid for shipping so I could inspect the bike and if it wasn't acceptable that I could ship it back for no expense to me.
Amanda continued with, that all I would have to do on my end was put up the money in an Amazon trust where they hold the money until I approved the sale and once approved by me then they release the funds to her.
Eazy Peazy right?

I then did a search for this so called Amazon as a broker to hold money for a sale like this and what did I find?
A major scam that's been going on for awhile right down to the fake Amazon website where the unsuspecting are to send that money! Amazon doesn't ever play that game and has no involvement with this kind of deal.
A google search returned hit after hit, word for word right down to the period...about this scam!
Although I'm a bit red faced about how I almost bit on that bullet, I thank god for my awesome clear headed wife that said, "if it's too good to be true it probably isn't!"