Crack pipe?


Full Member
Sep 10, 2013
Orange, California
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 305 (two years experience)
E-trac (currently learning)
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting


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I found one on an old wagon trail road in the middle of the woods that I thought no one knew about. I threw it down and got paranoid being in the woods by myself lol

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Well I mean things found with a metal detector. It's like the difference between buying a Morgan dollar and finding one yourself. There's a HUGE difference there!
I don't think comparing money with dirty used up pot pipes is anything alike myself.But I do know what your getting at just yanking your chain a little.
Take Care,

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Hi Mobius; YUP. !!! It sure is. And Now on the safety side.

I strongly urge you while wearing gloves to walk down to the nearest Police Station. Stand near the Station. Place the said pipe on the ground. Alert the closest Officer of what you have "just" found laying on the ground. He will confiscate said pipe and process it for DNA. If it is traceable they will deal with it accordingly ok.
You are right now in Possession of a Felonious Instrument. If caught you can and most likely will be CHARGED for Possession of Drug Paraphenalia.
Secondly, As it is a fairly freshly used pipe I hope you are using gloves to handle it. REASON : You don't know what types of diseases the Original user had or has. That persons saliva is all over that pipe. If they have a communicable disease such as AIDS then you "ARE" in danger of contracting these diseases through your direct contact with this pipe. That is why Police Officers "ALWAYS" use gloves when securing drug related items. That pipe is no joke for sure. It is still deadly ok.
The reason I know this is that I am an ex addict with 31 years Clean. Today I council a lot of addicts ok. So "PLEASE" take my advice and get it to the cops ASAP ok. Let us know what happens ok. Best Wishes. PEACE:RONB

PS: I hope "everyone" here takes my Posts Warnings seriously and respond to it as I suggested ok. Same goes with NEEDLES. They re even worse because you have "DIRECT" exposure to the Addicts blood. The second anyone does see something like these "DON"T TOUCH" them and call the Police ASAP. Do not leave until the Police arrive as someone else could get hurt by them as well. AIDS etc. does not care who it kills including children. Would you want that on your conscience ??

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I strongly urge you while wearing gloves to walk down to the nearest Police Station. Stand near the Station. Place the said pipe on the ground. Alert the closest Officer of what you have "just" found laying on the ground. He will confiscate said pipe and process it for DNA. If it is traceable they will deal with it accordingly ok.
You are right now in Possession of a Felonious Instrument. If caught you can and most likely will be CHARGED for Possession of Drug Paraphenalia.
Secondly, As it is a fairly freshly used pipe I hope you are using gloves to handle it. REASON : You don't know what types of diseases the Original user had or has. That persons saliva is all over that pipe. If they have a communicable disease such as AIDS then you "ARE" in danger of contracting these diseases through your direct contact with this pipe. That is why Police Officers "ALWAYS" use gloves when securing drug related items. That pipe is no joke for sure. It is still deadly ok.
The reason I know this is that I am an ex addict with 31 years Clean. Today I council a lot of addicts ok. So "PLEASE" take my advice and get it to the cops ASAP ok. Let us know what happens ok. Best Wishes. PEACE:RONB

PS: I hope "everyone" here takes my Posts Warnings seriously and respond to it as I suggested ok. Same goes with NEEDLES. They re even worse because you have "DIRECT" exposure to the Addicts blood. The second anyone does see something like these "DON"T TOUCH" them and call the Police ASAP. Do not leave until the Police arrive as someone else could get hurt by them as well. AIDS etc. does not care who it kills including children. Would you want that on your conscience ??

I hope you are not serious .

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If you compare the size of the finder's fingertip to the pipe's bowl, you'll see it is too small to hold more than a very tiny amount of herb. You'd only get a toke or two before you had to refill it. I'm just speaking up to give y'all confirmation that Gunsil and Roaddust66 are correct, it is definitely a Hashish Pipe. I'll admit to having used one very nearly EXACTLY like it back in the late-60s/early-70s... although I've sworn off using any recreational drugs since then, due to two very bad experiences with them.
I admit it too, and confer with you three that hash would have been most likely smoked in that vintage pipe.
I still am sticking to my story of not inhaling!

The direction that this thread is headed, I think we need to take a poll as to the material that was smoked in this pipe, what year this pipe is, and just how dangerous this pipe really is?

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I admit it too, and confer with you three that hash would have been most likely smoked in that vintage pipe.
I still am sticking to my story of not inhaling!

The direction that this thread is headed, I think we need to take a poll as to the material that was smoked in this pipe, what year this pipe is, and just how dangerous this pipe really is?

Originally sold for hash in the 60s-70s. Still sold and generally used as one hit marijuana pipes as hash is no longer available as much as it was in the 70s.
Not even slightly dangerous and anyone who thinks you can get aids from saliva on a pipe especially one that was buried in the dirt needs more education on diseases before they try to council others.

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I hope not either I have shared pipes and rolled in my smoking days. I am healthy I was never addicted to herb one day I just said eh and haven't smoked it since. Its not addictive at all if you need rehab for herb you most likely have some other psychological problems going on.

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You found a silent police whistle! Works best when in line of sight. A sticky or oily substance can be added for visual stimulation by creating smoke when fired, kind of like a fire fighter response. Care should be taken not to ingest any fumes of course.

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I strongly urge you while wearing gloves to walk down to the nearest Police Station. Stand near the Station. Place the said pipe on the ground. Alert the closest Officer of what you have "just" found laying on the ground. He will confiscate said pipe and process it for DNA. If it is traceable they will deal with it accordingly ok.
You are right now in Possession of a Felonious Instrument. If caught you can and most likely will be CHARGED for Possession of Drug Paraphenalia.
Secondly, As it is a fairly freshly used pipe I hope you are using gloves to handle it. REASON : You don't know what types of diseases the Original user had or has. That persons saliva is all over that pipe. If they have a communicable disease such as AIDS then you "ARE" in danger of contracting these diseases through your direct contact with this pipe. That is why Police Officers "ALWAYS" use gloves when securing drug related items. That pipe is no joke for sure. It is still deadly ok.
The reason I know this is that I am an ex addict with 31 years Clean. Today I council a lot of addicts ok. So "PLEASE" take my advice and get it to the cops ASAP ok. Let us know what happens ok. Best Wishes. PEACE:RONB

PS: I hope "everyone" here takes my Posts Warnings seriously and respond to it as I suggested ok. Same goes with NEEDLES. They re even worse because you have "DIRECT" exposure to the Addicts blood. The second anyone does see something like these "DON"T TOUCH" them and call the Police ASAP. Do not leave until the Police arrive as someone else could get hurt by them as well. AIDS etc. does not care who it kills including children. Would you want that on your conscience ??

Don't know where you're from, but in many states it is certainly not a felony to possess a simple pipe, definitely not here. Cops might confiscate it, but that's about all. Your attitude seems overly alarmist in nature since nobody's going to catch anything from an old pipe by touching it, and needles actually aren't unsafe as long as you don't prick yourself. I have found a few on the beach, just picked them up with a piece of scrap paper and tossed it in the trash where nobody would get stuck. Call the cops?? What a joke, they don't even investigate burglaries around here. Marijuana and hashish are safer than alcohol, and if you're not too old you will probably live to see it legalized throughout the country. Peace to you too bro!!

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Wow there is a lot of pot experts on here.But i guess we were all young at one time.

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Hey at least herb is better then any other drugs including alcohol
One isn't any good without the other:laughing7:.I wonder how old weed paraphernalia has to be before it is considered a antique?

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One isn't any good without the other:laughing7:.I wonder how old weed paraphernalia has to be before it is considered a antique?

Unno I remember my great grandma used to have this old antique hookah (know its not for herb but) she bought it at a yard sale it was really tall and had 5 hoses. She thought it was just a decoration and bought it after she found out what it really was she threw it in the garbage! :/

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Last month I found one in a Ziploc bag with some pot in it and 2$20's & 2$5's and 3 $1 bills =$53,I kept the money and left the pot and bag on the curb.

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I strongly urge you while wearing gloves to walk down to the nearest Police Station. Stand near the Station. Place the said pipe on the ground. Alert the closest Officer of what you have "just" found laying on the ground. He will confiscate said pipe and process it for DNA. If it is traceable they will deal with it accordingly ok.
You are right now in Possession of a Felonious Instrument. If caught you can and most likely will be CHARGED for Possession of Drug Paraphenalia.
Secondly, As it is a fairly freshly used pipe I hope you are using gloves to handle it. REASON : You don't know what types of diseases the Original user had or has. That persons saliva is all over that pipe. If they have a communicable disease such as AIDS then you "ARE" in danger of contracting these diseases through your direct contact with this pipe. That is why Police Officers "ALWAYS" use gloves when securing drug related items. That pipe is no joke for sure. It is still deadly ok.
The reason I know this is that I am an ex addict with 31 years Clean. Today I council a lot of addicts ok. So "PLEASE" take my advice and get it to the cops ASAP ok. Let us know what happens ok. Best Wishes. PEACE:RONB

PS: I hope "everyone" here takes my Posts Warnings seriously and respond to it as I suggested ok. Same goes with NEEDLES. They re even worse because you have "DIRECT" exposure to the Addicts blood. The second anyone does see something like these "DON"T TOUCH" them and call the Police ASAP. Do not leave until the Police arrive as someone else could get hurt by them as well. AIDS etc. does not care who it kills including children. Would you want that on your conscience ??
This is a big crock of you know what. Especially the comments regarding contacting HIV/Aids through saliva. Educate yourself man. This isn't 1980. 10 Myths about HIV and AIDS
Although I agree that if you happened to stick yourself with a needle that was used by an HIV infected person, transmission of a number of diseases (besides HIV/AIDS) could occur, the rest is hogwash. A little dug hash pipe, deadly? DNA testing for a found pipe? Possession of a felonious instrument? Wow. Talk about misinformation.

I urge all who read this HEED MY WARNINGS, do your own research and don't listen to some random posting like this. This is a prime example of McCarthyism. Old, outdated and without merit.

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