Re: CPTBIL's mention of Aztec pictographs in SE Arizona
HOLA mi amigos,
Peerless wrote
<snip>I believe something along these lines is what lead to the demise of Neanderthal and is the reason for the lack of evidence of interbreeding.
Peerless your proposed answer may well be the correct one, and explain why no Neanderthal DNA has yet been found in our own. The Neanderthals are thought not to have been as numerous or as densely populated as Cromagnons (us) at any time, so sheer numbers would likely result in their eventual disappearance especially if there were intermarriages. <Not proposing that they performed marriage rites, using that term to refer to cross-breeding>
A parallel can be seen within our own species, for the ancient Colchians (on the Black Sea, near modern day Georgia/Armenia) were black Africans. They were still noticably dark in the time of Herodotus <about 440 BC> but by the second-third centuries AD, so much intermarriage ha occurred that Colchians were not noticably any darker than the other peoples living around them. This "change of color" took only five centuries, but may not be a perfect example as the Colchians were of the same species as their neighbors. A small population of black people still lived in the region into the 20th century too, so perhaps the process of being "assimilated" by neighboring peoples is still not complete after over 20 centuries.
Don Jose' de la Mancha wrote
You posted that the various destructions were during man's time on the Earth, which is correct, however, I understood that this occurred prior to mans appearance, perhaps in the theoretical time period of the disappearance of the Dinosaur ? I do not remember in which version of the Bible it was, but obviously it was not the popular King James' version.
However, I would suggest that you consult with both Cactus and Peerless on the reference to man's intimate relationship with sheep. Mules were specificly excluded. (snicker)
Are you referring to the Ethiopic and/or Coptic bible(s)? I think both are online (somewhere) and the earlier destruction may well be recorded there. As Plato claimed the Egyptians told Solon, there have been many destructions over the millenia, not just one flood. If we are to believe the Egyptian and Phoenician historians, then "recorded" history actually extends back almost 30,000 years, in which time there have indeed been numerous natural disasters.
Mules are excluded? Hmm.....
Don Jose' also wrote
p.s I am reminded also of the fossil remains of one of the wild oxen skulls which has a precisely placed bullet hole between the eyes on an angle to penetrate the brain. This skull predates by far, Man's supposed first appearance, let alone his development of firearms
Some have pointed to these mysterious skulls as solid evidence of time travelers, perhaps taking "hunting safaris" into the distant past to hunt very dangerous and exotic game animals. One proposed explanation was that there was some type of boring insect like modern screw-worms, which bored into bone. No such insect has ever been found to lend credence to this idea, but the skeptics will accept that faster than the idea of a very ancient advanced culture of man or time travelers.
Cactusjumper wrote
The popular consensus is that the Neanderthal did little interbreeding with other races. However, that opinion is far from unanimous.
If memory serves, there have been finds of human remains which show both Cromagnon and Neanderthal traits, a child in Israel and I think one in the Iberian peninsula somewhere, also an infant. While these could indeed prove that interbreeding did occur, the fact that the remains are that of an infant may point to some health/physical problem or even parental rejection (ancient tribes sometimes practiced "exposure" of any infant that appeared less than normal) though the fact that the one found in Israel had been buried would at least suggest that the child had not been deliberately allowed to die in the elements. Based on what evidence we have, it looks like there was little interbreeding and no successful offspring. As you have pointed out, in the science of archaeology (and anthropology, paleontolgy etc) the book is not written in stone, YET.
Cactusjumper also wrote
Once a theory becomes "accepted" in archaeology, it's very difficult to dislodge it.
As they say in Wyoming, "BOY HOWDY" is that ever true!
Don Jose de la Mancha also wrote
Good evening my friends: a simple example of interbreeding lies with our Burros and Horses. The offspring are Mules. Unfortunately only one mule in perhaps 10 thousand is capable of passing on it's genes.
Near here are the burial caves of the giants. They were perhaps 9-10 ft tall. They were red haired. The last known one, a male, was killed near Chinapas, Chih. in the early 1900's. My informant's father killed him. When I asked why, he merely shrugged and said that it seemed like a good idea at the time??
As for mating I rather think that the disparate size of the necessary equipment / apparatus would probably limit it to a normal Male and a giantress.
You may have the answer - perhaps any offspring produced by crossing Cromagnon with Neanderthal would be sterile or have some other defect preventing successful reproduction? They are two closely related but different species, very like the examples cited.
Did you get a chance to examine any of the giants personally? I am curious about several physical traits (facial structure, skull shape, number of digits etc) as well as burial habits. Thank you in advance,
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