Countdown to Alien Invasion

Live Jersey Beach Drone cam.
Not sure on this,
I'm hoping it Moves or chages shape :dontknow:

Looks Like the Camera is Facing North not east



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Live New Jersey Drone Watch With Air Traffic Audio​


Lately It seems anything in the air is being called a drone, helicopters, Planes, add in the people looking for a laugh sayng they saw a UFO. People faking videos, pictures, people that wouldn't know their b*tt from a hole in the ground. The Numbers make sense.
I am sure you could probably narrow it down to maybe 1 or 2 drones per area.
It's China, I Tell you
Yea I see the One above that says Emergency Broadcast is calling a Plane Crash a Drone :(

& The Video of the Sky at Night was Sattalites Sped Up :(

makes others suspect :(

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Some of us old farts are old enough to remember the physiological black ops of the cold war Cold war era. Misinformation that spread in past events we had UFO FLAPS in 50's, 60's,70s and 80's. ultimate goal fear and paranoia enough perhaps to condition the masses for war. ( Some of us can remember the drills in schools for Kids "When the bomb comes we duck and cover duck and cover." The notion that an atomic bomb terrified the crap out of us."

Always at the height of cold war tensions when authorities are facing a real prospect of World War three. After fall of soviet Union the west fell asleep to these looming threats.

There are multiple things that are happening. One this IS physiological warfare at its finest. Weather its CIA seeing how the public reacts with social media with such event to gauge the amount of panic it creates?

Or a foreign state actor from another state intimidating the masses in America? ( Funny how this all started happened after us allow its missiles to be fired into Russia from Ukraine. ) To complicate thing there are others that just outright fake clips and other are pranksters using drones all creating hysteria. Once started on social media the sighting take on a life of their own. Government are learning to manipulate this with modern technology and social media.

There is nothing covert about these sightings? They clearly there to be seen. While they are not attacking dropping bombs like the ones in Ukraine the very thought of them having the possibility to be threat is enough is enough to spread fear intimidation and hysteria and panic.

The United states cannot Publicly accuse China or Russia openly for this because USA are trying to rebuild our production capacity in the event of WW3 by rebuilding our supply chains. That means mobilizations of our economies into eventual war time economies vastly different to last 20 year of wars we have been fighting in the world.

When you have megalomaniac dictators in countries in great economic distress with neocolonialism expansionism ideals in their mindset. They no different to Adolf Hitler quite prepared destroy anyone and everything. The grouping of Russia, china, North Korea, Iran is serious threat to world peace. They hold total mind control of their people. Any dissent is dealt with. Yet it their authoritarianism will be their undoing.

We have to be smarter more efficient in world around us. I would hate to see the whole turning into a big meat grinder like we see in Ukraine. But in cold war tactics at present we are in west not with out our own problems but are handling it better than axis of evil. There is urgency to rebuild our armed forces and safe guard our production capacity with technology and critical minerals manpower being able to sustain a lengthy global conflict.

So I believe the governments already knows who is behind this. but its better to play dumb until we are ready for conflict. Because any such accusation could speed up the deterioration security situation around the globe before we are ready to deal with it.

You know when ww3 starts millions of people are going to die and there will be no winners effect of such war will send us back into the dark ages.


Mystery Deepens! Law Enforcement Agencies Baffled! New Law Required!​

Some Seen Near the whithouse

This is perhaps the lowest drone sighting in New Jersey that baffled the residents over past few weeks. Jordan Wade heard loud beeping outside his house in Cherry Hill, NewJersey. When he walked outside to this huge lit up circular orb looking thing and as soon as he whipped out his camera it turned right into a mini drone. This is the lowest Jordan Wade or perhaps anyone had seen one fly up to this point. Wade says he tried his best to take it down but its gone. According to Jordan Wade it was a circular orb right before he rolled his camera but it changed shapes right in front of his eyes. This is not it… someone who watches weather for climate alerts reported mysterious lights appear above sea near North Carolina… Another Netizen reported Of all the New Jersey drones stuff, the fact that these things are SPRAYING something in the air is the most terrifying part! People are reporting car lights flashing for no reason in New Jersey and elsewhere. In this video there seem to be two drones flying above the parking lot. Isn’t it Wild! This is NOT a plane. Video was taken on 14th December in Orange County, California Louis Giglio reported that he was filming this drone fly over his house in Staten Island on 14th December but all of a sudden another one came from out of nowhere and they almost collided Passengers on a commercial plane register lights over the skies of New Jersey last night.Even media like ABC news has reported these unidentified bright orb like mysterious drones in the sky. Many Netizens reported and shot them coming in from and descending in ocean on the east coast. Some have even reportedly shot videos of under water unidentified black submerged object moving towards the coast of New Jersey.What are these Unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), UFO, or unidentified submerged object (USO), the mystery is deepening. Local law enforcement agencies are baffled by this phenomenon. In absence of legal rights and legislation, local authorities can’t shoot these drones down. US Department of Defense, Pentagon has release a new classified counter drone strategy on 5th December. Representative like Chris Smith has written letter to White house demanding a proper legistalation and action over these drone sightings as these could be hazard to public and flight safety.

Neither the White House, the Miilitary, the FBI, or Homeland Security have any idea what they are, where they came from, or who has Launched them or is Controlling Them .

But Chuckles Schumer and the Democraps Need a Billion Dollars to Find Out

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New Jersey Drones MAY NOT Be What They Appear!​


Actually I think this all about shutting down the airspace around New Jersy. They are probably worried someone is going to fly a drone into Trumps Helicopter above Bedminster or something.


I'm rootin for the drones

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Actually I think this all about shutting down the airspace around New Jersy. They are probably worried someone is going to fly a drone into Trumps Helicopter above Bedminster or something.

View attachment 2183585
I'm rootin for the drones

about 60+ years ago I was making myself a helicopter, I had a washing machine motor, long extension cord and 2x4's for blades, my father stopped me.



Naturally The Cover is a Bold Faced Lie ! :(

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Total PSYOP..................... don't give it your time nor energy..

Some of us old farts are old enough to remember the physiological black ops of the cold war Cold war era. Misinformation that spread in past events we had UFO FLAPS in 50's, 60's,70s and 80's. ultimate goal fear and paranoia enough perhaps to condition the masses for war. ( Some of us can remember the drills in schools for Kids "When the bomb comes we duck and cover duck and cover." The notion that an atomic bomb terrified the crap out of us."

Always at the height of cold war tensions when authorities are facing a real prospect of World War three. After fall of soviet Union the west fell asleep to these looming threats.

There are multiple things that are happening. One this IS physiological warfare at its finest. Weather its CIA seeing how the public reacts with social media with such event to gauge the amount of panic it creates?

Or a foreign state actor from another state intimidating the masses in America? ( Funny how this all started happened after us allow its missiles to be fired into Russia from Ukraine. ) To complicate thing there are others that just outright fake clips and other are pranksters using drones all creating hysteria. Once started on social media the sighting take on a life of their own. Government are learning to manipulate this with modern technology and social media.

There is nothing covert about these sightings? They clearly there to be seen. While they are not attacking dropping bombs like the ones in Ukraine the very thought of them having the possibility to be threat is enough is enough to spread fear intimidation and hysteria and panic.

The United states cannot Publicly accuse China or Russia openly for this because USA are trying to rebuild our production capacity in the event of WW3 by rebuilding our supply chains. That means mobilizations of our economies into eventual war time economies vastly different to last 20 year of wars we have been fighting in the world.

When you have megalomaniac dictators in countries in great economic distress with neocolonialism expansionism ideals in their mindset. They no different to Adolf Hitler quite prepared destroy anyone and everything. The grouping of Russia, china, North Korea, Iran is serious threat to world peace. They hold total mind control of their people. Any dissent is dealt with. Yet it their authoritarianism will be their undoing.

We have to be smarter more efficient in world around us. I would hate to see the whole turning into a big meat grinder like we see in Ukraine. But in cold war tactics at present we are in west not with out our own problems but are handling it better than axis of evil. There is urgency to rebuild our armed forces and safe guard our production capacity with technology and critical minerals manpower being able to sustain a lengthy global conflict.

So I believe the governments already knows who is behind this. but its better to play dumb until we are ready for conflict. Because any such accusation could speed up the deterioration security situation around the globe before we are ready to deal with it.

You know when ww3 starts millions of people are going to die and there will be no winners effect of such war will send us back into the dark ages.

Classic move by creating something to divert the attention of the masses away from what is actually happening.

Media is fed the BS, then to the masses, and it's suckled on like new born calf.

The only thing folks should be doing is looking the other way. What is actually happening that they don't want the masses to see/hear.

They've tried it numerous times, throw the BS against the wall and see if it sticks.

Oh did anyone actually hear or care about the pardons, more $$$ shipped off shore, getting dirty in some other country while it's own is rotting at the core?

Probably not-the 👽 is the headline that takes the masses attention away.

One just has to 🤣🤣🤣🤣 at the simplicity of this.

OK So they are Supposed to Sit Down, Shut up !
like Good Little Sheep, while these Drones or What ever they really are fly around !

Sorry I Don't want to live in a North Korea type World
where Daddy Government tells you What to Think & Believe !!!

OK So they are Supposed to Sit Down, Shut up !
like Good Little Sheep, while these Drones or What ever they really are fly around !

Sorry I Don't want to live in a North Korea type World
where Daddy Government tells you What to Think & Believe !!!

Granted it great to be aware of what is actually happening.

Though to be fed something, then swallow it hook line and sinker.

Probably is the western way of being like the North Korean sheep..
Think about it really-diversion of what they want you to hear or see.
SSD County

I have a small drone I fly for fun and with the mass hysteria running through the country, I am afraid to fly it because someone might shoot it down. We wouldn't be in this situation if our government would try something totally new like being honest for once.

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