Countdown to Alien Invasion


Bird shot works too! Some one must have shot at least one down by now!

I don't believe some Iranian "mother ship" is launching drones. And I don't believe it's happening worldwide either. I think it's all just hyped up nonsense and people are intrigued. If ya really want to know just bring some down and look...! Social BS at it's worse... again!
Yeah, that Kazakhstan one was Russia firing at Ukraine drones in the area the plane was trying to land. They showed clearly shrapnel damage on remaining sections of the plane consistent with those exploding type of missiles or whatever they use.
"The Kremlin said that air defense systems were firing near Grozny, the regional capital of the Russian republic of Chechnya, where the plane attempted to land, to deflect a Ukrainian drone strike."
We haven't heard of any UFO stuff happening here in OZ!

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Bird shot works too! Some one must have shot at least one down by now!
Well you would have thought so but if someone did in a residential area it's kind of hard to talk about I guess. And if someone did it would be hard to retrieve possibly also. And then there's those pesky laws that protect them also.

Bird shot would work but you better be close. Don't know if anybody needs "drone loads / slugs" as it won't take much to bring down a drone hovering. Hell my .22 would bring down my large drone easily. But if it's hovering / moving at 400 ft. it would be tough to do.

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Bird shot works too! Some one must have shot at least one down by now!
Yeah I find it hard to believe nobody has shot one down.

What a coincidence! Boon in drones on the market and gear to make them then a boon in UFO sightings!
I have noticed too over the years that UFO sightings and how they look has coincided with our technology advances. Look how primitive they were say 50 years ago compared to the sightings now. That is not going unnoticed by many others too.

Well you would have thought so but if someone did in a residential area it's kind of hard to talk about I guess. And if someone did it would be hard to retrieve possibly also. And then there's those pesky laws that protect them also.

Bird shot would work but you better be close. Don't know if anybody needs "drone loads / slugs" as it won't take much to bring down a drone hovering. Hell my .22 would bring down my large drone easily. But if it's hovering / moving at 400 ft. it would be tough to do.
Not very many rifles are sighted for vertical shooting. Think about what happens after your bullet crosses the sight line at the near zero and never comes back to the crosshair. And add to that all the possibility of angles to horizontal between normal shooting and vertical. Nobody using only vision is set up for that. You can calculate and adjust for that, but need some pretty sophisticated stuff to do it real-time automatically.

Not very many rifles are sighted for vertical shooting. Think about what happens after your bullet crosses the sight line at the near zero and never comes back to the crosshair. And add to that all the possibility of angles to horizontal between normal shooting and vertical. Nobody using only vision is set up for that. You can calculate and adjust for that, but need some pretty sophisticated stuff to do it real-time automatically.
Killed my first goose with a scoped shotgun and steel shot. (scoped for slugs).
Not much to think about after it thudded to earth.

Wouldn't gravity's effect be less of an arc before the real U turn toward ground when shooting vertical?
I've not interest is sending bullets into the sky. The what goes up must come down theory in play , and fallout.

Not very many rifles are sighted for vertical shooting. Think about what happens after your bullet crosses the sight line at the near zero and never comes back to the crosshair. And add to that all the possibility of angles to horizontal between normal shooting and vertical. Nobody using only vision is set up for that. You can calculate and adjust for that, but need some pretty sophisticated stuff to do it real-time automatically.
Now I'm NOT saying your wrong with your train of thought.....but.... when my .22 scope is sighted in say at 50-75 yds. I've never had a problem hitting a squirrel head on the ground or almost directly overhead. How would a properly sighted in rifle scope know what angle it's shooting at...? Maybe I'm missing something I'm not aware of or am misunderstanding your meaning....?

When I was shooting pro archery and teaching I taught many folks how to shoot archery at different angles. Mainly it was downward but upward would apply also. If you were sighted in correctly at 20 yds. and were in a tree stand at any height all that was needed was bending at the waist to the correct angle for the sights to work from above as on the ground.

If it is Extra-terrestrial, I hope we get to see them/meet them before I am gone. Wouldn't that be the most awesome experience?

If it is Extra-terrestrial, I hope we get to see them/meet them before I am gone. Wouldn't that be the most awesome experience?
That depends on whether or not they were hungry.

Now I'm NOT saying your wrong with your train of thought.....but.... when my .22 scope is sighted in say at 50-75 yds. I've never had a problem hitting a squirrel head on the ground or almost directly overhead. How would a properly sighted in rifle scope know what angle it's shooting at...? Maybe I'm missing something I'm not aware of or am misunderstanding your meaning....?

When I was shooting pro archery and teaching I taught many folks how to shoot archery at different angles. Mainly it was downward but upward would apply also. If you were sighted in correctly at 20 yds. and were in a tree stand at any height all that was needed was bending at the waist to the correct angle for the sights to work from above as on the ground.
When shooting horizontally the sights are adjusted to slant downward so the sight-line intersects the falling trajectory of the bullet. Normally twice, @ the near and far zeros, but it could be adjusted to just hit the apex or not at all.

But, when you fire vertically there is no bullet drop to cause a trajectory and the path is straight line. Gravity slows the bullet in its upward travel, but does not cause a deviation to the straight path. Perfectly vertical shots are rare. The target would have to be directly overhead. But nearly vertical has similar issue.

In close shots with a shotgun like your goose example are not affected enough - similarly any close shot is not affected by small sighting issues. Shooting at any angle other than as sighted in affects the projectile path vs the sightline.

Vertical shooting can be accurate if your sightline is established exactly parallel to the bore axis. Then you would be off by only the distance between the center-lines of the bore and scope. Consistently for the entire path of the bullet, until it fell back into the barrel assuming no wind. The navy used to calculate wind and speed correction by a perfectly vertical shot ( not a real fast weapon) and seeing how far away it hit the circular target when it returned. Simple math.

In most situations the sight makes you tilt the barrel up so the bullet's trajectory intersects the sightline. The farther away the more you need to tilt. 'Give it a little more bead'

At close range the sights are usually not far off for any circumstance, and even sighting along the barrel is sufficient. Some archers use that as well, looking down the arrow with no sights and aiming higher as distances get longer.

If that didn't do it I could grab some diagrams off a search.

If it is Extra-terrestrial, I hope we get to see them/meet them before I am gone. Wouldn't that be the most awesome experience?
It could be but I seriously doubt it would be as we'd envision or like. I personally would like to see another life form not of this world. I would hope the meet and greet would be cordial and productive but that probably wouldn't be possible.

The reason I doubt this is because of the intelligent difference that would be present and obvious. For another life form to travel here its level of intelligence is something we today couldn't begin to digest or understand. And this life forms level of knowledge probably would NOT even begin to understand ours as it would have to be "light years" ahead of us just to travel here.

Assuming this life form didn't come from any planet in our solar system that means it came from another. Our nearest star is Proxima Centauri. It's a small star and too faint to see with the naked eye. Humans discovered it in 1915. It's 25,300,000,000,000 miles away or 4.25 light years. If a life form came from that solar system the technology needed at that short distance is something we can't even imagine today or even logically discuss. Man's fastest ever machine is now the Parker Solar Probe exploring our sun today. It's traveling at 430,000 mph now or Mach 56. I believe that's just over 0.50% of 1% the speed of light. That means our fastest speed thus far is BARELY moving in the scope of things.

Even if another life form could bend the fabric of space and cut the distance down that would mean NOTHING to us. So while I truly would like to see another life form from another solar system I'm afraid that's all anybody could do.... just look. I think they would have no more interest in us any more than an ant hill even if we desired it unless we showed aggression. Us relating to them is the same as us and the ant hill.

These are just my thoughts on it while trying to be logical.

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Yeah, like that's gonna happen. Not.

Question I have is why would "aliens" be interested in anything the Earth has to offer? They would clearly be far more advanced technologically than humans, and anything on our planet, possibly including our variety of life, could be readily found much easier and closer to their own planet.
If they show up there will be some dumbass drunk redneck to shoot at them anyway.

or a war monger will because they frighten him

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or war monger

I hate to break it to you but we are already at war.

Our borders are compromised, letting in who knows who or what.

We have a handful of proxy wars going on in the Middle East and a few others on deck (Iran,China,etc).

Chinese own more land around major military bases in this country than ever before.

My guess is these drones were part of that group. They collected the info they needed and now they’re gone. Just like the spy balloon. Made its way across the entire country then it was shot down.

Next thing is another pandemic. Just a matter of time. This bird flu stuff keeps making the news. Keep an eye on it.

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