Coppa Delivery Guy Strikes a Coppa

Colonial KirkPA

Silver Member
Apr 4, 2007
Colonial, PA
Detector(s) used
White's Pro XL
Tnet forum dudes:

Hey, guys, it is KirkPA. What in the heck is up? I got out today with Colonial Silver Zeus and zoyboy to one of zoyboy's latest ra-search site. It was one of those sites that is NOT easy to find, unless you know how to show some skills in this hobby....RESEARCH! :tongue3: :D :thumbsup:

Since I don't want to give out too many details about the site, I will only tell you that it is located in a pasture. Zoyboy did such fine research that he narrowed the detecting area down to about 1/2 acre in size. That makes for some good sweeping...John Walter-like sweeping that is, my men! :tongue3: :D

With our ANALOG machines juiced up, we took to the ancient field. We were there for about 45 mins. when my uncle, Colonial Silver Zeus, yelled out a great find. This one got our juices pumping. :tongue3: After his awesome recovery, I was soon startled by a "Q" on "Quarter" hit that pinpointed at 4". After plucking the doyt (dirt) out, I was soon welcomed by a GREEN disc! :headbang: :notworthy: :angel8: Yeah, baby, yeaaahhhhh! :tongue3: :thumbsup: I yelled to my relatives, "Coppa!" That was when we started to "club"...super hard handshaking. :D The coin turned out to be a nice 1825 Coronet 1st coppa for 2008! :icon_pirat: :D Zoyboy's research was paying off...BIGTIME! :icon_sunny:

After my awesome coppa, I detected in a determined fashion, kind of like John Walter! :D :wink: I found an iron buckle and a two-ringer later in the day. Oh, CSZ also made another great find, but I will let him tell you dudes about it. :wink: :D :o :D

All in all, let me tell you, it was a great day spent with my great relatives. :tongue3: :thumbsup: But, what made it even more special was the fine research of the site. Without the great homework by my brother, we would NOT have detected the site. Thank you, zoyboy, for your fine skills in this hobby. The fruits of your research paid off today and will in the future as well! :thumbsup:

Keep the passion high! :icon_sunny: :thumbsup:


Note: All relics were found on private property with total consent of the landowner. :)



Upvote 0
Kirk what can I say your fast becoming an iconic living legend as allways loved the post.

Best wishes S.I.R

Bro, I am glad that you benefited from the blood and sweat of my historical research. :D That Coronet cent is only the beginning for this year's coppa-seeking style. :thumbsup:

Let's stay true to our style and keep on looking for COPPAS! :coffee2:

We must keep on a swinging like John Walter! :thumbsup:


Great coppa kirk ! Only 1 year older then my oldest. shame the field eat all the detail off them.
Oh well, old coppa is still old coppa.
Glad you like your new avatar too.

Very nice Kirk-- :thumbsup:--Congrats on tha nice Coppa. WTG

I do remember looking over at you today, and seeing John Walter in your swing. If you keep on excavating coppas at your rate, you will also become a your own mind. :D


Excellent coin! I hope that this was a brand new site for you--full of TONS of Ancient coppers. :D

By the way...that rug looks like something my MOM bought in 1964.


Hey Kirk, finally jotting a line to the King of Coppa, Great score on the large coppa. I too found a half

dollar sized coppa today only mine is about a century too late to be worthy (1919 British penny) Thanks

for stoking the fever. Godbless ! Gregory, Santa Fe.

Good job there Kirkster! Can always count on you to dazzle us! If I bring a twelve pack can I hunt with you sometime?


zoyboy said:
Bro, I am glad that you benefited from the blood and sweat of my historical research. :D That Coronet cent is only the beginning for this year's coppa-seeking style. :thumbsup:

Let's stay true to our style and keep on looking for COPPAS! :coffee2:

We must keep on a swinging like John Walter! :thumbsup:


Thanks, bro, for the great ra-search. You know I am staying true to my coppas. Next in line...Colonial wilver! :D

John Walter would have been proud of my day. He is my idol, you know? :D :wink:

We must keep sweeping! :thumbsup: OOOOOF


Thanks to everyone else who responded to my coppa thread. I appreciate it! :wink: :D :thumbsup:

Keep the passion high!


KirkPA said:
zoyboy said:
Bro, I am glad that you benefited from the blood and sweat of my historical research. :D That Coronet cent is only the beginning for this year's coppa-seeking style. :thumbsup:

Let's stay true to our style and keep on looking for COPPAS! :coffee2:

We must keep on a swinging like John Walter! :thumbsup:


Thanks, bro, for the great ra-search. You know I am staying true to my coppas. Next in line...Colonial wilver! :D

John Walter would have been proud of my day. He is my idol, you know? :D :wink:

We must keep sweeping! :thumbsup: OOOOOF


I just finished another rasearch project this morning. Let me tell you that it is going to yield COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPAS! :D :thumbsup: :icon_queen:


Baldingboy said:
Good job there Kirkster! Can always count on you to dazzle us! If I bring a twelve pack can I hunt with you sometime?


How about bringing a whole case? OOOF :D


Glad to see you all have a great start to your hunting year. :thumbsup:


WTG Coppa Delivery Guy ( UPC )

First coppa recovery of '08 !!! SWEET :thumbsup:

Its all about the research :icon_study: - Zoyman knows ! I am always impressed by the study-learn-permission-recovery of BDD !
Zoy has got it down pat...Much like a Ben Gates , decypher and find !

Part of what I love most of this hobby is reading the old stories and the field work looking for the slightest of clues to colonial past :icon_scratch:

Its going to be a killer MD season....BDD will triumph !!

HH !

Derek :icon_king:

Great Large Kirk. Good to see those fields still producing these American treasures :wink:!! :wink:

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