Coopers Treasures

I found this — Darrell Miklos net worth is estimated between $1 million to $1.2 million as of 2017. His salary per episode is $30,000. His company ‘Gemini Marine Exploration’ and his show ‘Cooper’s treasure’ brings in a lot of money, so nobody is surprised at the estimates of his net worth.

Though Miklos may have other sources of income, those are his main. His net worth increased with the airing of his show that very high viewer and following rates.

Darrell Miklos’s birthday and age are not public, but it’s widely known that he is married and father of a daughter or possibly more kids.He should be in his late forties or early fifties. Darrell comes from a family with a deep history of treasure hunting from shipwrecks all over the globe. His interest in adventure and especially treasure developed from a very tender age.

He is the co-founder of Gemini Marine Exploration a company specialized in historical shipwreck recovery. He also stars in his show on Discovery Channel known as ‘Cooper’s Treasure’ which started July 2017 and is simply about Miklos’ adventures to different places, in search of shipwrecks with the aim of reaping the fortunes that have been buried with them for hundreds of years

Miklos was a very good friend of astronaut Cooper, whom he first met at ‘The Merv Griffin show’ the day Miklo’s father was a guest star.

Cooper is the man who noticed several dark sports in the ocean while he was on the orbit of the earth. Very convinced these were all ancient shipwrecks, he decided to make a map. Now Miklos is using this map to hunt cooper’s hidden treasures in the memory of his old friend Gordon Cooper.

He has gone to places like the Bermuda triangle, searched for the fortune at the coast of Miami to the Bahamas and many other places. His adventures come with different risks.

Some of these risks include high tides which can sink a ship. Another danger is hurricanes like the one which made him call his mother, wife, and daughter thinking it was his last days on earth.

I have an idea on ALL these " TV treasure shows"
Instead of crying about the quality of all these shows. Let's as "treasure hunters" formulate what a "GOOD" treasure hunt show would consist of ....... I'll start off with this.....Stop with repeating the same crap again & again each & every episode.

I have an idea on ALL these " TV treasure shows"
Instead of crying about the quality of all these shows. Let's as "treasure hunters" formulate what a "GOOD" treasure hunt show would consist of ....... I'll start off with this.....Stop with repeating the same crap again & again each & every episode.

Could it be???? LOL

Instead of crying about the quality of all these shows. Let's as "treasure hunters" formulate what a "GOOD" treasure hunt show would consist of ....... I'll start off with this.....Stop with repeating the same crap again & again each & every episode.

Discovery Channel format...:BangHead:

Cooper is the man who noticed several dark sports in the ocean while he was on the orbit of the earth. Very convinced these were all ancient shipwrecks, he decided to make a map. Now Miklos is using this map to hunt cooper’s hidden treasures in the memory of his old friend Gordon Cooper.

What happened to the story about the use of the secret sensing device that spotted the wrecks?

Ah yes So what BS are they going to hit us with tonight at 9:00 pm?

Do other active 1715 fleet divers still subscribe to the 10-ship theory?

I was very surprised that Jim Sinclair said that "10 ships were lost." Don't most agree now that it was 11 Spanish ships (+ France's Grifon)?

I just read a book titled “ Florida’s Golden Galleons” its all about the 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet and it claims 10 ships.......... if that helps.

I just read a book titled “ Florida’s Golden Galleons” its all about the 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet and it claims 10 ships.......... if that helps.

Yes - until the 2000s & even early 2010s, based on records & interpretations available, many treasure divers believed there were 10 ships, but the evidence is pretty overwhelming now, & with newer corroborating info from Cuba since it opened up, it's pretty well established Ubilla had 5 ships, Echeverz had 6 ships, & d'Aire had a 12th that escaped the hurricane.

That's why I was surprised Sinclair of all people said 10.

Ubilla = Regla, San Roman, Urca de Lima, Nieves, Maria Galante
Echeverz = Carmen, Rosario, Concepcion, San Miguel, Holandesa, Ciervo
d'Aire = Grifon

When they show a satellite shot of the area their searching(area their calling dragons teeth)...It finally came to me... It Sure looks like 'looking glass bridge Bahamas'.

Acklins, just south of Crooked Island. Jamaica Cay.

Seems to be the location where they are.

At least, those are the maps they use while following their "screenplay" to the fictional site of the "shipwreck".

What seems to me to be a contradiction of sorts is on last night's episode, Miklos's business partner shows up to tell him they are running out of money and have 5 days left to
find something. Miklos says they MUST find something of commercial value.

What the hell good is that if they have no permits to actually remove anything from the site?


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No one I know that is presently active on the Fleet salvage says anything but 11 ships.

Do other active 1715 fleet divers still subscribe to the 10-ship theory?

I was very surprised that Jim Sinclair said that "10 ships were lost." Don't most agree now that it was 11 Spanish ships (+ France's Grifon)?

That's why I was surprised Sinclair of all people said 10.

I would really consider that source. (or reconsider as it may be) :occasion18:

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I'm a good bit confused with several things...both in the T & C and the Bahamas the agreement was that Miklos and Co
salvaged nothing and then I see a swivel gun aboard that Brownies Logistics mothership. I know that the Bahamian Govt was unimpressed when someone pointed out materials being taken off the seabed.

Discovery Channel treasure hunters had permits to film and research only | The Tribune

My interest is not in dissing these is that they don't once again make the Bahamians slam the door on our fingers just when there seemed to be a chance to open that door back into government-sanctioned salvage.
I hope that is not the case.

Acklins, just south of Crooked Island. Jamaica Cay.

Seems to be the location where they are.

At least, those are the maps they use while following their "screenplay" to the fictional site of the "shipwreck".

What seems to me to be a contradiction of sorts is on last night's episode, Miklos's business partner shows up to tell him they are running out of money and have 5 days left to
find something. Miklos says they MUST find something of commercial value.

What the hell good is that if they have no permits to actually remove anything from the site?

That stuck out to me too. Funny how Mr. Investor shows up and tells Miklos the pockets are very near empty & we are going to have to pull the plug. Next comes the "We have to find something now". Then, almost as if it was scripted (cough cough) Here comes the Whoo Hoo hook at the end. I'll bet money the next episode they find something just valuable enough to save the day. Maybe send the interns home & hire some real script writers that can come up with something a little less predictable.

I wish the best of luck to these treasure hunters.

I would really consider that source. (or reconsider as it may be)

I must be out of the loop about Sinclair. I met him briefly c.2010 at a 1715 Fleet annual meeting & found him very credible & archeology focused.

There's a lot of trash talking here on tnet lately about him. Is it because of his fundraising endeavors?

I watched this episode very carefully. It drops hints for the next. They find a handful of nuggets. Not coins....... nuggets

I must be out of the loop about Sinclair. I met him briefly c.2010 at a 1715 Fleet annual meeting & found him very credible & archeology focused.

There's a lot of trash talking here on tnet lately about him. Is it because of his fundraising endeavors?

Is Sinclair the money behind Coopers Treasure?

Ropesfish in watching this show I noticed they did pull a small cannon from the sea. Miklos showed it to Mr Money and said he thought it would bring $75000. Is this what happened at the Turks and Caicos? No permission to recover?

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