I haven't updated this in FOREVER because I haven't been out and done any gold digging since last July, life, work, business... All that fun stuff.
Its been pretty hectic.. I got suckered (ah-hem, asked nicely) to help my better half with the lego league thing at school, getting ready for the
competition was a hectic whirlwind, but some of the kids got their pic in the paper (and I'm in the back ground). One team got a trophy, second
place in some presentation thing out of 30+ teams, so that was cool. Now we are just playing around and learning some stuff for next year..
The kids are for the most part really good, and its something different for them, and for me too.
Students demonstrate robotics skills in FIRST LEGO League
So, my folks are out here, and that means that me and the old man are going to go find some gold.. The first week they were here we didn't get to do anything,
I was just twisted up with one miserable job that I HAD to finish.. Sucked.
Went up Friday, got some dirt and did some 'splorin... Stuff my Dad hadn't seen up in Hillsboro yet, and we went some places I hadn't been yet.. Long day,
it was fun..
And I KNOW you aren't supposed to go in there, but there are a few vids online of folks going over 1000 feet back in there, and the timbers looked
fairly good, and the rock was all solid and cows were going in there and shitting. Only went in about 8 feet.
Didn't go in here, though somebody did.
Went back up Sunday to grab some more dirt... Checking out a theory.. The first 3 short buckets looked pretty spiffy.
The theory.. The area has eroded down about 1000 feet over the past 30 million years or so. If the veins are popping up and coming out
of the ground in places, that means they used to be up above my head at some point.. The ground/vein erodes away, the gold falls. I believe
that in "follow the drywashers" he was calling it "pocket gold"... Granted he was looking for nuggets, We're just looking for any kind of gold
we can find, the more the better...
So, took some scrapings up on top of a ridge on our claim, just a flat spot at the top of a hill, a hill that has a bunch of out croppings running
down the length.. Took about 9 or 10 gallons, and it was pretty promising, nothing big, but 100s and 100s of 120 - 250 mesh stuff. Just right
up on top of the hill, just took the top few inches.
Went back up yesterday to get a bigger sample, a scrape here, a scrape there.. And started really LOOKING.. I know what the ore up there looks like,
I KNOW the rocks that will have gold, and I also KNOW the rocks that don't have anything in them. Sure enough, there was some ore looking rock
up on top of that hill, not a lot, but there was some.... And I found this guy.
I should have taken a pic before I outlined the good stuff, I didn't know how it would show up in a pic.. All I did was outline the good stuff, no other tricks involved.
But the main part of that rock, its crap, I've crushed a ton of it, there is NOTHING.. That greenish grey stuff, that's the good stuff. I believe this rock defines "spider vein"..
I really thought this desert thing would suck.. I originally wanted to drop a sluice in the water and dig and get gold... That would have been so boring.. Just on our 20 acres,
a main vein coming down the east, 2 reasonable size spider veins that have been worked on the south, a vein that apparently ran across a ridge, one big arroyo, several small
arroyos running east west, and an ancient river/arroyo channel (cemented gravels with WELL traveled gold) running north south... Its like everything you could ask for, except
running water(and BIG gold), in one spot..
Lots of fun, I don't know why I didn't get out for the past 8 months..
And a new dog, if you can call it that, its lighter than all but one of our cats.. named Spud... He's cool. And at least he doesn't look like one of those shaved rat chihuahuas.