🥇 BANNER ~~Colonial Cellar Hole~~1775 "Liberty" Buckle~~


Silver Member
Dec 20, 2010
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Rhode Island
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What is up Tnet:hello:

Just got my detector back from being fixed i snapped it in half a few weeks ago..

Got out to a cellar i had already been to but for some reason i had a feeling to go back:icon_scratch:

It was snowy and slushy but i ended up pulling this killer 1775 "Liberty" buckle and gave me the push to hit it hard.It was my first dig

I cannot find this particular buckle anywhere online but im sure its Revolutionary War related..I read something about a Albany regiment but no pics.So a positve ID is needed please..

Felt good to get out i also grabbed a childs toy pewter iron..Imagine that,this is what children played with:laughing7:

Colonial chape and a smoked like cheech and chong Largie..

Good luck out there:hello:



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Upvote 61
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Thanks. Still doing some research. Myself I think your having a lot of fun with the find and probably won't part with it soon and won't bother you more about it.. Appreciate in keeping my guy in mind if or when you do. He is a cashier's check kind of guy and always looking for Rev War relics.. I am not much on Treasurenet so you have my email to please stay in touch. I am thinking a bit of listing a known officer's shoe buckle frame I found in Castine in May. Might even be a banner find but don't know how to list it on Treasurenet. Any help folks have would be appreciated.
Thanks Gary

Thanks. Still doing some research. Myself I think your having a lot of fun with the find and probably won't part with it soon and won't bother you more about it.. Appreciate in keeping my guy in mind if or when you do. He is a cashier's check kind of guy and always looking for Rev War relics.. I am not much on Treasurenet so you have my email to please stay in touch. I am thinking a bit of listing a known officer's shoe buckle frame I found in Castine in May. Might even be a banner find but don't know how to list it on Treasurenet. Any help folks have would be appreciated.
Thanks Gary
Gary I would be happy to help you get that incredible find posted. It won't get up on the Banner because it's an old find and you are a new member. But I know that all would love to see. That find with the history is one of the most incredible I have ever seen. The fact that it was found in my state of Maine and from that incredibly historically rich town makes it even more special. If you have the pic stored in your PC the process is easy. I will send you an email explaining it. Please do post that and others. They are incredible Gary

Belated congrats on a very intriguing find, and best of luck on finding the other half. My guess is that you're prepared to move heaven and earth to finding that other piece. Looking forward to the sequel for this thread - "Liberty Buckle II" and other news on the piece's origins.

Belated congrats on a very intriguing find, and best of luck on finding the other half. My guess is that you're prepared to move heaven and earth to finding that other piece. Looking forward to the sequel for this thread - "Liberty Buckle II" and other news on the piece's origins.

I tried to find the other piece for hours yesterday and came up empty handed:dontknow:

I will move mountains on that site until i am sure:laughing7:


If definitely has some age to it, and as I seen on Facebook even Don Troiani said collectors who thought fantasy piece will have to rethink it now. But unfortunately it being old isn't enough. I have no idea if it will ever be solved, but even as a mystery item it's pretty cool and now you're part of the history writing the latest chapter. I actually think it's banner find, not for what the auction house suggests it is, but it's just such an interesting relic.

Between my George Washington Inaugural button not making banner,and now this,

The Bias against me is laughable on this site!!!Not sure why i bother i just have alot of buddies here.


Between my George Washington Inaugural button not making banner,and now this,

The Bias against me is laughable on this site!!!Not sure why i bother i just have alot of buddies here.

Yep , it's ironic you feel this way .. but Don't feel alone , most of the SJ hunters are long gone because of, I will call them "over sites ", Artie had 6 votes for a Flowing Hair , yours truly received NO votes for the only seated dollar ever posted , alright it was in a burned down building and damaged but it was a legit silver seated dollar , so my attitude is now post a find .. nah
" for who for what ",
not sharing finds saves all the work and the less info you put out there the more less land permissions you have to lose .

Is it about voter partiality , absolutely ,
will 10 cents and a banner buy ya cup of coffee ? instead , Read about beach finds from the poste rwho never will know how to start or end a sentence and Bo hoo hoo to you too .Get over it and the best there ever was do not tell nothing to anyone , es.p the IRS :laughing7:

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Just read your post and that really sucks. Now have you considered entering the relic in Best Finds in Western Eastern Treasures? You can check them out on their Webb page and actually submit it online and write an article. I have written four and had 6 Best Finds selected since 1999. Hey I may be a Greene to TN but a relic hunter for a long time. I will soon list my Cpt John Hinkley shoe buckle on TN soon as my friend Abe shows me how to do it. To bad I did not register with TN years ago. A great place to get and stay excited about this hobby.

Try sending Don Troiani (the famous historical painter) a picture. He is a real authority on artifacts of that era.
chainshot@aol.com is his e-mail.

Hey Bro,
I can only speak for myself but I have just been waiting on a clear id to vote Banner. It is a banner find all day not that it's what's important. But you've always been helpful and nice to me and I apologize for not voting earlier. I prob should have. This thing is rare as hens teeth I'm sure. Prob much more rare than my tree coin. So I hope no offense was taken by me not voting yet. Just wanted to know exactly what you had. Keep digging the Colonial goodness brother

Not implying that the auction piece is a fantasy item or repro, but I see worlds of difference between the two "Liberty"s. Not that it amounts to a hill of beans, but lettering has been my passion for 51 of my 54 years, and has served as my livelihood for over 33 years now. The "Liberty" on the auction item looks like somebody trying to copy another person's handwriting, not to mention that the typical thick and thin strokes seen in script from this period is missing. The connecting strokes look all wrong as well. No way in hell could anybody convince me that they were engraved by the same person. Everything looks like it should on yours, Blaze. What an exceptional find and I wish you all the best in locating the other piece of it.

Not implying that the auction piece is a fantasy item or repro, but I see worlds of difference between the two "Liberty"s. Not that it amounts to a hill of beans, but lettering has been my passion for 51 of my 54 years, and has served as my livelihood for over 33 years now. The "Liberty" on the auction item looks like somebody trying to copy another person's handwriting, not to mention that the typical thick and thin strokes seen in script from this period is missing. The connecting strokes look all wrong as well. No way in hell could anybody convince me that they were engraved by the same person. Everything looks like it should on yours, Blaze. What an exceptional find and I wish you all the best in locating the other piece of it.

I agree with that, the auction one seems very sloppy and actually along the lines of what would be expected for a reproduction. That's no doubt why these were looked at as being suspect.

Not sure why this isn't up top. Isn't this rare or interesting enough to be up there? It seems like the threshold being placed on this to determine if it's real or not is somewhat excessive. It was found at a cellar hole and various people with decades of experience have weighed in that this looks "more real" than the one that sold at auction. IMO, even if the worst possibilities were true (old repro) this would still be way cooler than a relative common US minted gold coin with a value of a few hundred bucks. Perhaps the fact that it has been on here so long has hurt its chances because some members are not keeping up with the thread? If I found this I would have thought it was a no-doubter and I would be pretty irked that it's not banner. My vote is in.

Yes, I think it's gone from being probably banner when posted, to a no brainer at this point.... and that's saying something because Blaze knows I would not endorse a find of his just to be nice. :laughing7: But the truth is it has most of the elements of what makes a find great.... eye appeal, age, value, and interesting. I don't think it helps the case to suggest the banner people have an agenda, but at the end of the day they should do what's right and put it up because it deserves to be there. All just my personal opinion of course.

I voted as well. Should have before but I caught up in waiting for an id. It's obviously old and legit and super unique. Exactly the type of thing I enjoy seeing up there

I voted as well. Should have before but I caught up in waiting for an id. It's obviously old and legit and super unique. Exactly the type of thing I enjoy seeing up there

I've never believed the votes really decided the banners, and for some things it is clear or becomes clear. There has been finds that shot to the top just moments after being posted so clearly it had nothing to do with votes. I think the votes just bring attention, and then they make the call yes or no... and approaching 5,000 views I'm pretty sure they are aware of this one.... and no doubt taking it into great consideration. We should lose all faith if they are not. Disclaimer: I care far less than what it may appear. :)

I had no doubt this find was authentic the minute I saw it and voted Banner immediately.

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