No? 😒
Disdain then(?) Sorry, but that's the impression I got too. 🤨
IDK if you were just being hyperbolic, facetious, or braggadocious (regarding your swinging skills). Dirty Harry said, "
A man's got to know his limitations." I know I'm not skilled--or lucky--enough, and likely never will be.
I'm too inexperienced to have encountered any of the downsides, but a cover seems like a no-brainer to me. In addition to alluvial substrate, I've broken enough stuff
accidentally in my 7 decades that I've learned "stuff
can happen". If my coils hadn't come with covers installed, I would have ordered them anyway.
I have no idea how they're attached--they appear integral--but I'm not about to go futzing around and risk damaging something. I'll burn that bridge if/when I throw a stone off it. They also look like they weren't designed to be installed/removed more than once (BICBW).
IMO, cleaning
is a good way to inspect everything for wear. damage, etc., and keeping equipment & tools clean pays off in the long run. Replacing an $18 coil cover is better than having to replace a $400 coil (with cover).
This whole thread is beginning to read like a recent one about headphones.
Today's metal detectors have advanced in many ways. One of them is the built-in loud speaker in the main unit. After I used Garret's and Minelab Explorer II, I noticed a ringing in my ears at all times. So I switched to wearing my headphones around my neck and I could still clearly hear signals...
IDT any minds are going to be changed, but many POVs to consider... 🙂