...and your proof is?You cast several ten foot shadows of doubt yourself without proof of any kind. You are impossible.
you can dig all day long, but if you have not decrypted the cipher you are just wasting your time like the hart brothers. i have seen some of the peoples work on the ciphers. some interesting and some just a joke. one person said the name in the ciphers is beal not beale with an e, that has separated him from all the others that say beale with an e. so why would this person move so far from the others to claim beal's name has no e on the end? he is moving out of the normal group of people that said they decrypted the ciphers by giving us an original look into the ciphers. the nsa papers claim that in viginia there were dead letters for a thomas beal for the exact time in 1817 of beal party startup. mr franklin has stated the other letter in st louis was for a thomas beall with two l's. there were no newspapers for the april 1820 that i could find for the area, but viginia is a solid lead for beal. my class is almost over and summer is coming, but we all think the guy with the beal name is the guy who wrote the ciphers. just our opinion!
It would be fantastic proof if have in situ photographs of this vault hole, the coins, the Boone's 30 gal iron brine pots, and those discarded empty champagne bottles, and if the coins and iron pots are currently in your possession.... I did find a hole that was 12 to 15 feet in diameter and had been dug to 8 feet deep with wine bottles for celebration in the bottom of the hole. Large iron kettles found down stream and two silver coins dated before 1820 on the opposite bank at a large boulder. So I have found two of the Beale Treasure coins but the Beale Treasure had already been dug up 60 years before I deciphered and found the burial location...
It would be fantastic proof if have in situ photographs of this vault hole, the coins, the Boone's 30 gal iron brine pots, and those discarded empty champagne bottles, and if the coins and iron pots are currently in your possession.
The problem with all the items alleged to be part of the Beale story, be it the "original letters" that the story is based, the iron box that was never mentioned in the HART PAPERS, yet George directed Pauline Innis to an Otey family member who had a iron box with a torn slip of numbered paper, to Claudine Fulton Ellis's "Beale letter" found in a family Bible- all these critical items seem get LOST after their story is presented.
...and, as with the Beale Papers treasure story, one MUST ACCEPT the word of the author.
Do you have a statement from Peter Viemeister that attests to this?
Who were these other treasure hunters ,AND are those 30 gal iron brine pots still there?
Franklin, you took those items to show Peter Viemeister, an expert researcher of the Beale story, for a reason.... I have the Polaroid Photos but I would have to look through thousands of photographs. But I do have them. As for the two silver coins, I did not take photos of them. I took them to Peter Viemeister's book store in Montvale. He made pencil tracings of them. I do have the dates and sizes of the coins written down. All is in my Beale Treasure research. One was a Spanish Pillar Dollar and the other a French Coin about the size of a nickel. As for the 30 gallon pots, I left them where I found them. At the time I did not place any connection...
Is this "Read" the Thomas Read massacred by Sheriff Otey and members of the Luck family story that once was claimed to be the real basis of the story in Ward's copyrighted 1885 Beale Papers?...
There are several reasons that made me believe my decipherment was correct. First, sixty-seven out of every one hundred repeat ciphers had the same letter. Also while deciphering, I had the letter "a" as the second letter and an "e" as the fifth letter of a five letter word. I thought it said "Large" tree when actually when I took a piece of the stump to an American Furniture Company employee, he said the wood was "Maple" Same second letter and same fifth letter. Then I had a direction which said, "out from that point" Here again the word "that" I only had the third letter "a" I later found out a man by the name of "Read" had a tavern at that point called Read's Tavern...
What I have always found curious is this:Reality is... PV did a brief sentence or two about this event in one of his books; "franklin" was a source of this event for PV, I think. "franklin" is often listed as a source for PV... check it out.
I can tell you all, if you do not have a epitaph show up for Beale in the first part of you decoded cipher you are not doing it right . Not trying to be mean here just letting you know so you don't waist your time on a failed attempted .![]()