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I would believe the professionals but there are a few facts I have stored away from some readings I have made in bygone years. I remember seeing a newspaper article about a party of men going out west on a hunt from Virginia in 1817. I wish I still had a copy. That plus the story though being short sure took an awful lot of time and it seems like an awful lot of work just to sell a pamphlet. Then there is the word of Clayton I. Hart talking to James Beverly Ward and his son a postman in the Lynchburg, Virginia both said the story was true and there was nothing they could add to it other than being true. So I will continue to search for something, I know it is out there. We just have not recognized it yet or found it yet. The hunt continues.

...and all the professional of various fields and disciplines have concluded the same- a work of fiction.

You are so funny



Neither did BREAKER


You are so funny



Neither did BREAKER

View attachment 1410591

Nice Eldo !!

Story is fiction, but...the story is an encryption. Get this and you can proceed.

Great Quote here:

But he who knows forms, is able to grasp the unity of nature beneath the surface of materials which are very unlike. Thus is he able to identify and bring about things that have never been done before, things of the kind which neither the vicissitudes of nature, nor hard experimenting, nor pure accident could ever have actualized, nor even human thought dreamed of. And thus from the discovery of the forms flows true speculation and unrestricted operation.

Francis Bacon !

How similar to my work here:

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]WhichIs The Greater Miracle?[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]Whichpremise does not invokethe universal/other dimensional mind[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]ofGod?[/FONT]

  1. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]Ralph Waldo Emerson recognizes the ability for thought [/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]provocationin two [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]relatedobjects and wishes for the[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]activationof this potential knowledge to teach some future[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]personunexpressed truths of American history. Much later,[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]ayoungster acquires said objects which to him are initially[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]onlyunrelated material objects. The youngster, grown to[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]adulthood,begins to look at the objects with intense scrutiny[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]andobjectivity then unlocks their “intended celestial” meaning,[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]thevery fabric that lead this youngster on a history highway to[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]hiddenwealth, secret writing and the solution to the Beale[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]Papersand the works attributed to Shakespeare.[/FONT]

    1. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]A person establishes “intrinsic likeness” between two[/FONT]
      “[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]remote” and [/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]Unrelated objects and comes to learn[/FONT]
      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]certain truths of American history by the research and[/FONT]
      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]study of these items. Location of hidden wealth, discovery[/FONT]
      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]of a “secret writing” method and the solution of a cipher[/FONT]
      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]in the Beale Papers and the works attributed to[/FONT]
      [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]Shakespeare are the virtues inherent in these objects.[/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]ANSWER: They both do.[/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]Source:[/FONT]

“[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]RedKnee....Fired The Shot Heard[/FONT]
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]RoundThe World”[/FONT]

[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium, sans-serif]KennethAndrew Bauman - 2015[/FONT]

And yes, this is about the Beale Papers...let's get this cleared up right away.

Nice Eldo !!

Story is fiction, but...the story is an encryption.,,
Be careful, Legrand, be very careful, there are some on these threads that ger very, very upset when the word fiction is mentioned concerning the Beale story. :icon_thumright:

Be careful, Legrand, be very careful, there are some on these threads that ger very, very upset when the word fiction is mentioned concerning the Beale story. :icon_thumright:

What does locked mean?

It means no more posts allowed for awhile.

January 20, 2017 A New Beginning!

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ECS / Old Silver

Get along ! or Move along !

Both of you can supply Legit opinions...
However Neither one of you is Better then the Other !

Get Over Yourselves !

this applies to anyone else who Has a problem also !

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Thread has been returned for civil discussion among members.
Thank you

Hey guys, what does the bell mean at a treasure sight?

It could represent a furnace or end of trail.

There is a photo of a mountain on Elkhorn River in Eastern Kentucky that looks like an inverted "Bell"

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Researcher for the Library of Congress, Clarence William's comments on the Beale Papers having "no evidence save the word of the unknown author of the pamphlet that he ever had the papers" has been discussed on this thread also addressed another point.
"The reasons given for publication sound very improbable...why did he not pass on the papers to another as Morriss did?"
-Clarence Williams, Library of Congress
Instead he waited until both Pascal and Francis Buford of Buford's Tavern to have passed away, who could have confirmed Beale's stay while digging the vault, to contact Morriss's nephew by marriage, James Beverly Ward to act as agent and publisher of the "unknown author's" finished manuscript which allegedly contained the "letters" from Beale and the his ciphers.

"Bell" COULD mean "end of TUNNEL"... like a RR Tunnel.

A perilous adventure led by Beale
Produced a treasure they had to conceal
They dug a vault, not using the cave
Then it was off to Buford's
For a Burma Shave!

A perilous adventure led by Beale
Produced a treasure they had to conceal
They dug a vault, not using the cave
Then it was off to Buford's
For a Burma Shave!

That is the way the "fur trapper's" buried their furs, food or even guns and knives-------they would dig a hole and place everything in it then cover it over with stones or brush. It was called a "cache" There is a place out west called the "caches" simply because the fur hunters would leave food and furs here often and pick them up at a later date by them or other fur hunters. I have found circumstantial evidence that Thomas Beale and Robert Morriss knew each other. Can't verify it as I am still researching. I read old documents yesterday from 1809 to 1865 very interesting insight. I need more and I will keep R & I until I either confirm or deny the mystery of the Beale Treasure.

During the War of Northern Aggression it was a common practice for Southern civilians to bury their valuables in iron pots, and many legends arose from this. While this practice was common during that War, was it common during the time of the Beale story, or was this another "borrowed" device to further the believability of the Beale story to the 1885 buying public who would be familiar with a buried iron pot tale.

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