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And one other thing, yes, I do agree with you, "that the author of the pamphlet did in fact have a great deal to do with the ciphers." No doubt that his hand "played very strongly in their preparation and presentation." :thumbsup::laughing7:

Are you still going to say that the papers doesn't say they were numbered before the author numbered them by length?

Bigscoop may not say it but I am. There is absolutely no prove that the sheets of cipher where numbered until the author numbered them by length of each. If it says it in the Beale Papers post it.

Bigscoop may not say it but I am. There is absolutely no prove that the sheets of cipher where numbered until the author numbered them by length of each. If it says it in the Beale Papers post it.

I did post it. The decoded paper#2 clearly says: ...articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number "3," herewith:.

...The vault is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are covered with others. Paper number "1" describes the exact locality of the vault, so that no difficulty will be had in finding it....

Apart from all else I posted, you can see from these two lines that the Beale papers do say that the coded papers were numbered. It couldn't be simpler.
And notice the numbers are put in quotation marks. We all know what that means.


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I did post it. The decoded paper#2 clearly says: ...articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number "3," herewith:.

...The vault is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are covered with others. Paper number "1" describes the exact locality of the vault, so that no difficulty will be had in finding it....

Apart from all else I posted, you can see from these two lines that the Beale papers do say that the coded papers were numbered. It couldn't be simpler.
And notice the numbers are put in quotation marks. We all know what that means.

Yes the decoded C2 did have that in it but that was from the author that wrote the story not from Thomas Beale's words. If the story was made up and suspect it was the author placed all of that in C2 knowing you would never located the treasure in C1 or find his associates in C3. That is way he said to only spare the time you could afford and not do as I have done. He is warning you that what you seek you may not find it.

Yes the decoded C2 did have that in it but that was from the author that wrote the story not from Thomas Beale's words. If the story was made up and suspect it was the author placed all of that in C2 knowing you would never located the treasure in C1 or find his associates in C3. That is way he said to only spare the time you could afford and not do as I have done. He is warning you that what you seek you may not find it.

I never said anything about it being real. All I said was, the story says the code papers were numbered. And, ACCORDING TO THE BEALE PAPERS, it was Beale who made the codes that says so. True or false, it does say that.

Yes I will admit that it says that in the Beale Papers but as I told you in my post that is the author's words not Thomas Beale's words. For all we know today all of the Job Print Pamphlet may be the author's words. There is no proof of a Captain Thomas J. Beale, there is no proof the letters exist, there is no proof the code papers exist and there is no proof the iron box contained all this information and there is not even any proof that Robert Morris or Thomas Beale had anything to do with the Job Print Pamphlet other than the use of their names written by their next of kin.

Edward Pollock did a Historical Sketch of Liberty and a Historical Sketch of Lynchburg as well as others in 1887 two years after the famous Beale Treasure was published about fifty times in the newspapers both in Lynchburg and in Roanoke but there is no mention of a hidden fortune in the mountains. There are other historical works in the area and none of them mention the Beale Treasure either. The Beale Treasure is not even thought of until the Hart Brothers got a copy of the cipher papers from Newton Hazelwood in Roanoke, Va about 1897 over twelve years after the copyright and newspaper articles. Pauline Innis and Walter Innis followed as they were kin to the Harts and Oteys, Bufords and the rest. Then came along Peter Viemeister and his book went further on the research and he ended up finding out it was a family affair.

I talked to five millionaire farmers on one of my thousand round trips to Montvale and they said the story grew from two Dooley Brothers stealing a trunk of gold from General Cornwallis at Yorktown. Guess what there was a large trunk of General Cornwallis gold missing.

Just let everyone believe the way they want to whether the treasure is ever found or not 100 percent of the fun is in the hunt not in the treasure.

Yes I will admit that it says that in the Beale Papers but as I told you in my post that is the author's words not Thomas Beale's words. For all we know today all of the Job Print Pamphlet may be the author's words. There is no proof of a Captain Thomas J. Beale, there is no proof the letters exist, there is no proof the code papers exist and there is no proof the iron box contained all this information and there is not even any proof that Robert Morris or Thomas Beale had anything to do with the Job Print Pamphlet other than the use of their names written by their next of kin.

Edward Pollock did a Historical Sketch of Liberty and a Historical Sketch of Lynchburg as well as others in 1887 two years after the famous Beale Treasure was published about fifty times in the newspapers both in Lynchburg and in Roanoke but there is no mention of a hidden fortune in the mountains. There are other historical works in the area and none of them mention the Beale Treasure either. The Beale Treasure is not even thought of until the Hart Brothers got a copy of the cipher papers from Newton Hazelwood in Roanoke, Va about 1897 over twelve years after the copyright and newspaper articles. Pauline Innis and Walter Innis followed as they were kin to the Harts and Oteys, Bufords and the rest. Then came along Peter Viemeister and his book went further on the research and he ended up finding out it was a family affair.

I talked to five millionaire farmers on one of my thousand round trips to Montvale and they said the story grew from two Dooley Brothers stealing a trunk of gold from General Cornwallis at Yorktown. Guess what there was a large trunk of General Cornwallis gold missing.

Just let everyone believe the way they want to whether the treasure is ever found or not 100 percent of the fun is in the hunt not in the treasure.

The discussion was not whether any of it was true or false. I was told that the papers didn't say such. They do. And they are Beal's words, ACCORDING TO THE CODES. Again, I'm not saying they're real, just that they do state that the sode papers were numbered.

Yes I will admit that it says that in the Beale Papers but as I told you in my post that is the author's words not Thomas Beale's words. For all we know today all of the Job Print Pamphlet may be the author's words. There is no proof of a Captain Thomas J. Beale, there is no proof the letters exist, there is no proof the code papers exist and there is no proof the iron box contained all this information and there is not even any proof that Robert Morris or Thomas Beale had anything to do with the Job Print Pamphlet other than the use of their names written by their next of kin.

Edward Pollock did a Historical Sketch of Liberty and a Historical Sketch of Lynchburg as well as others in 1887 two years after the famous Beale Treasure was published about fifty times in the newspapers both in Lynchburg and in Roanoke but there is no mention of a hidden fortune in the mountains. There are other historical works in the area and none of them mention the Beale Treasure either. The Beale Treasure is not even thought of until the Hart Brothers got a copy of the cipher papers from Newton Hazelwood in Roanoke, Va about 1897 over twelve years after the copyright and newspaper articles. Pauline Innis and Walter Innis followed as they were kin to the Harts and Oteys, Bufords and the rest. Then came along Peter Viemeister and his book went further on the research and he ended up finding out it was a family affair.

I talked to five millionaire farmers on one of my thousand round trips to Montvale and they said the story grew from two Dooley Brothers stealing a trunk of gold from General Cornwallis at Yorktown. Guess what there was a large trunk of General Cornwallis gold missing.

Just let everyone believe the way they want to whether the treasure is ever found or not 100 percent of the fun is in the hunt not in the treasure.

According to the story, everything was kept secret from all but a few. Again I'm not saying it's true, just that that would explain why it wasn't common knowledge.

Just let everyone believe the way they want to whether the treasure is ever found or not 100 percent of the fun is in the hunt not in the treasure.

Funny, that's what I've been saying to certain other posters here.

According to the story, everything was kept secret from all but a few. Again I'm not saying it's true, just that that would explain why it wasn't common knowledge.

Funny, that's what I've been saying to certain other posters here.

Yes all of that is in the Job Print Pamphlet but that does not prove anything because none of it can be proven to have ever happened except in pamphlet for sale for Fifty Cents each. Which was about a weeks wages at that time in history, quite expensive actually like someone wanted to make some treasure from the book instead of finding a lost treasure in the woods of Bedford County.

Yes all of that is in the Job Print Pamphlet but that does not prove anything because none of it can be proven to have ever happened except in pamphlet for sale for Fifty Cents each. Which was about a weeks wages at that time in history, quite expensive actually like someone wanted to make some treasure from the book instead of finding a lost treasure in the woods of Bedford County.

You might be right. And I'm not claiming to have proof. But, as other posters have said, just because we haven't found proof, doesn't mean there's no proof to find. I simply don't know.

After 131 years after the publication of the Beale Papers it is obvious that NO proof has been found.

But you can not disprove the chain of connections that I presented concerning those involved in the creation of the Beale Papers.

But you can not disprove the chain of connections that I presented concerning those involved in the creation of the Beale Papers.

I said nothing of your chain, I'm referring to your conclusions. Yours is not the only chain that exists. I have posted a string of possible evidence too, a chain, if you will, but none of it is proof. Not mine, and not yours. NO proof whatsoever, either way. You believe that the Beale story can't be true because many people were related to each other. Fine, that's your right to believe that, but it's not your right to keep poking other posters who might have a different viewpoint, some to the point of quitting posting. It's merely a conclusion you have come to, but it proves nothing.

Who have I "POKED" to the point of not posting?
You keep saying this, time for you to PROVE what you are accusing me.
... because you, Old Silver, are adding nothing to the Beale discussion but derision.
Name names, or go away, Please.

Who have I "POKED" to the point of not posting?
You keep saying this, time for you to PROVE what you are accusing me.
... because you, Old Silver, are adding nothing to the Beale discussion but derision.
Name names, or go away, Please.

Yes, you want me to go away, and like I said, you'll probably get what you want.
If I mention a name it will be because I choose to do so, not because you goaded me into it. I know what I'm talking about, and I am not the only one here who knows.

These constant remarks are getting way beyond ridiculous, and serve no purpose or add anything to the Beale discussions.

Let's roll up our sleeves and get a little closer to some solution.

[FONT=&quot]I have a decipherment of B1. It's short...only the first 16 coded numbers substitute out to a plaintext of directions on where to dig (even if a treasure does not exist). I have read the Gillogly paper and agree that the majority of the cryptogram is random numbers....I think the Gillogly string was injected into the selection of random choices to throw off later cryptanalysts and further hide the first 16 characters. B2 was fraught with error and I think that B1 was created by the author of the pamphlet after B2; B1 being short and sweet because the encoder was probably tired of counting letters in the DOI which is the key to B1. The DOI is applied in a special manner to B1 and the short plaintext appears as follows:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Ere is a variation of the word ear which means to plow. Fen is a low land or spot. Due means exactly. Red Knee is likely the name of a spot that is currently unknown to me and to other apparently as I have published this plaintext in two newspaper articles in hopes to locate red knee.[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The original pamplet DOI is the key to B1 (to arrive at my decipherment). DOI word #111 in the original pamplet is "their" instead what it should be: "these". And, between words #154 and #155 (institute and new) is inserted (incorrectly) the word: "a". These two mistakes in the original pamplet are necessary to arrive at my decipherment.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]My small error in determining word #71 I believe was the same error committed by the author of B1. Word #70 was mistakingly thought to be "separation" and therefore the word "we" was selected as word #71. When you come to encoded #76, commit the same error (logically).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Run this by selecting the LAST letter of each word for the first 16 encoded numbers. Place a question mark for encoded numbers over 1322 (there are two). Reverse the order of letters selected and arrive at:[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]ere fen d?e red ?nee[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Perhaps you have found the one "K" that ends the word "mock" in the original pamphlet DOI; I think it's word #697 (not sure right now about this). The author of B1 could have selected the word "mock" to indicate a "K" for "knee". The only other letter that could be selected by the future cryptanalyst is "s" for "snee" (no other english words end with nee). Snee is a word in the dictionary, but does not make sense in a final plaintext. Likewise, the "U" makes the most sense for the final plaintext and "U" does not appear as the final letter of any word in the DOI. Because these letters were not located by the author of B1 in the DOI, he selected ecoded numbers for the cryptogram over 1322 to indicate that some extra work would be necessary to fill in the gaps. This theory seems to make the most sense. Therefore, ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE jumps right out at you; this does not seem to be coincidence or anything but an intended message....especially since the plaintext is backwards!James Gillogly's paper: The Beale Cipher: A Dissenting Opinion (on line). This paper indicates a string of letters that indicate that the pamphlet DOI is the key to B1, but that B1 MAY also be a hoax. Well, most of the cryptogram is a hoax except for the well hidden ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE. I am not concerned about the error I made with word #71 as there were many errors in the encipherment of B2 as well.
The plaintext is very short and to the point. If one finds red knee, one digs at the low spot and perhaps finds what is hidden? Is there a treasure? I don't know for sure. What I do know is that a message was placed in B1 and this is a huge find.
The source of this text is: Beale Cipher #1 - Analysis

The above text can be further supported in my book: "National Beale Treasure....At Red Knee" . I will email you the E-book for free if you write a request for it at .

Sufficient evidence is upon us to show that something is hidden in C1. C1 also has another methodology of hiding of text. Letter frequency of the entire C1 code. Cort Lindahl's work, recently published about a week ago, provides sufficient explanation for the frequency methodology. There is a grand historical conspiracy of secret things afoot in this country. The Beale Papers is simply the pinnacle of this heap. Here is the link to this work that is amazing. Cort deserves the little bit of help with a $7.00 price tag for his effort ($4.99 for Kindle version). Do yourselves a favor and learn. The vault has been located and it's because of the Beale Papers. The intriguing thing is, there is more than one vault derived from the Beale Papers.


These people are wrong... !!

"lies rather beyond the range of possibility"- Col George Fabyan
"diabolical ingenuity, specifically designed to lure the unwary reader"- William Friedman
"nothing more or less than a hoax"- Elizabeth Smith Friedman
"the Beale treasure is likely to be a hoax, invented by whomever authored the Beale Papers"-
Dr Todd Mateer​

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