This is a re-post from the new topic in the same forum. Posted here to rap things up with this topic.
Ok, here's the highs and lows for the Cobra Beach Magnet.
I bought the machine to survive getting wet, which it has with ZERO problems.? I was a bit let down by the cosmetic appearance of the machine because it looked cheaply made.? After six months of hard use that include it being completely drowned and dropped and bashed, it hasn't had one problem.? I have found that 8 AA batteries (Energizer 2200 mA Rechargables) will last a very long time in this machine.? I guess that could relate to the lack of bells and whistles.? The coil is held on with a 1/4 inch plastic bolt, which I over tightened and snapped.? I couldn't find a replacement like it, so I purchased a PVC toilet seat bolt and drilled the coil and shaft to 3/8 inch and it has worked perfectly since.? There is a pretty basic Discrimination and Depth setup, but they work just like any other machine's.? There is only one tone that either hits or misses, but it seems sensitive enough for the task but takes some getting used to.? The coil has exposed epoxy on the bottom, but it doesn't seem to be wearing very much and I do hunt in some very rocky areas.? It lacks a pinpoint function, but by "X-ing" the target, I can usually get really close.? A double tone indicates that the target is close and single tones are usually at least a couple inches down.?
It has found silver dimes at five inches, and quarters at a solid six inches.? It has a 10.5 inch coil and is not very sensitive to small targets, the smallest I have dug are .22 long rifle casings at less than an inch.? It will get deep with this same coil though.? I dug a crushed Pepsi can at about 14 inches in a wash.? It also found lots of other coins and relics and I didn't feel as though I was missing things I would have found with the White or Fisher.? In the coin garden, it performs on the same level as the other two.? It has yet to give me a false hit or have problems in heavy mineralized areas.
The head phones are indeed water proof, but I hate that I can't swap them out to another set.? They do work well, and are plenty loud.? I usually hunt quite areas and when I do I always wear them around my neck.? In noisy areas, you can still hear them, but I usually turn the volume down and put them on my ears.? I am pretty tall with long arms and found that the cord for the head phones is a very little bit to short.? A little reasonable stretching fixed this problem.? I also didn't like the fact that the cord attached to the front of the machine, the "too short" problem would not exist if it came out the back.?
When the low battery tone is heard, you can still hunt, but I never ran them until they were dead so I don't know how much time you have left.? The batteries ran the machine for about ten, five to six hour hunts before the low battery tone was heard.? That is a little better than advertised.
It is marginally heaver than like machines but after a couple hunts, you never notice the difference.? The coil is also a bit heavy, but it is slightly bouyant in water, where it is intended to be used.? The shaft is steel (I think) and is really solid and strong, no complaints there.? It might be aluminum, but the finish is hard enough that I have yet to scratch it, but it feels like steel.? There is no rust on it anywhere.
The appearance when it arrives is cheesy and cheap looking.? After removing the stickers from the sides, it looks much better and a lot less "cheap" to the crowd.? It now has the normal scratches and wear and the housing is holding up very well.? It now looks as respectable as any other well used machine.
In summary, NOTHING on this machine is interchangable with anything else out there.? No coil swap or headphone swaps.? It is a sealed unit.? It is much better built that I originally thought.? The only thing that broke was totally my fault; the coil mounting bolt.? No malfunctions of any kind.? And it did hunt well with lots of finds to back it up.? It will not find ANYTHING smaller than a BB, but will reliably find buckshot everytime.? It will discriminate out nails and pulltabs, but you will lose that end of the spectrum.? It will find gold and silver at the factory recomended settings, but also tabs.
In all, I would say this is a much better machine than I thought when it arrived, it's easy to learn and does do what the ads say it will do.? Is it a $399.95 machine?? Yes and no.? As far as other machines in the underwater detector field go, I will refrain from answering.? As far as land machines go, it works as well as my other two that cost more, although they do have more bells and whistles.? I have verged on abuse with this machine and it held up rather well.? I would say it will do well in the "used" markets.? Save yourself some money and buy a used one on E-Bay.? If you have any questions, PM me.
Happy Hunting!!!