Maybe you read me wrong. Idaho was chasing my posts. Everytime I was writing a post, he was jumping in and he was writing how I made things up, how I'm changing the clues, I'm writing BS, and all this to protect his claims and and to keep alive his statement he found where the LDM it's located. I was answering only to his provocations.
Nobody knows what another member knows, so everybody have to respect anyone's opinion and statement. Without been able to prove the contrary on what a member is writing, nobody has the rights to insult or to " speak laud " in regards to intimidate and with this behaviour to project indirect his theory and claims. Here we are free to write what we believe could help in the solving of different legends and stories.
Many times I'm thinking if it's worth giving clues out and trying to help people to get closer to what are looking for. The only thing I got back from all this, was irony and competitive behaviour. Maybe my fault is how I'm too confident of what I'm writing and this looks like I'm a narcissist and I want to show off myself.
With all these said, I let you ( plural ) know how I will stop posting in any LDM thread, reading and waiting to see what will be the results of any research which could lead to the LDM. Good luck to everyone!
I went back through to check up on myself, and see If you have basis for this post I’ve quoted.
I see why you have run away. If I were to have done what you said, I might have been banned. Too bad you would not listen to Spartanoc, or 393 stroker, who have been very kind to you, in spite of your rude responses to them…… the same treatment many here have gotten from you.
You definitely have been projecting your bad behavior onto me and others…. but feels like you have been relentless on the poor behavior towards me.
The why seems to be in response to my calling you out on your twisting of clues, that don’t even make sense, and yet you use your twistings to bash what others have said, ….. a behavior that I have seen continue for over 4 years, ever since I started to share my search results.
I told you recently that you’re blowing it, that more and more of the members here are on to your bs. I guess maybe that was a sign you took to double down. 🤷🏼♂️
Now after practically all doubt of your bs has been eliminated, by you yourself, you try to blame me, and what

? Punish others by not posting LDM stuff anymore.
(for what offense?)
Don’t get me wrong, I’m concerned for you, but relieved you won’t be posting bs over here on LDM stuff anymore, (even though that was most likely just one of your threats 🥸)
In the mean time, I hope you decide to honestly self reflect, and experience some heart softening moments … for now, I say good bye to you markmar.