Oro you just can not accept the lost dutchman mine is a figment of a theiving old german BLESS p.s. continue to contribute the fools that believe & die. bless
So Inky, you come on here and insult us that believe that the ldm can be found. You put out BAD VIBES{{{{{{ with all your negativity. So pretty please with brown sugar and a cherry on top, chill.

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I know this is old, but I want to respond. Waltz went to Fort McDowell on the Verde, to get the Indian report for the week. The Calvary made trips though there quite frequently and they knew where the Indians were raiding, even if it was a little after the fact. When it come to your scalp, all information is pertinent. Also, it was easier to cross the desert strait across from the fort, and stop by Agua Escondido to water up, then either cross at Mormon Flat Crossing and go down La Barge, or head up or down the river. Waltz had a lot of bidness going on all over the area. Someday I might share that with you but I need to finish my bidness first.

Can I bring my Poodle on the horsey ride? I ran into this guy back in the Superstitions, many years ago. In '91 I believe it was. At least this guy looks just like the dummy we ran across out there. His pony ride came to the end of the trail, just as me and my partner hiked down off off Black Mesa. We came out of a small arroyo and surprised him, he got a panicked look on his face, and he just turned his horse and headed back into the bushes, straight for a 30 foot cliff. I came in behind him and kept saying, "HEY! HEY! Stop, there's a cliff...Right then he came to the cliff, pulled his reins back and backed that horse almost over the top of me. I started cussing him, #@$+&%^$#$%&% as I got out of his way. All of his Pony riders were watching him as he came back out where they were really embarrassed. I followed him, still cussing, then I jumped up on a big rock and started doing the Hillbilly dance while singing "I'm an ole cow hand, from the Rio Grand! All off his pony riders were laughing their off! When they got a little ways down the trail, I pulled my cannon, let out a war whoop, and fired 3 shots into the air. This really cute babe in the back turned around, gave me the thumbs up sign, then blew me a kiss! They really believed the mountains were cursed after they met me! My partner still laughs about that one. I was just concerned for his safety, and I wasn't that close to him and he knew I was back there trying to stop him. His horse started rearing back he jerked them reins so hard. So, he didn't find any treasure? So what was this video about, other than an advertisement for his pony rides?

I know this is old, but I want to respond. Waltz went to Fort McDowell on the Verde, to get the Indian report for the week. The Calvary made trips though there quite frequently and they knew where the Indians were raiding, even if it was a little after the fact. When it come to your scalp, all information is pertinent. Also, it was easier to cross the desert strait across from the fort, and stop by Agua Escondido to water up, then either cross at Mormon Flat Crossing and go down La Barge, or head up or down the river. Waltz had a lot of bidness going on all over the area.

Pony rides are fun.

P.S. (stealing an old post from another member)
Cavalry = man on horse
Calvary = Man on cross

Firing shots behind someone, and yet still expelling CO2 into the immediate atmosphere...I guess that's why they still call "Natural Selection" a theory...


I don't believe it is quite that simple. Larry Hannah has done a lot of work on Waltz's Land and it would take a lot of effort to walk through everything.

My question for you would be: Did Waltz have land in 1886 to be sold for non-payment of taxes? He was paying taxes on some personal property but I'm not aware he was paying any taxes on real estate in 1886.

Take a look at the agreement between Waltz and Andrew Starr in 1878 and it appears to me that Waltz had relinquished any claim to the 160 acres in 1878.

There is obviously lots more to the research and Larry can probably straighten us all out but he may still be trying to tie up some loose ends.

Anyway go to the Maricopa Recorder's site and look up Book 3, Page 322 and let us know how you interpret the agreement.

Maybe we can proceed from there? :)


Bingo. While he lived on the lot at the time, technically he was no longer the owner.

Your best clue was from Jess Mullins description of Waltz who he had a great dislike for.
He was about the filthiest man I ever met. Talked dirtier than the cloths he wore. He was a round faced pin-headed guy with no forehead at all. His hairline started where his eyebrows left off. I don't think he had a bath in his life.
So you are all following clues from a pin head.

Your best clue was from Jess Mullins description of Waltz who he had a great dislike for.
He was about the filthiest man I ever met. Talked dirtier than the cloths he wore. He was a round faced pin-headed guy with no forehead at all. His hairline started where his eyebrows left off. I don't think he had a bath in his life.
So you are all following clues from a pin head.
that description fits a few of the locals around here lol

Your best clue was from Jess Mullins description of Waltz who he had a great dislike for.
He was about the filthiest man I ever met. Talked dirtier than the cloths he wore. He was a round faced pin-headed guy with no forehead at all. His hairline started where his eyebrows left off. I don't think he had a bath in his life.
So you are all following clues from a pin head.

So what your saying is he had hair at least, There’s people like that today that I know Frank. They don’t have a Hot wife by the pool. La la la! There good people just depressed alone don’t care. But they all have a good share of money in the bank. So I don’t believe it has a bearing on his clues at all. Maybe he had a crush on Julia,

Take Care Frank,


Gees you keep posting the same old

There is a water tank below the mine, you need a rope to get to it. Maybe something like this?

So Inky, you come on here and insult us that believe that the ldm can be found. You put out BAD VIBES{{{{{{ with all your negativity. So pretty please with brown sugar and a cherry on top, chill.
I thought you found the LDM near Iron mountain a few years back, but I must be mistaken:dontknow:

I don’t think the pit mine is the LDM


As I recall, the actual clue was about "maybe" needing a rope to climb down to or into a pit mine, rather than to a pool of water.
"Tanks" mentioned in the list of clues include a tank where Waltz would water his animals and a series of three tanks, each one higher than the previous one, somewhere along his route to the mine and not far from it. There may be more which I don't remember at this time.
At least some of the clues may be related to other mines, however. And don't forget Waltz also claimed to have covered the pit with layers of ironwood logs, topped by a couple of feet of rock and dirt, so that it couldn't be recognized as a mine. I think it's been pretty much proven, with more than enough documentation, that the Silver Chief "pit mine" was a surface deposit first discovered, claimed, and mined well after Waltz found and worked his LDM. That it and the other mines on the ridge were being discussed, worked and written about in newspapers and mining journals while JW was still alive and living in Phoenix IMO, is proof enough that the two mines are not even in the same area, let alone one and the same.

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There are three tanks in that area, this one is the lowest. Animals can’t get to it . The one above they use. I’ve seen the tracks, it’s a 30’ shallow pool.

IMO, the clue " Mine is located near three natural water tanks in a canyon, one below the other, a short distance from the mine. (Indian to B Holmes) " is inaccurate because there are more than three.
The portion of the canyon below the mine is full of potholes, so there are at least ten pools/water tanks. Maybe the person who told the clue was referring only to a small portion of the canyon which was in sight and has only three water tanks.

A GE image of the canyon below the mine


There probably isn't a canyon out there which doesn't have water-holding potholes somewhere along it's length. In closely spaced multiples of two, three or more as well. And more than a few with water year round and with what might be seen as other LDM location clues in their vicinity. So, lots of locations to occupy any searcher's time and to tease his mind. I have a couple of such places myself which, later when I have time, I will explore further. If in doing so, I stumble across a short, partly rock-walled up "rat hole" sized tunnel with a cache of gold ore behind the rocks which make it harder to see from even nearby, I'll probably figure I'm real close. If I also find a "pit" up above, where the rock faces at it's bottom show rich visible gold in two different types of matrix, AND that ore looks to be a match for what we have been told is LDM ore, I guess I'll KNOW I "found it". Until then, though........????.

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