Clues for cache hunting

I think argueing over these matters or trying to discredit someones experience will not get anyone any benefit, why not instead try it out, and I do not mean applying it to INTERNET searches, instead to Cache searches.
A)( Precisely what I have been advocatingever since I joined TN.
. And most of my learning has been through others, despite me not believing things, I tried them out. some did not, again
A) This is exactly what happened to me when I was first told of fires, disbelief and a bit of mythical superiority over ignorant superstitious people. So to show them the errors of their thinking, I dedicated a part of my search time to disproving this silly belief. I went to various sites where a fire had been seen and soon had accumulated a ton of commercial metal before I found any silver. I even lost two treasures because i delayed too long due to disbelief of the source of the stories. They were recovered by people seeing these mythical non-existing fires. sigh

However, I do not go out of my way to check fires since their source can be a long ways from where they finally surface. This makes for a looong seach for an underterminable value and source.
Till Eulenspeigle

Noble Metal the Shotputman is incredible... He stand over 7 feet tall and is holding his own head with a ripped out vertebrae..... Some so called Experts believe its a buriel ground of a high ranking official and his head being removed, means that his leadership was taken away from him and then he was killed..... One thing for sure it is some type of warning! not to go past him..... his left hand is wide open and down like "don't go past here!" plus add in the Skull in his Right hand lifted up with a ripped out vertebrae.... someone was trying to make a point!

I don't have any experience in science, or in what is really happening in diffirent metals being in the ground for years; I've never had a test kit for soil, dawgvader has, and so I don't want dawgvader to missunderstand me, I say the following for all and SWR:

SWR was laughing at me to the point months ago that I actually deleated one of my posts that I never should have (my choice my fault), my point is this; the SWR joking started with my talking after gflores, about seeing a center area in the distance ground at times, always in the same area, and what we are today calling 'fires'. Now, this is a Fact at times at the place of a burial still in the ground weather anyone beleives it or not. - As to Arsenic, I don't know because I have zero experiance in it; but this is what I do know: The gases from long term burial spots during the digging can kill a man if the dig is not handled properly.

Now there obviously could be other reasons as RealdeTayopa has mentioned as to a mans death during the digging, and the regular soil also could of course have other problems in it. (Like the coal miners, when the bird dies get out fast.) But its happening, for whatever reason.

And so SWR, lets just admit that no one in the world knows everything, and yet some of us have seen and had personal experences in the field, that are not only for sure, and are the same; but can not be learned or seen by others if they are not out and forunate enough to be the proper area at the proper time. (For certain things just cannot be learned while sitting in front of a computer.)

This also is a highly intelligent statement:

'However, I do not go out of my way to check fires since their source can be a long ways from where they finally surface.' Till Eulenspeigle

RealdeTayopa said:
[SWR link
With all due respect, I see no evidence to support your theory of what the alleged light composition is constructed of, nor do I believe you have dug up gold/treasure as the results of seeing such said lights.

A) Obviously you don't read your own links, i have posted photographs twice, but no response??

No, no gold but silver, and tons of base metals.

Till Eulenspiegle
You posted pictures of treasure, not of fires or lights, and you stated that you used detectors to find the treasure.

RealdeTayopa said:
[SWR, some of us abroad have seen and heard many more things than you and many have yet experianced; and that is just the way it is I guess.

Noble Metal...are you stating that these occurrences only happen ?abroad?, where only ?some people? can see them? Seems odd that this phenomenon is restricted to only certain countries and only some people.

SWR should be BANNED. He makes too much sense!
A) HI, ever seen a Pichi quate or a Carbunko?? I have, but "most" down here never have, so what does that prove? I have seen many things that are not in Herptology books yet, but they exist.

I have yet to see the Pyramids of Ginza or the blue Nile, but they exist and in only one country, wihch many of it's own citizens haven't seen.

Heck, I haven't even seen mi bestest buddy Sossi , nor has most of the world, fortuately?, but he xisits and only in one area.

On the basis of it, it is a foolish statement by SWR.

Till Eulenspiegle

No (pichi quate?) and yes, and the term is herpetology. There is nothing unbelievable about a luminescent beetle or plant, just not luminescent treasure!

jeff of pa said:
If You refuse to Believe everything, The odds of Ever
finding a cache, comes down to Pure Luck.

You got it backwards!

[=bigticket ]

You posted pictures of treasure, not of fires or lights, and you stated that you used detectors to find the treasure.

A) As I mentioned, the source of the luminous gas may be a long ways from the exiting spot. As near as I can understand this phenomena, certain physical/chemical reactions take place in metal buried in an impervious soil, i.e. dry adobe. These collect throughout the year until the first rains loosen the soil sufficiently for them to travel to a nearby exit point. When they emerge into the open air they have a certain characteristic color which is visible to the human eye.

This gas can travel a long distance horizontally through porous layers until it can reach the surface and escape into the atmosphere. I can only presume that a certain amount of pressure is developed during the metal / gas transformation.

Since it only happens ( correction, "only is visible") at night after the first rain or so for a few moments, once a year, and it's possible exit point is unknown, it "IS" rather difficult to have everything set up for a photographic record, no?

As for using instruments for the final locating, why not? What is wrong with that? I have seen multitudes of treasures described here in TN, some are even more closely located than a fire can do, yet they use instruments, no?

Crude analogy, this is a play ground, there are coins scattered around, so you use an instrument to locate them, why? This is a much smaller area to search than a possible treasure site indicated by a fire which may be 100's of feet away from the actual metal.

Till Eulenspiegle

[bigticket ]

No (pichi quate?) and yes, and the term is herpetology. There is nothing unbelievable about a luminescent beetle or plant, just not luminescent treasure!
A) The pichi quate is a small light brown viper opprox. 7-8 " long, quite venomous.

Herpetology/ Herptology , so I am prone to typos, as Dr Flores well knows, and don't use the spell checker? what has this to do with the topic?

If the insects can produce luminescence, and certain other life forms can produce hi voltage, why is it inconceivable? Next you will be stating that plant life does not have a valid form of cognizance comparable to humans.

I suggest that you research the works of SIR Bose.

Till Eulnspiegle

Active Arsenic in Gold Plating Bath

Jul 19, 2000

I am using a Gold plated bath that contains arsenic. I am looking at controlling the bath not only by total As concentration but also active arsenic. I was informedn that a polarogragh could be used to determine active As. Does anyone have a procedure on this method? Thanks, Steve

Stephen L. Gingras
AMS - Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Dear Reader: please choose what you want to do--
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I want to post a new question or inquiry of my own on a different subject.

When such a Regulus [Arsenic] is melted, it imbibes all the Metals, which you put into it, and those metals, when afterwards treated and distilled... form a metallic oil in the same manner as if you had used Regulus Antimony-Mars. The Regulus of Realgar or Orpiment absorbs metals quicker than the Regulus of Antimony, and renders the metals more volatile...

I have more Documentation on this subject... The above paragraph is from "Adept Alchemy".. Imbibes means absorbed or infiltrated... Seeing that arsenic is a byproduct of gold ... It really doesn't take a great leap of faith! That the gold back in the day could be contaminated with some type of arsenic dust... even microscopic traces would be imbibed into the proccessed gold.... I know enough about the Spanish, that I really don't think they had OSHA safety meetings or Haz mat charts or even a controlled lab.. There is no doubt about it! that with ORE GOLD you will always hear the words arsenic.... And I will be bringing Documentation of the University of Michigan that proves this point.. that they have found arsenic atoms somehow bonding with ORE GOLD! and I will give you the Link.... Its getting late so I will get that tomorrow.... If I am sounding redundant! oh well! I dont mean to be... I just try to search for the truth.... And I know most of you are to..

Holy arsonic wonder batman! Eddie is on to some real science now!!! Listen up rookies this network of experience will pay off... read on and learn... tell us more!!!

I have been in the industry for about wimpy rookie 9 months now and... The boys I know in the industry for many years say this by product of gold when buried... is Treasure Hunting 101.... the deadly poison to beware of!!!

I have an OD feeling there is going to be a few post coming shortly that will give you the credible professor vs Gilligan references you are looking for... This is a great forum of experience from the boys on the street and the boys that stay in the library reading books...? I do not blame you for wanting to know from the professor... but if our hommie on the street got burned with blisters went to the hospital for a specific type of poisoning.... It is my best guess is the Gilligan on TV will tell the professor how it happened.... the average treasure unter above the IQ of 85 will not be telling the DR at the hospital or the professor how he got poisoned...

Ok here is a link to dig into... A little much for the average brain to soak in but hey if
I am at risk to getting poisoned at least a mask should be used... those Indiana Jones glory days are over... if that dust gets to your lungs you are gone with a painfull death.
A little more credible for all of you professors out there... unless you have somthing against the professors in Michigan???'u of michigan arsenic gold'

Thank you. And true experiance digging outside is a most fantastic teacher.

Wow, for two pages of reading about "clues," all I get is arguments over flame composition and advice to be careful when dealing with poison. Anyone really have a clue to share? Let's get back to the topic, please.

Here's one for the average Joe out there...if you suspect a cache exists, but don't have deepseeking equipment, do what the old timers did prior to electronics. They used a long probe. Most small caches (jar of coins, etc) are buried shallow enough to find with a regular detector. But some of the larger caches (military, KGC, and the like) were buried deep. Too deep for a detector...and too deep for a probe. But what the diggers would do is mark the spot with a large flat rock close to the surface. The rock is what you're probing for. Since the detector won't pick it up, you have to try what many an old looker did in the past...act like you're using a cane and when no one is looking, start probing.

I hope you find the big one!

SWR link=

Below I have supplied the link where the above quote came from. In all appearances, the author of the Adept Alchemy has no scientific credentials. He is the author of The Great Book of Hemp. His other writings include: Hemp & Health; Prophecy: A History of the Future; American Prophecy; and Adept Alchemy.

Real science, eh? ::)
A) Thanks for the link SWR, it is fascinating. I will spend more time in there reviewing past beliefs, etc., some of which were the last word in science then, as "others" are now. hehehe.

At a quick glance, I was very impressed with the fact that he had an article reporting the success of the Chinese in cureing Leukemia with Arsenic trioxide in the late 1990's. Why haven't I read of the success or failure of that treatent in medcal journals? I do have access to many.

Incdentally, I saw no mention of him stateing that he was a certified scientist, what ever that is, merely an author.

I can report on the works of Robert Openeimer in exqusite detail, whether I am a certified scientist or not has no bearing
upon the validity or value of the report.

Your point?

Till Eulenspiegle

Darren in NC ]
Wow, for two pages of reading about "clues," all I get is arguments over flame composition and advice to be careful when dealing with poison. Anyone really have a clue to share? Let's get back to the topic, please.

A) Hi Darren, the fires were mentioned as an important "potential" clue in looking for buried treasures (caches) under certain conditions, right in line with the original intent of the link.

Unfortunately, as usual, and customary with certain posters , it was aborted into a play upon science, scientific credentials etc.. - I suspect an ego factor here.

The main purpose of the original posts was to show "possible" help in finding caches by different methods, whether proveable, scientifically accredited, or even logical, was not the point.

Here's one for the average Joe out there...if you suspect a cache exists, but don't have deepseeking equipment, do what the old timers did prior to electronics. They used a long probe. Most small caches (jar of coins, etc) are buried shallow enough to find with a regular detector. But some of the larger caches (military, KGC, and the like) were buried deep. Too deep for a detector...and too deep for a probe. But what the diggers would do is mark the spot with a large flat rock close to the surface. The rock is what you're probing for. Since the detector won't pick it up, you have to try what many an old looker did in the past...act like you're using a cane and when no one is looking, start probing.
A) Right on.

Tull Eulenspeigle

RealdeTayopa said:
At a quick glance, I was very impressed with the fact that he had an article reporting the success of the Chinese in cureing Leukemia with Arsenic trioxide in the late 1990's. Why haven't I read of the success or failure of that treatent in medcal journals? I do have access to many.
Till Eulenspiegle
You mean like this?

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