spartacus53 said:
Here are 2 quick and interesting questions, feel free to post your trivia questions too
The answers
1- What town in Virginia changed hands about 26 times
Centreville, VA
2- CSA Gen. Forrest has 2 interesting facts, plus a well know quote... Can you identify all 3
1- He had 29 horse shot out from under him during the Civil War
2- After the Civil War, he founded the KKK
3- the quote was "get there firstest with the mostest".
OK Spart, I am sorry but I have some problems with your second question. Forrest was famous for so many things that Just a couple are not nearly enough in my humble opinion.
3. Managed to convince Col Able Streight to surrender to him although Forrest was outnumbered 3 to 1.
4. The only man to enlist as a Private and leave service as a General.
5. Outnumbered 4 to 1 managed to decisively defeat Gen Sturgis at Brices Crossroads MS.
4. Wounded by a fellow officer in an argument Forrest managed to kill his attacker with a pocket knife. (When learning he had fatally injured the attacking officer he went to his side and apologized.)
5. Called "That Devil Forrest." By Sherman, the Union General was quoted as saying "Their shall never be peace in West Tennessee until that Devil Forrest is dead." and "I only feared one man during the war and that was General Forrest.".
6. Annihilated Fort Pillow and it's defenders after telling the defending Commander that if he did not surrender no quarter would be given.
The list goes on and on. The same with quotes.
"Put the Skeer in them and keep it in them."
"War is to the knife, and the knife to the hilt."
On being told they were surrounded at Parkers Crossroads by his second in command, the Second in command asked "What will we do sir?" Forrest reply??
"Attack them both ways."
Here is a little known fact. General Erwin Rommel visited the United States in 1933. In his memoirs was this passage, "Of all places I have seen here Clifton (Tennessee) is the most beautiful.". Rommel was in West Tennessee following the path to Parkers Crossroads studying Forrest. The British Army and later the American ran into Forrest's tactics being used in of all places, North Africa!!!
I do love the history of Forrest and my family's home in West Tennessee so I am going to give one more tale about Forrest, and then I will shut up already!!
On the pursuit of Sturgis in the aftermath of Brices Crossroads the Confederates under Forrest were pursuing as hard as they could to follow up the complete rout of the Union. During the night on the first day of the pursuit toward Memphis a drenching line of Thunderstorms left the roads a nightmarish quagmire and by torch light Forrest watched from a small bluff above the road as an Artillerymen tried to free a limber that was stuck and thus holding up the rest of the Artillery. Forrest thundered down the bluff and proceed to cuss the Artillerymen trying to free the limber from the suction of the black Mississippi mud. An indignant Artillery Sgt yelled back at Forrest, "No man talks to me that way!!" and he then jerked the top of the limber open and thrust a lit torch into it!!!! Forrest spurred his charger and went back up the bluff as fast as he could to avoid losing his life to the explosion to follow.
The reality was all of the Artillery men knew the limber was empty. They had taken the ammo out earlier to lighten the limber facuiltating it's extraction from the mud!!
Realizing he had been duped rode back down the embankment to the offending Sgt and doffed his hat and said with a smile, "That was a good one Sgt, now get this dammed thing out of here.". Thus Forrest showed that while having quite a temper he also could take an occasional joke!!
That's all, I am outta here my friends!!