Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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OK lets try this again, I am better at treasure hunting than English. I am in this to make money, we have many sites in Pa and Va. and if the land owner or DCNR or the FBI comes in and digs when we are not on site and later they say NO GOLD WAS FOUND , then we have a problem and that's why we have lawyers.

Fair enough, you are in it for the money, I can respect that. When you say you have "sites", what exactly do you mean by this? Also, a follow up to my previous question, what is your definition of the word "Found"?

Lastly, you say if they come in and dig and find no gold, then we have a problem. Why do you have a problem with them finding nothing?

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People- is this not crystal clear?
Reality TV IS BIG business. It could make a person a millionaire and change their lives forever.

4 tons or 5 tons of gold...what’s the difference.

I think what we can all take away from this thread is that FK thinks they have enough content to potentially make a good profit from reality TV. Obviously there has been an ongoing effort to stockpile footage. That was not for memories.
It might be a skeleton in a cave with some coins that date to the period... it might be 5 tons of gold or silver. It might be some reality TV. My guess is that on a certain date a production company had committed to saying yes or no, having nothing to do with the FBI.

It really does not take much to catch people’s attention. Take this thread for example. Nothing tangible but on it goes. Reminds me of reality tv. I say good luck FK. People have been made millionaires for less effort.

Thank You for the post but there is no big money in doing TV unless you make it to the 3rd year of the contract. Ya it pays cost and maybe $3,000 a week for 13 weeks but that's not what we want it for . We need them on site for protection to prove we are not stealing it or if there are some drug people planting something in the woods. A film crew can get things done faster than we can. Bonds, Permits, and can get through red tape faster. We make our money from what we find and that alone is the bigger money. We will not do any other treasure hunts than what we have now. So when a TV company comes to us and ask if we will track down a treasure for them , the answer is no. Its not fun working with a contract that makes you work when you don't want to. The film crew will slow our work down to. The last thing I want is to go on TV and show everyone what we do and how we do it. But if that's what it takes to get these sites dug up , OK. If you dig up a site and find treasure, the land owner or gov. will think you removed some of it before they were called in. So its easier if we have a film crew with us to prove what we found is all there and nothing was removed.

Fair enough, you are in it for the money, I can respect that. When you say you have "sites", what exactly do you mean by this? Also, a follow up to my previous question, what is your definition of the word "Found"?

Lastly, you say if they come in and dig and find no gold, then we have a problem. Why do you have a problem with them finding nothing?
When we work with a land owner and tell them what we know, we want to be on site when they dig. Now if they dig with out us on site then say nothing was found , what would you think. If they dug when we were on site and find nothing , then OK.
You ask about sites, we have many sites ready to dig. From Pa, Va, and Nova Scotia some on land and some in water. We have sites in Florida on land and in water. So we are done looking for new sites.

There is new treasure hunting equipment that will make it easy to locate most treasures sites, fast and from the air. We have been ask to help try it out . Not sure how it works but I have some sites that I would like to check it our with. This unit can pick up a finger ring 3' down under from a chopper. Ya know what everyone is thinking and so am I :censored: . We all knew this day would come and this could be it :dontknow:

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treasure hunting is a very private thing .as soon as somebody knows about what your doing they want it do the work and they want what you have found...keep your mouth shut...did you really thing the government would show you what finderskeepers found .go about your business and....keep your mouths shut..

Aside from the secrecy of Dents Run, do you have photos on your web site of ANY other treasure found at any other of your previous "sites" over the last 10 years? I love to see results from professional treasure me some reason to keep at it....incentive.

By the way....your last statement speaks volumes....."I'm in this to make money".....I only say this because most treasure hunters have other reasons....otherwise they would have stopped searching long ago.
Ya, Go to my web site or check out my sites .

Fun of”

You got it wrong and you made fun of me? I went back to all of the emails from the TV companys and most say the word FILM in them. So I was not wrong with my statement it was you. I said we film our site from day one and that was in 2005 up and we used a Video cam and it is 8mm and it has FILM in it. I did not say a film company was on site for 10yrs filming us. GET REAL.

Well shut my mouth but I never made fun of you!

Bless your heart and stop being so thin skinned as it is not helping your cause at all. And now your follow-up statement after that part where you were incorrectly compelled to state I made fun of you is just not entirely accurate.

Have a nice weekend D” ;)

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Its not fun working with a contract that makes you work when you don't want to. The film crew will slow our work down to.

Do you realize just a few posts back that you posted you have a lawyer in CA that takes care of these contracts for you?

Are you currently seeking a different attorney to better represent your interests with all these tv and movie contracts you have signed?If not you should be if you are entering into contracts that you do not like or agree with.

I still don't know how you are getting the idea you control the property or digs on PADCNR property.You were offered a permit but you refused to bond the property.Once again that brings into question the quality of your legal team if they could not negotiate a better bond agreement that you could afford to do such a minor little excavation.

I'll bet the whole US justice system is shaking in their shoes after you issued them orders on what and when they can say anything.

Not sure the FBI or a US attorney is a good choice to pick a fight with may end up making the news for reasons other then lost gold.

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When we work with a land owner and tell them what we know, we want to be on site when they dig. Now if they dig with out us on site then say nothing was found , what would you think. If they dug when we were on site and find nothing , then OK.
You ask about sites, we have many sites ready to dig. From Pa, Va, and Nova Scotia some on land and some in water. We have sites in Florida on land and in water. So we are done looking for new sites.

Good morning FinderKeeper! I asked what you define as a site because again, like the word "Found" it varies. To some, a "site" could be the Florida Keys or the Superstition Mountains, to others, it is more specific such as a particular park, school yard or cellar hole. I'm very curious to hear your view on what you define your "sites" as(im not asking where they are) and secondly, what you define "Found" as (for example, I "found" the Nazi Gold Train). What qualifies as "found" to you?

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the FBI apparently come up to search For, or With Finders Keepers.
They were all there together & no one was under arrest.
I have never in my life heard of Feds getting involved in fantasy Treasure. ergo,
The Feds must have documentation that made them feel finders Keepers was on to Something.
as mentioned above you don't order the FBI or a US attorney, to Move on your site with you,
set up tents , and Treasure "hunt" My guess Something was found, or Highly Likely to Be or have Been there.

Again. (to ALL Members) Choose your words Carefully !
is a Respected Member here.
If anyone comes off as Making accusations,
They will most likely get a vacation for attacking a Members Veracity

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The FBI stated the investigation was still ongoing in their March 19 press release. If they stated anything other than "nothing was found", the hills at Dent's Run would be swarming with treasure hunters, thus it's possible this was a strategic move by the FBI until they close their investigation.

The FBI stated the investigation was still ongoing in their March 19 press release. If they stated anything other than "nothing was found", the hills at Dent's Run would be swarming with treasure hunters, thus it's possible this was a strategic move by the FBI until they close their investigation.

Correct ! "nothing was found" could mean "nothing taken off the mountain in hand yet"

People- is this not crystal clear?
Reality TV IS BIG business. It could make a person a millionaire and change their lives forever.

4 tons or 5 tons of gold...what’s the difference.

I think what we can all take away from this thread is that FK thinks they have enough content to potentially make a good profit from reality TV. Obviously there has been an ongoing effort to stockpile footage. That was not for memories.
It might be a skeleton in a cave with some coins that date to the period... it might be 5 tons of gold or silver. It might be some reality TV. My guess is that on a certain date a production company had committed to saying yes or no, having nothing to do with the FBI.

It really does not take much to catch people’s attention. Take this thread for example. Nothing tangible but on it goes. Reminds me of reality tv. I say good luck FK. People have been made millionaires for less effort.

Well let me tell you, at todays price of $1355 an ounce and 16 ounces in a pound that would be $21680 and 2000 pounds in a ton which would bring that total to $43,360,000, that's a lot of pb&j samiches

just wanted to be the smart guy lol


Do you realize just a few posts back that you posted you have a lawyer in CA that takes care of these contracts for you?

Are you currently seeking a different attorney to better represent your interests with all these tv and movie contracts you have signed?If not you should be if you are entering into contracts that you do not like or agree with. No I like who we have now.

I still don't know how you are getting the idea you control the property or digs on PADCNR property.You were offered a permit but you refused to bond the property.Once again that brings into question the quality of your legal team if they could not negotiate a better bond agreement that you could afford to do such a minor little excavation. Don't need a bond to dig , I will have other groups do the dig. Were do you think we could not afford a bond ? One bond we could not get it done because of the way DCNR made it up, it had no end date. The 5 companys we tried to get it done with , wanted a end date. DCNR would not make changes to it. So they gave us a bond that no one would do.

I'll bet the whole US justice system is shaking in their shoes after you issued them orders on what and when they can say anything.

Not sure the FBI or a US attorney is a good choice to pick a fight with may end up making the news for reasons other then lost gold.
Hay should we just sit back and take it, No Way. Treasure hunters get the shaft all the time and we find history and they take it from us . Its about time we get our share to.

Correct ! "nothing was found" could mean "nothing taken off the mountain in hand yet"

So they may have found something of value that needs further investigating and then backfilled the hole and walked away from it with no security to protect the site that anyone with a PA road map could find.

That is a stretch of basic logic that simply can not be reached if you take a moment to think about it.

For example ......what does the FBI do when they find a possible grave site that needs further investigating and can't excavate it right away.

*HINT*.......They don't walk away and let the site unprotected.

I will admit the FBI involvement is interesting and would like to know the real story.Problem is the FBI issued a statement that they didn't find what they are looking for.Whatever they were there looking for they didn't find.Case closed on that part.

The part about the investigation being continued is more then likely they found an item that needs 100% dated.If they had the slightest notion there was something there or nearby of value or interest they wouldn't have pulled out with no security of the site in place.FK found some items that were dated post Civil War in that area.They were identified as logging debris.So it is not at all a stretch that they are waiting for an item to be dated or identified before closing the investigation.

It could also be they sent a soil sample out for testing for some reason.

There is a long track record of details about sites forthcoming that never happens,why should I believe this time is any different.

The FBI stated the investigation was still ongoing in their March 19 press release. If they stated anything other than "nothing was found", the hills at Dent's Run would be swarming with treasure hunters, thus it's possible this was a strategic move by the FBI until they close their investigation.

Correct ! "nothing was found" could mean "nothing taken off the mountain in hand yet"

So this was now over a months ago, history.
It's about as long on the post side as the pre-side of the start of the thread.
Really what has been discovered/accomplished/true false except a lot of finger pointing, time outs for some that stepped to far, and here it is a big fat 0 for facts.
I can only imagine that the only thing one would find on this day at the said location is nature and in the evening - crickets.

So March 19th press release is as old as old for news, pumping life into it only benefits the ones that have an investment in the "scheme" in the first place.


  • 1.
    a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.
    "a clever marketing scheme"
    [TABLE="class: vk_tbl vk_gy"]
    [TD="class: lr_dct_nyms_ttl"]synonyms:[/TD]
    [TD]plan, project, plan of action, program, strategy, stratagem, tactic, game plan, course/line of action; More


Correct ! "nothing was found" could mean "nothing taken off the mountain in hand yet"

You bring up a great point and something I've been trying to clarify. I can tell you this, in my 15 years in LE, we, as well as the courts, apply a "reasonable person" standard to questions such as this. By this, any statement, or action would be viewed from the standpoint of "What would a reasonable person" think this means? In the case of the FBI's statement that "Nothing was found", applying the reasonable person standard, that would mean nothing was found, ie, the absence of any significant evidence.

Conspiracy theories aside, the FBI has no motive to issue a false statement, even if they found a trainload of gold (in fact, that would be even more compelling for them to NOT issue as false statement as a Train load of gold will bring international inquiry, interest and scrutiny). Now, I realize they may not want to divulge at this point in time if they found something significant, but in that case, rather then issue a false statement, they would reply "no comment" or "the investigation is ongoing" and leave it at that.

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FK.....who handled your bond process for Dents Run.
What you are saying is not adding up when I am very familiar with a bonding process.

I used Chas.Jones out of Philipsburg years ago and never had a single issue anything PA state bond related
Roads,state forest.I walked in with paperwork and secured a bond in minutes.It took longer for me to write out a check then any other part of the process.And I was dealing with a lot more disturbance then that little area you wanted to do.

I also knew all of the active lawyers in Clearfield and dealt with every single one in the early 90's.I believe I was the very first client of the now DA that time he was dating the now Centre DA Parks-Miller.

IMO the best lawyer in Clearfield is Ron Collins but he is mostly criminal.There were a couple practicing attorneys in Clfd about this time that were not worth the powder that it took to shove up their *** and blow them up but I won't mention them by name.

I have mentioned this time and time again the legal advice you are getting is extremely questionable and unless you are bending it to fit your narrative is a total waste of money.

Well let me tell you, at todays price of $1355 an ounce and 16 ounces in a pound that would be $21680 and 2000 pounds in a ton which would bring that total to $43,360,000, that's a lot of pb&j samiches

just wanted to be the smart guy lol


The Army Heavy Duty wagon or Escort wagon of the time was usually pulled by 4-6 mules and had a maximum load capacity of 3000 pounds. So with the hay cover and and the rough terrain I think even 2,000 pounds (1 ton) would be a pretty far fetched load figure.

Gold is measured in the Troy system. There are only 12 ounces per pound in that system of measurement.

Gold ounces weigh more too.
Troy system uses 31.1 gram ounces.
The avoirdupois system uses 28.35 grams per ounce.

Troy pound = 373.24 grams of gold or silver

Avoirdupois pound = 453.6 grams of vegetables, grains or steel

Assuming the "ton" being used is the standard U.S. short ton there are 2,430.6 troy pounds per ton.
That's 29,167.2 Troy ounces per ton. About $39,842,395.2 (40 million dollars) per ton if the gold was refined to 999 (impossible at the time).

With those more accurate figures all you have to is run the equation below to understand the value of this find.

There was no gold found. So the actual equation would be 0 x $1355 per ounce = $0

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the FBI apparently come up to search For, or With Finders Keepers.
They were all there together & no one was under arrest.
I have never in my life heard of Feds getting involved in fantasy Treasure. ergo,
The Feds must have documentation that made them feel finders Keepers was on to Something.
as mentioned above you don't order the FBI or a US attorney, to Move on your site with you,
set up tents , and Treasure "hunt" My guess Something was found, or Highly Likely to Be or have Been there.

Again. (to ALL Members) Choose your words Carefully !
is a Respected Member here.
If anyone comes off as Making accusations,
They will most likely get a vacation for attacking a Members Veracity

[ no one was under arrest.].
My kind of hunting!

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