Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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I would never do work with or for them again and I would not recommend anyone doing business with them either

So in other words no more digging in or around this site?........correct?

I posted it in the link, its there but here it is again.
but you said I made it up or it was my interpretation so do you think the same now

I did see the link, my apology for asking for it again, I missed it.

I’ll respectfully ask that you not twist my words, never have I stated that you made anything up.

I absolutely call into question your statement claiming that the FBI went on record stating “we didn’t find what we were looking for.” That’s your statement (interpretation) of the FBI press release. The FBI in no form or fashion made that statement.

Matter of fact, this group has no idea why the FBI was there or what they were looking for. I suggested early on in this thread that they weren’t looking/digging for gold.

If you say something significant was discovered, I’ll roll with you on it. Collectively, I think this group hopes that your effort results in something truly awesome.

So in other words no more digging in or around this site?........correct?
No I did not say that, I said I would not work with them again. I do plan to return to Dents Run and do some more research inside the cave. We can still do research at the site. We just can't dig BUT no one can dig on state land. We are not banned from any place in Pa. We can hunt for treasures on state land, we just can't do the dig so we will get another group to do it.

I did see the link, my apology for asking for it again, I missed it.

I’ll respectfully ask that you not twist my words, never have I stated that you made anything up.

I absolutely call into question your statement claiming that the FBI went on record stating “we didn’t find what we were looking for.” That’s your statement (interpretation) of the FBI press release. The FBI in no form or fashion made that statement.

Matter of fact, this group has no idea why the FBI was there or what they were looking for. I suggested early on in this thread that they weren’t looking/digging for gold.

If you say something significant was discovered, I’ll roll with you on it. Collectively, I think this group hopes that your effort results in something truly awesome.

Not yet, I can not talk about what happen at Dents Run YET, But if the FBI does not give my lawyer info soon we will talk. I am sure the last thing they want is for me to tell what we know when they have so much going against them now. I am willing to hold back because I know how this will end :hello2:.

I missed it, were did you read that. Were did the FBI say NO GOLD FOUND :dontknow: can you show it.

The media got nothin from state ,dnr,and fbi ,and your crew. No gag order from a court.
No leaks. No ureka veni vici calls home. No bone laden body bags.
fbi reported it did not find what it was looking for. . A likely blush and a statement to save face being that it was an" investigation". And not finding what it was looking for was given as what the fbi found. lying about it and having to retract it later would only embarrass them farther.. They goose chased enough.

What was the fbi looking for after repeated claims of gold? Hint ,not old buggy parts.

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The media got nothin from state ,dnr,and fbi ,and your crew. No gag order from a court.
No leaks. No ureka veni vici calls home. No bone laden body bags.
fbi reported it did not find what it was looking for. . A likely blush and a statement to save face being that it was an" investigation". And not finding what it was looking for was given as what the fbi found. lying about it and having to retract it later would only embarrass them farther.. They goose chased enough.

What was the fbi looking for after repeated claims of gold? Hint ,not old buggy parts.

I told the FBI if they did not say something on day 14, I was going to talk, then they made that statement. What they said is OK with us if this kept the investigation going. Now I gave them two months to come up with something good if they want more time. I have questions to.

The media got nothin from state ,dnr,and fbi ,and your crew. No gag order from a court.
No leaks. No ureka veni vici calls home. No bone laden body bags.
fbi reported it did not find what it was looking for. . A likely blush and a statement to save face being that it was an" investigation". And not finding what it was looking for was given as what the fbi found. lying about it and having to retract it later would only embarrass them farther.. They goose chased enough.

What was the fbi looking for after repeated claims of gold? Hint ,not old buggy parts.

Jimmy Hoffa? Amelia Airheart? Al Capones vault?

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I told the FBI if they did not say something on day 14, I was going to talk, then they made that statement. What they said is OK with us if this kept the investigation going. Now I gave them two months to come up with something good if they want more time. I have questions to.

In all due respect, formally being in LE and still having many friends still in Law Enforcement, one doesn't give the FBI any conditions, nor marching orders, nor does ones lawyers. The purview of their(the FBI's) investigation is determined by their policy and chain of command and would not be impeded, hastened, constrained, cajoled, etcetera, by the demands of a third party.

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We should give Tedyoh a banner for starting this thread.:notworthy:

The FBI said on that link posted that nothing was found. Nothing means nothing, and kinda hard to put butter on a biscuit when there is no biscuit. lol To me, that's the end of the story no matter what anyone else says or imagines, because it's straight from the horse's mouth.

I told the FBI if they did not say something on day 14, I was going to talk, then they made that statement. What they said is OK with us if this kept the investigation going. Now I gave them two months to come up with something good if they want more time. I have questions to.

Did they threaten/offer you any ramifications if you talked or are you staying silent out of respect for their request?

I told the FBI if they did not say something on day 14, I was going to talk, then they made that statement. What they said is OK with us if this kept the investigation going. Now I gave them two months to come up with something good if they want more time. I have questions to.

Better you than I telling the feds how info will be released.

You had a media interview scheduled for the 6th. Feds and state must have declined. Interesting that they did ,but that's just part of the account / story whatever you want to call it , too.

The FBI said on that link posted that nothing was found. Nothing means nothing, and kinda hard to put butter on a biscuit when there is no biscuit. lol To me, that's the end of the story no matter what anyone else says or imagines, because it's straight from the horse's mouth.

OK if that was the case then we can talk. But they will not tell my lawyer if the investigation is over. How long do we stay quiet, months or years :BangHead:. No I am a big part of this investigation and if they don't let me know whats up , it looks like I got screwed again :icon_scratch:. They are either with us or against us .I have done what they wanted so far so they can trust us with some kind of info to give them more time, if not we will talk :occasion18:.

OK if that was the case then we can talk. But they will not tell my lawyer if the investigation is over. How long do we stay quiet, months or years :BangHead:. No I am a big part of this investigation and if they don't let me know whats up , it looks like I got screwed again :icon_scratch:. They are either with us or against us .I have done what they wanted so far so they can trust us with some kind of info to give them more time, if not we will talk :occasion18:.

May I ask why you have a lawyer representing you on the current matter?

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Dennis, you got screwed again by the state and the FBI. With all your lawyers, why did not one of them make a agreement with the state?

May I ask why you have a lawyer representing you on the current matter?

When we had to deal with DCNR's law team in 2012, we hired the best lawyer in Harrisburg to handle all of our digs in Pa. He has been with us for over 7yrs now. We have a lawyer in Ca. that handles our TV and movie deals, we have a law firm in Halifax, NS that handles our digs in Nova Scotia. and more. We work with in the laws and do not break the laws , so its best to have someone that knows the laws just in case things happen.

He has been working with the United States Attorney Office, KT. Newton since day 1 ( Jan 2018 ) of this FBI deal. So for now he is calling the shots.

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