Civil War Payroll gold may have been found in Elk County PA

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... was on the other side of the hill digging the real treasure up and selling it. :occasion14:

Right. It's NEVER that a treasure wasn't or isn't "most certainly there". It's that "breaking news will follow at any time", or "they're still working on it" . Eg.: a little more to the right, a little more to the left, a little deeper, etc.... Or someone found it, but there's a giant conspiracy to keep it from the public knowledge. But rest assured, it was there, and more is sure-to-be close by. It's NEVER that these ghost stories aren't true in the first place.

And heaven forbid you suggest it's a camp-fire-story gone wild. If you suggest that maybe there's no treasure, then : Presto: You're "bashing".

If there was really gold, then the gold is at another location. Good hunting and Good luck.

Who here was at the site digging with the feds,who has definitve information from the feds that nothing was found, I haven't heard any thing other than some t neters saying nothing there,I want to here from feds,or a press release or from finders keepers leak something to us hint hint, I. Am with ya. Finders

Don't forget about the age old Willow BRANCH,,smity the great

Hey Folks is that my old grandpappy found, dug it up, the damn yankees fould out bout it and they hung him..Nobody knows for aure.

First I seen the press release, thanks for sharing

Well it's ongoing from all partys involved, I will stay tuned lol, I love history and would like to hear the story in detail, and before anyone jumps on how unreal the legend is, and (no treasure) ,I want to hear what the feds acted on,it would be cool to know if there is anything to the original legend that is based on historical fact,that would be treasure enough for me, cause my treasure hunts are in the rivers,streams, because there is DEFINITELY gold in them,and gemstones, only the gold fits in little tiny vials lol, not chests and the gemstones are rough

How many of these Military Payroll being lost/stolen stories or tales are there? Some of them might have bases in fact, some might even be true.
The reason I ask is this. My old Grandpa told me that at the turn of the century (1900 not the last one) there was a "story" in an Eastern newspaper or magazine (it's been more than 50 yrs. so I can't remember which) about a "stolen Military Payroll" south of Calhoun,Missouri. I disremember a date for this alleged theft, but felt it was before the Unpleasantness between the States. Anyway, as he told it, people were running up and down the 100 foot bluffs along Tebo (pronounced Tea Bow) Creek for the best part of a year and if it was found it was never announced. Part of the story was it happened just south of the Military Crossing of Tebo Creek. By whom, from whom or why I never asked. I have no idea if any of the tale is true but will say I know where the Military Crossing of Tebo Creek is. Good luck.

Who here was at the site digging with the feds,who has definitve information from the feds that nothing was found,...

Turn your question around the other way: "Who has definitive information that something was found ?"

You seem to be implying that if proof to a NON-EXISTENCE can't be produced, then it therefore: Does exist. That does not logically follow. Try that with unicorns or leprechauns . Do you see how it does not logically follow that they have to exist, unless someone proves otherwise ? Any proof to dis-prove unicorns and leprechauns will be met with rejoinders like : "they hide so you can never photograph them", etc.....

....,I want to hear what the feds acted on,it would be cool to know if there is anything to the original legend that is based on historical fact.....

....Some of them might have bases in fact.....

You want to hear why the fed's acted on it ? Ok, here it is: Because a couple of dudes make a multi-year long stink . NOT because there's necessarily a treasure.

And you want to know if anything in the original legend is based on historical fact ? Ok, here it is: Probably most of it ! All the colorful fun legends are "based on historical fact". Names, dates, events, etc.... Then throw in the 1% about a treasure. Ok, what good does it do that 99% is "fact" ? No good whatsoever. Right ?

....... My old Grandpa told me that at the turn of the century (1900 not the last one) there was a "story" in an Eastern newspaper or magazine (it's been more than 50 yrs. so I can't remember which) about a "stolen Military Payroll" south of Calhoun,Missouri. I disremember a date for this alleged theft, but felt it was before the Unpleasantness between the States. Anyway, as he told it, people were running up and down the 100 foot bluffs along Tebo (pronounced Tea Bow) Creek for the best part of a year and if it was found it was never announced. Part of the story was it happened just south of the Military Crossing of Tebo Creek. By whom, from whom or why I never asked. I have no idea if any of the tale is true but will say I know where the Military Crossing of Tebo Creek is. Good luck.

It doesn't matter if you know if the "tale is true". The moment it makes it into print: It's true.

... if not by the FBI we will go public with a news event. ...

Ok. A week has gone by since this post. When are you going public ? Let me venture a few guesses:

a) you will not respond to this question. We will hear the sound of crickets. Or ....

b) you will respond, but it will be vague with something like "pretty soon" (such that you forever be able to put off the promise. Since you won't have committed yourself to a date). Or ....

c) you will respond with something public, but it will be about how the search is on-going (a little more to the left, a little more to the right, a little deeper, etc....) . Or ....

d) you will respond to how your hands are tied by the govt. Yet rest assured, you've "found" it. But the govt. won't let you dig it up. But is most assuredly in a certain meadow, a certain cave, etc... Or ....

e) The treasure was found, but it got taken away in secret by someone else. Ie.: a conspiracy or hush job.

But under no circumstances will this "breaking news" be:

f) A treasure. And proof thereof.

Yet ... rest assured, a treasure was "found" (past tense). Right ?

Ok. A week has gone by since this post. When are you going public ? Let me venture a few guesses:

a) you will not respond to this question. We will hear the sound of crickets. Or ....

b) you will respond, but it will be vague with something like "pretty soon" (such that you forever be able to put off the promise. Since you won't have committed yourself to a date). Or ....

c) you will respond with something public, but it will be about how the search is on-going (a little more to the left, a little more to the right, a little deeper, etc....) . Or ....

d) you will respond to how your hands are tied by the govt. Yet rest assured, you've "found" it. But the govt. won't let you dig it up. But is most assuredly in a certain meadow, a certain cave, etc... Or ....

e) The treasure was found, but it got taken away in secret by someone else. Ie.: a conspiracy or hush job.

But under no circumstances will this "breaking news" be:

f) A treasure. And proof thereof.

Yet ... rest assured, a treasure was "found" (past tense). Right ?
Took me a while but I finally get it and your "gangsta posse"want this fairy tale to be true more than anyone!

Until some members of this post are removed for good , I see no point to post anything:occasion14: and your "gangsta posse"want this fairy tale to be true more than anyone!

I most assuredly want to "eat crow". I most certainly want treasures to be true. (This is "Treasure-net" after all.) I most assuredly want to come on with a public apology for my skepticism. Ok..... waiting ........ But ... as predicted .. nothing :(

I most assuredly want to "eat crow". I most certainly want treasures to be true. (This is "Treasure-net" after all.) I most assuredly want to come on with a public apology for my skepticism. Ok..... waiting ........ But ... as predicted .. nothing :(
Patience My worries....i vacuum packed the crow...

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