I truly wish everyone on here the best of luck in their pursuits...I really do. I LOVE to see stories about treasures, no matter what type, being found. I've been coming to this site for about 13 years or so, and it's always the same though; the Beale Code has been deciphered and it's a matter of weeks before it is unearthed, Oak Island is about to reveal its mysteries, KGC treasure is located and awaiting to be dug up, and so on. And yet, 13 years later, it's the same thing.
In 2018, we hold one major advantage over all previous treasure hunters in the past...Information, and LOTS of it and more often than not, instantly. That being said, there still is not a shred of evidence of the Beale Code story prior to the publication of that for profit pamphlet in the 1880's. Still not a single piece of documented evidence of any activity on Oak Island prior the McGinnis diggings in the late 1790's...just a tale of a depression in a ground with remnants of a pulley/rigging system (or something to that accord).
Because of that, the Dent's Run story just doesn't hold credence with me. As far as I'm aware no one has presented any documentation from during the Civil War or shortly thereafter detailing the lost payroll. In fact, I think the oldest documented story goes back only to the 1970's in a treasure magazine story if not mistaken. Also the elements of it just don't add up. A payroll in gold bars, not coin or paper currency? No government documentation establishing it was lost/stolen either. If data or evidence doesn't exist for something, you can much more easily craft everyday items to fit your narrative. It cannot be proven or disproved since no evidence exists to begin with. I would LOVE to pull up a story online and see Finders Keepers holding gold bars in their hands they found. I will never wish anything other than that for them. That doesn't mean, however, that I will be led by a carrot dangling from a stick and made to believe everything I read.
Best of luck to them and everyone else pursuing their own treasure hunts. I don't feel you can be upset with someone skeptical because they want to see hard evidence...which unfortunately 99% of individuals cannot show.