CIA Agents Confirm Benghazi “Stand Down” Order DID Happen

Is this another example of you not whining about what other people post?

No, just the truth. I thought TH was very gracious in how he responded. Personally, I have to restrain myself from saying the things that I want to because I can't do politically correct.

Media Matters is a BLOG. It isn't news, it is commentary (with a VERY LIBERAL BIAS - actually a VERY OBAMA BIAS) on the news with the sole purpose of spreading disinformation to the less intelligent, the less informed, and those voters with logic disabilities.

In other words, it has less credibility than the snail I ran over last week.

No, just the truth. I thought TH was very gracious in how he responded. Personally, I have to restrain myself from saying the things that I want to because I can't do politically correct.

Media Matters is a BLOG. It isn't news, it is commentary (with a VERY LIBERAL BIAS - actually a VERY OBAMA BIAS) on the news with the sole purpose of spreading disinformation to the less intelligent, the less informed, and those voters with logic disabilities.

In other words, it has less credibility than the snail I ran over last week.

Since I was quoting and responding to NHBandit, no idea what you are talking about. Did you forget which alias you were posting under? lol

And BLOGS are posted ALL THE TIME here by right wingers, yet I can't recall a single incident of you making the same comments to THEM about posting blogs here. What a shock!

Since I was quoting and responding to NHBandit, no idea what you are talking about. Did you forget which alias you were posting under?
LMAO.. holy hell man, you made coffee shoot out my nose ! There ya go Matt. You figured it out. There is only ONE guy here who think you libs are all full of "it" and he has multiple different screen names. pip has already accused me of being someone else he must have had a run in with in the past even though I have no clue what he's talking about and I've had this ONE name since 2010. Pssst... is it possible there might be more than one person who thinks you libs are running this country into the ground ? Paranoid much ?

Now CIA contradicts gov?t Benghazi account

Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, R-Ga., head of the House intelligence subcommittee that interviewed the CIA employees, explained that while there was no “stand-down order,” there was a disagreement at the nearby CIA annex about how quickly to respond.

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Westmoreland revealed that some CIA agents wanted to storm the Benghazi compound immediately, but they were told to wait while the agency collected intelligence on the ongoing attack.

“Some CIA security contractors disagreed with their bosses and wanted to move more quickly,” the Associated Press reported, drawing from Westmoreland’s comments.

The AP reported:

Westmoreland said the CIA security contractors loaded into two vehicles, with weapons ready, the moment they heard the radio call for help from the diplomatic building. Some wanted to rush to the U.S. compound roughly a mile away, and their agitation grew as they heard increasing panic when the diplomats reported the militants were setting the compound on fire.

The CIA team leader and the CIA chief at the Benghazi annex told committee members that they were trying to gather Libyan allies and intelligence before racing into the fray, worried that they might be sending their security team into an ambush with little or no backup.

Read more at Now CIA contradicts gov?t Benghazi account

The narrative of “orders to wait” seems to directly contradict Page 23 of the ARB report.

The page states: “Just prior to receiving the TDY RSO’s distress call shortly after 2142 local, the head of Annex security heard multiple explosions coming from the north in the direction of the SMC.

The ARB report said “the Annex response team departed its compound in two vehicles at approximately 2205 local.”

“The departure of the Annex team was not delayed by orders from superiors; the team leader decided on his own to depart the Annex compound once it was apparent, despite a brief delay to permit their continuing efforts, that rapid support from local security elements was not forthcoming.”

In October 2012, CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood denied reports her agency was told to hold off in aiding those in the Benghazi compound. However, her statement only seems to pertain to her own agency and not others trying to help, such as U.S. Special Forces.

“We can say with confidence that the agency reacted quickly to aid our colleagues during that terrible evening in Benghazi,” Youngblood said at the time.

“Moreover, no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. In fact, it is important to remember how many lives were saved by courageous Americans who put their own safety at risk that night – and that some of those selfless Americans gave their lives in the effort to rescue their comrades.”

Read more at Now CIA contradicts gov?t Benghazi account

Since I was quoting and responding to NHBandit, no idea what you are talking about. Did you forget which alias you were posting under? lol

I believe that I can comment on anything here so long as I stay off Crispins thread in "Everything Else".

As to "aliases", that's a pretty strong accusation against two other members of this forum (myself and NHBandit). If you have nothing to back up your assumptions, let's ask the mods if I'm posting under another alias.

ATTN MODS: Please see if I've been posting under more than one alias and post the results here.

I'm very tired of accusations from individuals who have no idea of how to overcome the truth in their efforts to spread disinformation and LIES. So, since they can't debate their way out, they stoop to personal attacks on one or more members.

And BLOGS are posted ALL THE TIME here by right wingers, yet I can't recall a single incident of you making the same comments to THEM about posting blogs here. What a shock!

Blogs are posted here at times, but no one claims they are news --- which apparently you did by saying: "Yet still we hear differently from Benghazi fixaters..."

You need to learn the difference between Facts and Fiction.

EVERYTHING from media matters (all lower case as they have ZERO credibility) is LIBERAL FICTION, SPIN AND JUST OUTRIGHT LIES.

Chad it's all good. And no surprise from the resident hypocrites. On this thread UncleMatt has his knickers all bunched up because he was talking to ME and you responded. On the thread about Phil Robertson this morning he is answering to comments I posed directly to Old Bookaroo. Double standards for everyone and all hail the king..


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MM4A posts complete transcripts, links to sources, videos that have not been edited. You claim "EVERYTHING from media matters (all lower case as they have ZERO credibility) is LIBERAL FICTION, SPIN AND JUST OUTRIGHT LIES."

While your assertion is easy to disprove - where are your examples? Rather than rant about the source - prove it wrong.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

2.0: Happy Birthday!


MM4A posts complete transcripts, links to sources, videos that have not been edited. You claim "EVERYTHING from media matters (all lower case as they have ZERO credibility) is LIBERAL FICTION, SPIN AND JUST OUTRIGHT LIES."

While your assertion is easy to disprove - where are your examples? Rather than rant about the source - prove it wrong.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

2.0: Happy Birthday!

Easy to disprove? Have at it.


In other words, you cannot prove your assertion. Got it!


"A Fox News host has debunked the claim that A&E suspending a Duck Dynasty star over racist and homophobic comments had anything to do with the First Amendment. That claim had previously been advanced by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has urged the GOP to 'stop being the stupid party.'"

Bogus Duck Dynasty First Amendment Argument Knocked Down By An Unlikely Source | Blog | Media Matters for America

See the site for links, etc.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


In other words, you cannot prove your assertion. Got it!


"A Fox News host has debunked the claim that A&E suspending a Duck Dynasty star over racist and homophobic comments had anything to do with the First Amendment. That claim had previously been advanced by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has urged the GOP to 'stop being the stupid party.'"

Bogus Duck Dynasty First Amendment Argument Knocked Down By An Unlikely Source | Blog | Media Matters for America

See the site for links, etc.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
A lib using a quote from the evil "faux" news to prove his case.... priceless.. LOL I don't think anyone is foolish enough to assume that Constitutional rights to free speech apply in a private corporate setting. What I do find hilarious is that ANY media people including television stations like A&E are promoting censorship. Isn't that something they are normally against ? A&E have shot themselves in the wallet and they will surely regret it. I hope their shareholders feel the same way and bail like the passengers on the Titanic.

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O.B. "homophobic comments" What do you mean when you call someone and other people "homophobic"? 1. Does this imply that something is wrong with "them" or someone being a homosexual? 2. Does this apply to someone who does not agree with homosexuality? 3. Does this term apply to someone who tolerates this behavior? 4. Does this term apply to those who are totally against homosexual behavior and say so? 5. Does this term apply to everybody who does not want to advance rights or recognize rights to same sex people who lie together? PLEASE... take your time and explain 1-5 to me and others so I/we might be better educated... please. And please explain in detail... please. I'd really like to know exactly what someone is who is "homophobic". And thank you sir.

Best of luck to all,

Ole' Limitool


I was quoting Media Matters for America. You'd have to ask them your questions.


I quoted that Blog to prove him wrong.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


In other words, you cannot prove your assertion. Got it!


"A Fox News host has debunked the claim that A&E suspending a Duck Dynasty star over racist and homophobic comments had anything to do with the First Amendment. That claim had previously been advanced by Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, who has urged the GOP to 'stop being the stupid party.'"

Bogus Duck Dynasty First Amendment Argument Knocked Down By An Unlikely Source | Blog | Media Matters for America

See the site for links, etc.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

1. Accept the fact that MEDIA MATTERS IS 100% BIASED and shut the heck up - or PROVE IT ISN'T. You won't because you know it's in the tank for the administration.

2. The rest of your post is OFF TOPIC!


Proving you wrong - again - is "off topic?"

Hmmm...we had a case like yours in Vienna.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Proving you wrong - again - is "off topic?"

Hmmm...we had a case like yours in Vienna.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

That makes sense!

Does this make you nostalgic?
<br />‎<br /> Mar 30, 2013 - Uploaded by Noud te Riele<br /> In Vienna we visited the Karl Marx-Hof, built between 1927 and 1930 for social housing. A great symbol of ...More by Noud te Riele
"Mile-long Karl-Marx-Hof is Vienna's most famous public housing project. Finished in 1930, it has survived the Nazi regime and WW2 and is nowadays home to a mixed population of Austrian and migrant inhabitants."


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