Check your pepper spray!

Mona Lisa

Gold Member
Jan 13, 2005
Great Falls, Montana
Detector(s) used
White's DFX & a Sunray probe
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I was cross-country skiing a few years ago and was bitten several times by a dog. Since I was carrying pepper spray, I got it out, pushed the top, and nothing came out. It was too old, frozen, or something. So I bought a new one...that I've been carrying since.

I was deep in the woods with my dogs today and "ran into" a man out scouting for turkey. He really startled me since I never see anyone on my walks. We had a quick conversation. We both live on the same road, went to school together...etc.. But after he left I decided to check my spray, since I hadn't used it. Guess what...It didn't work.

I know many of you carry pepper spray, but don't assume your spray is going to work. Take it outside and check it....preferably not into a stiff head wind. ;D ;D I should have learned this lesson years ago and checked to make sure it was working properly. Guess what I going shopping for today?

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So are you saying....your dogs dont bite ??? I thought you had them with you for protection????.....Be careful with that pepper sister sprayed hers by Mistake inside her vehicle.....Not good...Not good at all! ;)

I thought of several replies here, but deleted them before posting. ;)

I carry this stuff everyday for work.... not off duty... that's what the .40 is for. Think of pepper spray as making you into a skunk. You have a defensive tool, but lots and lots of skunks still get eaten everyday!

Anyway, here is a crash course in pepper spray.

Pepper spray is made to make you freak-out. It is a feeling that your body isn't used to. A trained person can still fight or attack you after you have sprayed them. I person under the influence of drugs or alcohol may not be affected by pepper spray. Some people (about 2 to 5 %) are TOTALLY UNAFFECTED by pepper spray regardless.

If you carry your spray a lot, say three or four time a week, you don't have to shake it before deploying it. If it sits for a week or more, give it a good shake BEFORE you go outside.

Test your pepper spray about once a month. Go outside, and well away from other people, point the spray at the ground with your back to the wind, and give it a quick spray. The spray should come out with a clean, powerful balst; not like hairspray.

A 1 ounce can is good for about 6, 1/2 second sprays. In reality this means that you can use it about once, with a couple of test sprays here and there. The 1 ounce can is the one that is a bit larger than a quarter and about four inches long. It is the smallest that I would recommend for personal carry.

Use a reputable brand such as First Defense, Fox, or Cap-Stun. HINT: if you buy it from the gas station on the corner... you probably don't want to depend on that one.

DO NOT tell someone that you are about to spray them. Their first indication that you are going to spray them is when they say "Wow, I can't open my eyes anymore!" A person will instinctively close their eyes when they think that something is about to fly into them. The object of pepper spray is to get it into the eyes. There is no law anywhere to my knowledge that says you must warn someone that is attacking you that you are about to spray them. Did they warn you before attacking you?

The range on different sprays will vary. I can guarantee you that it is a lot less than the pepper spray can says it is. The can I carry says 12 - 15 feet. I would never think about using it past about 6 feet. Keep the wind direction in mind when you use it as well. There is about a 75% chance that you will end up wearing some of it as well as the bad guy. Be prepared for that. If you wear it, wash the area with COLD water and soap. Only COLD water. Hot water opens the pores in the skin and will TRAP the pepper molecules in the skin; the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish. The effects should go away within an hour at most.

Now, the How-to:

A person also instinctively will duck when something comes flying at them. For this reason we are taught to start the spray at the middle of the chest and go up very quickly. It should all be one motion with no stops anywhere in the middle.

If the person is running at you, start your spray and THEN move to the side as you spray and the attacker runs past you. He will know where he LAST saw you and can attack that area. The object is to NOT be there when he gets there, but to not let him know what direction you left in.

Be a boxer; Stick and move = Spray and move! Keep in mind that the chances of getting both eyes are slim and the chance of getting one eye is about 50%. You are depending on the psycological effects more than anything!

If you spray them and it doesn't work... RUN!
(or shoot them)

Be prepared!
Good luck!

Good information their Digemall. I've been thinking about getting some spray to carry. I have a G26 but thought a spray might be a good idea also.

Been attacked by dogs a few times , first time a shepard came at me real fast ,no time to run .When he went for me I put my hand in his mouth and grabbed his lower jaw ,took the bite but he got the worst of it .Second time a doberman charged me and I put my knee in his chest and knocked the wind out of him ,he left.I had kept pepper spray in the dash of my truck ,thats where it was both times I needed it .The bite wasn't that bad ,hydrogen peroxide and neospoin and I was good as new . Bob

Thanks, Digem. That's good information. Maybe it's time for something a little more powerful than friendly dogs and a weak shot of pepperspray. ;);D

You should also note the storage temperatures of your spray. Don't store them in a hot car and many won't spray if left in freezing cold temperatures either.
Just a note to those who get sprayed....think twice before you decide to strip down and jump into the shower to get it washed affects your moucous membranes and other soft tissue through absorbtion or inhalation so even in it's diluted state as it runs down the small of your back you can bet the burning sensation is coming.
If I remember right pepper spray (capsicum) works better against dogs than mace does.

Yes, mvSWAT is correct. Do not let your spray freeze, also do not let it get extremely hot... as in leaving it inside your car.

You also must have it WITH YOU for it to work.

If you end up wearing some of it, when you shower DO NOT let the water run down your body ESPECIALLY into the "jewels" area... rather uncomfortable!

I have used it a couple times on dogs. One a boxer, and the other a rottweiler. Both time is was VERY effective. (Also works really well on cats inside a trash can.)

I Don't, & Never used the stuff.
The Only time I ever carried it was in my Younger Days
Working at the Night Club, when My Boss insisted we carry it.

What I'm wondering tho is,
You say You test it.
Isn't that a double edged Sword of sorts ?

What I mean by that ;

#1. IF you Don't test it, it may not be good when you need it.

#2. If You test it and Your Test Spray was it's Last Good One,
it may not be good when you need it.

Just a suggestion.
Maby you should buy 2
and test spray one away,
to see how many test sprays
you can make, as you may be
doing that too often.

Stay safe & Happy Hunting.

I never trust pepper spray or those dog dazers, they are not powerful at all :-\ I would rather carry something like a thick stick, club, or machete to defend against dogs.

im with cap z on this for women even dudes(they do get raped and murdered too!)and as far as a permit goes well if you dont show it to ne one (point ,brandish it,use it)its a tool a life preserver of the utmost order for a woman to learn to use and if the worst case happens.also a revolver is best as far as a malfunction feed wise in concerned they are dependable and they dont toss spent shells for people to find also carry a small container of "dry"hand wash and xtra foot wear....

" #1. IF you Don't test it, it may not be good when you need it.

#2. If You test it and Your Test Spray was it's Last Good One,
it may not be good when you need it. "

All quality brands of pepper spray have a "float test indicator" on them. You place the can upright in a glass of water and see how high it floats. This will indicate the level of pepper spray that is remaining inside the can. Pepper spray should be replaced at least once a year. It isn't that expensive.

A test spray is a lot shorter than a defensive spray. It's like trying to make it spray the smallest amount possible. It isn't to check to see if there is pepper spray left, it is to make sure the nozzle is clear and the propellant hasn't leaked out.

By the way... PEPPER SPARY IS FLAMABLE. Not just the propellant, but the spray itself. It uses alcohol as a carrier and will ignite if it comes in contact with flame. Not that the guy wearing it will notice much difference... he'll already be "on fire"!!!

O.C. Pepper Spray is liquid HELL in a can!

It also makes great hot chili!

;D ;D ;D

WoW :o Thats one crazy dog! What I was refering to was a Dazer, those crappy things that emit a high pitch noise that hurts dogs ears, I have done it point blank to a dog who was chasing me and it had no effect at all :-\

Find some bear spray.. it is a few times stronger than the usual stuff.
Also carry a stungun... don't buy a cheap 100,000 volt stungun.
The 500,000 volt models aint too expensive and the fancy nerve altering ones they aint too expensive either.

Above all else carry two guns with you.
It is the American way and the only sure way to stay safe out there.
Just a few weeks ago a man I knew lost his life to a man who lost a poker game,

I only wish that he could have been better prepared because he would still be with us today if he would have been armed and we all should take a lesson from such tragic happenings.

Stay safe out there!
Don't be afraid to arm yourself!

DigEmAll said:
All quality brands of pepper spray have a "float test indicator" on them. You place the can upright in a glass of water and see how high it floats. This will indicate the level of pepper spray that is remaining inside the can. Pepper spray should be replaced at least once a year. It isn't that expensive.

A test spray is a lot shorter than a defensive spray. It's like trying to make it spray the smallest amount possible. It isn't to check to see if there is pepper spray left, it is to make sure the nozzle is clear and the propellant hasn't leaked out.

O.C. Pepper Spray is liquid HELL in a can!

It also makes great hot chili!

;D ;D ;D

Be sure and shake it before using it, I think some of the cheaper ones still has the seeds in it that block the nozzle. :P

stoney56 said:
DigEmAll said:
All quality brands of pepper spray have a "float test indicator" on them. You place the can upright in a glass of water and see how high it floats. This will indicate the level of pepper spray that is remaining inside the can. Pepper spray should be replaced at least once a year. It isn't that expensive.

A test spray is a lot shorter than a defensive spray. It's like trying to make it spray the smallest amount possible. It isn't to check to see if there is pepper spray left, it is to make sure the nozzle is clear and the propellant hasn't leaked out.

O.C. Pepper Spray is liquid HELL in a can!

It also makes great hot chili!

;D ;D ;D

Be sure and shake it before using it, I think some of the cheaper ones still has the seeds in it that block the nozzle. :P

You're supposed to plant those
Then you can economize it in with free pepper plants for life


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