What happened to the ship during the 3 year period July 5th 1595 to June 1598 ?
January 1594
Stationed in New Spain (Mexico) , Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno is commissioned by King Felipe II of Spain to chart the California coast. Cermeno leaves Acapulco in March for the Philippines in his ship the San Pedro.
July 5, 1595
Cermeno's ship the San Pedro is unsafe for the return voyage, so he leases the San Augustin and sails from the Philippines for California's coast.
Nov. 4, 1595
Cermeno's crew sights land along California's northern coast near Point St. George.
. Nov. 6, 1595
Cermeno sails south along the coast and anchors at Drakes Bay.
-- Nov. 7, 1595
Once ashore, Cermeno claims the area in the name of the king of Spain. He calls the bay "La Bahia de San Francisco," in honor of St. Francis.
-- Nov. 15, 1595
Cermeno and his crew build a shore encampment and used it as their base for exploring the area.
-- Late Nov., 1595
The San Augustin runs aground in a sudden sea storm. The crew salvages some of the silk bales but much of the heavier cargo is left behind.
-- Dec. 8, 1595
Cermeno and about 70 men take a long dugout boat down the coast hoping to return to Acapulco. Cermeno misses sighting the San Francisco Bay.
. January 1596
After a seven-week voyage, Cermeno and crew arrive in Navidad, Mexico.