Charles Kenworthy vs. the CIA and Howard Hughes

In 1598 the San Pedro was going from Acapulco to Manila. It is not listed by name in the return that year, and is not listed afterwards. The list is not complete, and does not mention the names of some of the ships. It seems like the San Pedro was just a nao, but it could have perhaps been more. The Santa Margarita and San Geronimo seem to get named a lot in this time period, and are part of a group of 4 to 5 ships.


Captain Carmeno piloted the San Pedro from Acapulco to Manila, then for some unknown reason switched to the San Augustin, and sailed her back just to have the San Augustin sink just North of San Francisco.



What do you think of the article I posted - it is a 1598 shipwreck, off the Catalina coast? Maybe? Maybe not? It would have been 4 years after Kenworthy.


That's right. So the ship had been around for awhile. Yeah, that name seemed familiar somehow.

mrs.oroblanco said:

What do you think of the article I posted - it is a 1598 shipwreck, off the Catalina coast? Maybe? Maybe not? It would have been 4 years after Kenworthy.


What do I think? My brain is smoldering right now! I have about two hundred pages of letters from everyone to everyone else regarding the Dutchman's Lost Mine spread out in front of me. I have about six websites open on the subject of Manila Galleons. I think I'm going to have an aneurysm! HAHAHA

The reference to Fathom Eight (I believe) was for the wreck of the San Augustin North of San Francisco. I may be wrong, but it sounds familiar. For some reason that galleon doesn't ring the bell. I am still stuck on Capitana. I don't know why.


;D ;D ;D

Sorry, Mike - I have a bunch of discs out, too!!! Searching them, and some other paperwork. ;D ;D ;D ;D

I thought the Capitana was later, but I may be wrong, too, so........

I'll go back to the LDM page, and leave this for later!


Nice. What I now realize is that the San Pedro must have sailed from Manilla in june/july 1596 or 1597.

Looks like 1597. I will send an email to Cruikshanks and let him know some of this stuff.

Maybe the San Pedro suffered so much damage on the trip from Acapulco to the Philippines, it had to stay in port for repairs longer than planned. That was why Captain Carmeno switched ships from the San Pedro to the San Augustin because it was leaving sooner.

Just a thought.


Also, do you find any mention of the San Pedro after 1598?

Maybe between you, me, and Beth, we might have a Spring/Summer Project! If not, I know a couple of people in California Wreck Divers who might like a visit to Catalina. HAHAHA



Wouldn't that be cool????????? :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

Do you know how to dive? (I mean the right way, as opposed to jumping off a sprngboard and "diving" into the water) :laughing9: :laughing9:

I have some diving equipment - probably no good now, I've had it for years and I weigh more than I did back then. I got it all so I could learn to dive, but, never did >:(

I promised I wouldn't dive while I still smoked - and I do want to try it before I die!!! (so, I really have to quit).


Los Angeles Times Oct 28, 1974

Copper plates from a 400-year-old galleon were found off Santa Catalina Island, said Charles Kenworthy of Encino, who heads the Quest Exploration Co. He said the plates were manufactured around 1570, according to Stanford Research Institute Kenworthy owns exploration leases





  • sp.webp
    38.6 KB · Views: 973
No, it can't have sunk in June. That is just wrong.

June/July was the time of departure for the galleons from Manila. Arrival dates were usually in November to January.

cuzcosquirrel said:
No, it can't have sunk in June. That is just wrong.

June/July was the time of departure for the galleons from Manila. Arrival dates were usually in November to January.

You could be right, I came across this article that mentions the king sending/or wanting to send the San Pedro to Ireland !!! it appears to be around 1601 ? unless it was a different San Pedro.



  • spg.webp
    71.1 KB · Views: 933
Somebody mentioned the San Felipe earlier. wreckage from the San Felipe was found a couple of years ago somewhere along thh coast of Baja California. The artifacts are on display at the San Diego Maritime Museum. It was lost in 1576, I think, speaking fromm memory.

Also still missing and unaccounted for are the San Juan, the San Juanillo from the 1570s, the San Antonio from 1604, the San Christo de Burgos from 1696 and the San Francisco Xavier from 1704.


It couldn't have been lost in 1576. It is recorded that Captain Carmeno commanded the San Felipe on its' trip from Acapulco to Manila in 1597, then for some unknown reason he switched ships to the San Augustin which sailed to California and sank North of San Francisco in 1598.


mrs.oroblanco said:
Are you saying NONE of those ships sank in June???????

That isn't possible.


I think that the port records of all those ships are available to researchers. The month and day the arrived and left Manila/Acapulco.

Simple to research I would think.


There was a special monsoon wind that blew from west to east that formed in June and July. They caught this wind as they left Manila and used it to sail down the Embocadero. There were of course some wrecks along this course.

The wreck of the San Agustin is set at Nov. 30th, 1595.

The San Felipe I was wrecked in 1576 near Guerro Negro.

Cavendish got 104 pounds of gold off the Santa Ana, or 22,000 pesos including a large number of Spanish "pistoles" coins. The total value of the shipment was estimated at 2.5 milllion pesos with most of that being in silks and porcelin. This amount of gold seems ununual, but shows early on that they were interested in sending silver and returning gold.

What happened to the ship during the 3 year period July 5th 1595 to June 1598 ?

January 1594

Stationed in New Spain (Mexico) , Sebastian Rodriguez Cermeno is commissioned by King Felipe II of Spain to chart the California coast. Cermeno leaves Acapulco in March for the Philippines in his ship the San Pedro.

July 5, 1595

Cermeno's ship the San Pedro is unsafe for the return voyage, so he leases the San Augustin and sails from the Philippines for California's coast.

Nov. 4, 1595

Cermeno's crew sights land along California's northern coast near Point St. George.

. Nov. 6, 1595

Cermeno sails south along the coast and anchors at Drakes Bay.

-- Nov. 7, 1595

Once ashore, Cermeno claims the area in the name of the king of Spain. He calls the bay "La Bahia de San Francisco," in honor of St. Francis.

-- Nov. 15, 1595

Cermeno and his crew build a shore encampment and used it as their base for exploring the area.

-- Late Nov., 1595

The San Augustin runs aground in a sudden sea storm. The crew salvages some of the silk bales but much of the heavier cargo is left behind.

-- Dec. 8, 1595

Cermeno and about 70 men take a long dugout boat down the coast hoping to return to Acapulco. Cermeno misses sighting the San Francisco Bay.

. January 1596

After a seven-week voyage, Cermeno and crew arrive in Navidad, Mexico.

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