Charles Kenworthy vs. the CIA and Howard Hughes

I live vampire hours -- I do some of my best research work in the wee early hours , :wink: :icon_thumright:

Back in the 60's, I was considering investing. (I also had a chance to invest in.......the Atocha search, hmm), and, in the 70's, I had the opportunity to buy a piece of mining land in Alaska for a cheap, cheap price. We decided not to - unfortunately, that decision was definitely wrong, wrong, wrong. It was the Valdez creek property. :( :( :(

You never know, when you invest in something, what is going to happen. And, you never know what government regulations or BS you are going to run in to - you just have to know, its always a gamble.


Night owls are good!

So the question: if this shipwreck treasure was recovered, wouldn't at least some of the artifacts and/or coins have appeared in the markets by now ?
Hard to believe some 'evidence' of the recovery has not hit the coin or auction markets...or is it too logical to think that someone working on the 'recovery' would not have kept a small trophy ? Could all of this have been a ploy for Kenworthy to build a name for himself to sell books, and build a reputation as a treasure hunter ?

Fla-Gal said:
So the question: if this shipwreck treasure was recovered, wouldn't at least some of the artifacts and/or coins have appeared in the markets by now ?
Hard to believe some 'evidence' of the recovery has not hit the coin or auction markets...or is it too logical to think that someone working on the 'recovery' would not have kept a small trophy ? Could all of this have been a ploy for Kenworthy to build a name for himself to sell books, and build a reputation as a treasure hunter ?
CIA prolly melted the recovery and just used the bullion value as part of their hidden funds . It's difficult for the average person to fathom the devious mindset of these folks .

I believe that Hughes, with the government, took it and melted it down and it disappeared.

Remember how much weight Hughes carried with many government officials at the time.

I think Kenworthy got screwed.webp

raw gold to be melted into bullion bars --used to fund "off the books" projects --stuff you NEVER EVER WANT "THE VOTERS" TO FIND OUT ABOUT . --- so you need your "own" private funds for them --asking folks for "cash" can leave a "paper trail" that you do not want .

get caught "stealing" this kind of funding --and your libel to have a sudden and tragic "accident".

This is about the most far-fetched story I have ever heard, and I have heard quite a few.


mariner said:
This is about the most far-fetched story I have ever heard, and I have heard quite a few.


It may be unusual, but there is no disputing the basic facts:

1. Chuck Kenworthy had exploration permits from the State of California to search for a Manilla Galleon off the coast of Catalina Island.

2. He had archival documents and other evidence that convinced John Wayne and some of the most senior Physicists at SRI (Stanford Research Institute). He used those same documents as evidence for the State of California.

3. Kenworthy actually included the exact lat and long of the search box in his exploration permit request.

4. Right after they got on site, the ultra top secret Hughes Glomar Explorer anchored 1400 feet off the beach right in the middle of Kenworthy's Search Box, and an area of one half mile was cordoned off around her.

5. Nine days later, Glomar pulled up anchor and left. Massive disturbances on the bottom and bits and pieces of the wreck were all that was left.

6. Over the years, Kenworthy found several former Glomar crewmembers who admitted that Glomar had recovered much of the wreck and the gold and silver.

How is it so far fetched? Its' actually just about as far fetched as the original reason the Hughes Glomar Explorer was built in the first place;

A Soviet Ballistic Missile Submarine (K129) broke apart and sank in 16,000 feet of water in the Northwestern Pacific in 1968. The US spent $800,000,000 (including over $200,000,000 to build Glomar) on the entire operation to recover the sub, its' nuclear missiles, and its' encryption equipment. Glomar recovered most of the sub, and had no REAL purpose after that other than deep sea oil exploration.



once one knows the details (and has some ideal how twisted things are in the "shadow world") --it is not nearly as crazy as it sounds at first.

Some folks would fail to be convinced even if they saw it happen .

yes there are lots of "doubting thomas's" out there.

I have personally seen and done first hand and know too much stuff "within the belly of the beast" to think otherwize.

ivan salis said:
yes there are lots of "doubting thomas's" out there.

I have personally seen and done first hand and know too much stuff "within the belly of the beast" to think otherwize.
;D :icon_thumright: At one point I hauled OV-10 Broncos from the East coast to a private airfield in Texas . Fully tarped . Unmarked Suburban front and back for escorts . Our marching orders were ,"Get in the left lane , run full throttle , stop for nothing except 1 fuel stop in the middle ." Was great fun to blow by scales and troopers ;D Sorry for going off topic .

What was so secret about them? I jumped out of them three or four times. Mostly just light observation aircraft.


gollum said:
What was so secret about them? I jumped out of them three or four times. Mostly just light observation aircraft.

According to Soldier of Fortune mag , they ended up in South America fully armed doing clandestine drug interdiction .

we weren't there it and never happened if you say so "prove it" --ok you say you got "proof" fine, now, we need to see it to "right the wrongs done by "others" --so we now "need" the evidence you have to do a on going investagation P.S. you can not "withhold" evidence unless you want to be charged with obstructing justice ---oh and all your "evidence" we need to "see" it to make sure its "real" oh and by the way if you have any more copys those too need to be turned in too --- in the name of "national security" you know ---so you have hand over all the "evidence" you got right now --in the name of "national sercurity"-- later on when you recontact them ---"evidence" what "evidence" -- we got no "agent smith" working in this dept --what are you speaking about? :dontknow: :help: ::)

by then hopefully your smart enough to "forget" all about it --for your own safety and well being

Sure they didn't go to Columbia to fight FARC?


It is a well-documented event. It's not something that happened "behind the scenes". Newspapers all across the country had articles about it.

Welcome to the real world - we have mercenaries, we have spies, we have operations that are less than up-and-up and, we break the international laws - to get things done.

Do you think it was legal to go get Noriega in Panama? No. But, we did it. And, he is off the streets.

The state of California had a stake in this - they were getting HALF of everything Kenworthy got. Why do you think California just stopped talking?

This is not a conspiracy theory - this is just plain old historical facts. Like Victorio Peak, first it was there, and then it wasn't.


I would guess that if they were being used for drug interdiction, they would have been equipped with cameras and FLIR Equipment. If they were fully armed, they would have been used for combat. Maybe dual usage.


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