mariner said:
This is about the most far-fetched story I have ever heard, and I have heard quite a few.
It may be unusual, but there is no disputing the basic facts:
1. Chuck Kenworthy had exploration permits from the State of California to search for a Manilla Galleon off the coast of Catalina Island.
2. He had archival documents and other evidence that convinced John Wayne and some of the most senior Physicists at SRI (Stanford Research Institute). He used those same documents as evidence for the State of California.
3. Kenworthy actually included the exact lat and long of the search box in his exploration permit request.
4. Right after they got on site, the ultra top secret Hughes Glomar Explorer anchored 1400 feet off the beach right in the middle of Kenworthy's Search Box, and an area of one half mile was cordoned off around her.
5. Nine days later, Glomar pulled up anchor and left. Massive disturbances on the bottom and bits and pieces of the wreck were all that was left.
6. Over the years, Kenworthy found several former Glomar crewmembers who admitted that Glomar had recovered much of the wreck and the gold and silver.
How is it so far fetched? Its' actually just about as far fetched as the original reason the Hughes Glomar Explorer was built in the first place;
A Soviet Ballistic Missile Submarine (K129) broke apart and sank in 16,000 feet of water in the Northwestern Pacific in 1968. The US spent $800,000,000 (including over $200,000,000 to build Glomar) on the entire operation to recover the sub, its' nuclear missiles, and its' encryption equipment. Glomar recovered most of the sub, and had no REAL purpose after that other than deep sea oil exploration.