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Bronze Member
Dec 6, 2004
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Church Hollow was a small rural community with a church, a mill,
and a few houses located in a hollow with Cedar Creek to the west and
the Sac River to the east. In the early part of the Civil War three friends
from Church Hollow joined the Confederate Army, but before leaving
their homes they pooled their money and then they put the money into
a large kettle. The kettle full of money was so heavy that two men had
to carry and bury it. A rough stone map of a kettle was carved on a rock
with several symbols carved on other rocks. The three then left for the

On August 10, 1861, at the Battle of Wilson's Creek, just southwest
of Springfield, Missouri, one of the three was killed and another died
a few days later. The survivor later returned home, but his mind was
so affected by the war that his recollections of the past were hazy and
fragmented. His friends helped him search for the kettle of money, but
they never could locate it. He said the kettle was "30 minutes east of
the church."

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By saying I find it funny...meaning...why would anyone read these legends just to assume anyone that finds one is a liar? Sometimes caches are found. I'm not a slave to any job or location. I live fulltime in a greyhound bus I converted. My job is whatever I choose to do at any given moment.

Sorry, I didn't mean after the war, I meant after that battle, the war didn't end till 1864. Wilson's Creek was the 2nd battle of the war.

The info I posted on the burning of Nevada might be inaccurate, the book I have seems to have stuck that in there in a way I thought was related, going back to reference it now seems out of place. I'm still writing my book, errors in research are being fixed.

I'm not doubting CW Era Caches in Missouri at all! You can see by my profile.

The dates and people you listed are throwing me off, Quantrill didn't burn Nevada. The Union Militia did in 1863. That's very well documented.

The CW ended in May of 1865.

The last 3 members who replied to you including myself are all from MO and have ties not far from there is why you got such fast and similar responses. lol!

What's the name and release date of your book? I'd be interested in it too.

Be careful in those areas, lots of cookers out there!


There was no kettle found on the Austin farm in the 50`s. Cw Springer and Sam Austin dug for a couple decades AFTER that. I think the treasure you are referring to was the noble hill treasure...which blew out the tires on the truck. That was found much later than the 50`s. The 50`s was in reference to the old truck.

Kace, if you are in my area and would like to see my photos...I'd be willing to meet and show you. But I will not post those pics online or send to anyone until after my book is released. There's no date on my book yet...it's done when it's ready is all I can say.

I encourage you to meet with me. I would then request you post your opinion on this page after seeing my proof.

It would be nice if an objective observer looked over my findings and posted their opinion of it all.

Congrats. Sounds pretty epic and I look forward to seeing more.

I sent private message to Kace, we have agreed to meet sometime this month. Kace will then post their own personal opinion of my findings to this website. Stay tuned for updates regarding this treasure and for release date of my book.

Gene Carter

I find it funny that anyone has doubts. When my book comes out you will see alot of amazing photos. This was a REAL TREASURE CACHE. and yes I did find it. People have their doubts because nobody found it in 157 years. Trust me when I say the man that returned had errors in it's translation. Anyone searching believed him and continued his search. If you want different results...look at it differently. The crazed man was NOT one of the 3 men. One of the biggest clues was churchchurchchurch in the middle. In my book you will learn all the details. I didn't just find it...I researched every person and event involved. I don't really care if anyone believes me...I'm rich...the book is my legacy after death.

with out pictures of the treasure you have no proof, and we have no reason to just believe you. So you will be doubted. Not sure what you don't understand about it? People claim all sorts of wild things online, nothing personal against you. Just need the evidence first. Your unwillingness to share photos with out seeing it in your book release doesn't help either.

I don't want anyone copying my pics to claim as their own. The treasure is mine, I did it alone.
Anyone posting doubts at this point is trolling.
I have an objective observer lined up and they will post their honest opinion to this site.
Anyone besides Kace will just have to wait for my book release.

Please confirm that we have been in contact. And you have agreed to meet with me and look over my proof and photos. And that you will post objectively your own honest opinion.
Also confirm that we have never met before.

I don't want anyone copying my pics to claim as their own. The treasure is mine, I did it alone.
Anyone posting doubts at this point is trolling.
I have an objective observer lined up and they will post their honest opinion to this site.
Anyone besides Kace will just have to wait for my book release.

So then you are just here promoting your book release then? Why bother to come post unless you were gonna show us? You can easily water mark photos and protect your interests. You may have very well found this treasure, but your motives for posting here are unclear to me.

If you want me to post the whole thing then I wouldn't have a book. How is my motive unclear?
I'm not a writer, I don't know about water marks, I don't understand copywriters. I'm a treasure hunter with an amazing story to tell and to show. It will all be in the book. If you can't handle waiting for the book....I don't care.

Please remember that you have nothing to prove to anyone.
If you did find the cache, you are indeed filthy rich, you basicaly won.
No one needs to see anything, specialy not people you know nothing about on a open forum.
At this point all you should do is enjoy life, keep on writing and keep you mouth shut.
Don't screw yourself over.

Totally agree with you mother superior,
If you watch a video "the disappointment, or force of credulity" by Brian Springer....It shows his father CW Springer, old and dirty, he was smiling just a little, but you could see his years of desperate searching with no reward in his face. I can't stand to think anyone would continue for years as he did when in fact...I found it. I'd feel very shitty if I said nothing and watched people dig for decades. In fact it's the glory of 3 years of hard work I'm after. I'm betting the govt will strip me of any gold I allow them to find on me...but my book will live on.

I want you to know I did not mean to come across that I didn't believe you found the cache. I'm happy for you.

My question was the timeline and who you identified in the timeline. That's all. I'm a researcher and I want to be sure my timeline is correct. Sometimes I find out my timeline is not correct. I would find it disheartening to publish a book without the correct people or timeline and then the purchasers attack me for not having the correct facts. If you want to sell a book with pictures what you found is great. I love to look at recovered buried treasure. But I don't want to look at recovered buried treasure and see a caption that states this was "Al Capone's lost Civil War cache". Make sure you have done your research and when you feel you are confident in publishing it and can authenticate your conclusion then go for it. If not you will be inundated with questions and speculation. If you are unsure of a event or can't get a couple of confirmations on it leave that part out. Same as metal detecting. If you get a iffy signal you check it 2 ways. Do your research the same way if you can. No amount of money can make that sinking feeling of being wrong or criticized go away.

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