Hi all, chiming in again to clear things up:
1) The Facebook page shared is in no way affiliated with us. That company is based in Atlanta and is named "ACE Casting." We are based in Los Angeles and are named "American Chainsaws Entertainment" (we informally use the abbreviation ACE). Our email is called acecasting because it's used exclusively by our development team. Our website is
https://www.americanchainsaws.com/ and that is the ONLY official platform our company manages.
2) Au_Dreamers is correct. While we engage in casting, we are NOT a casting company. We are a production company. Some organizations will hire casting companies to find talent for their upcoming programs. The casting company will submit headshots/resumes/reels of talent they identify to be a good fit. This is where pay-to-play schemes come into play. Unscrupulous casting companies may go to struggling actors and say, "We were just hired to find talent for a role. We'll submit you for the role if you pay x." We have no middleman, so all casting submissions go straight to the decision makers. Once we cast the show, we will film it, and then edit it. All phases of production are handled within our company which is why we're a full-service production company and not
just a "casting company." Again, there will be absolutely no monetary expense to any talent that is involved with our program.
I hope that helps clear things up. Feel free to message/email me personally with any questions/concerns whatsoever. There are limits to what we can say publicly and we may be able to provide more answers over private channels. If you're even tangentially interested in the project, I encourage you to reach out. Thank you!