Carribean Shipwreck and Other Research

Thanks Travel73, I'm going to take a look as soon as I finish posting responses to other threads and posts. I'll e-mail back to you as soon as I check yours. Sorry to all if I've made anything boring to you. For further info, I've also landed an offer for a salvage boat and equiptment. They are only asking for the cost to run it and a cut on whatever is turned up, after the government gets a piece of course. A museum would be a nice place for the pieces to end up though. They can stay out for 3 weeks at a time, before taking on further supplies, and here is a list of equiptment: "First a little about our boat, this will be a list of equiptent: dive compressor- fill two tanks in about 20 min., lowpressure hooka compressor, low pressure compressor to operate airlifts to remove overburden, 8 dive tanks, weights and belts, 6 bc's, extra dive masks and fins, dive computers,4'' high effency air lift 2- 2" waterjets, 3" diesel water pump, 2-4,000 pound lift bags for lifting cannons and ankors,500 pound on deck hoist/boom,2-underwater hand held metal dectetors, underwater video camera, surface drop u/w camera, digital still camera. Boat can sleep 4 people or maybe 5. Has radar, vhf radios, ssb radio, sat phone, cell phone, DSGPS, Chart ploter, DGPS, WAAS, watermaker, airconditioner, full gally, freezers, icemaker, 18kw generator, all navigation and safety equiptment." Sounds good to me, anyone think of anything more that might be needed? Just let me know.

Lots of toys, but find out who these people are before you get to excited, as I said previously there are many pirates around these days, lots in 2000$ suits and plenty in levi's. Check what else is available in the market as there are plenty to chose from, you might need a blower you just do not know until you have had a look.

I have never worked in that part of the world is the a differential signal anyone can use or has the boat got its own transmiter for the diff signal for the DGPS.

You are moving faster than anyone I know with this project. Keep you focus and follow your plan.

Make sure you know what you are doing, the list you rattled off totals about 20.000 worth of inventory probably less, the compressor on its own is a risk without back low CFM means hard work for a small block designed for weekend divers. Just from what you described the people you are working with have no idea, have started on a tight budget and not thought much through! Tight budgets are not always bad, some have no choices, think carefully about how much clutter you have with sh...t that can go wrong. IN fact after re-reading your post these guys have really no clue at all, and I make the total figure around 12-15000 for all equipment brand new, the vessel sleeps 4-5 sounds cramped youre better of with a yacht and extra rum. If you hash it up first time contracts or not the vultures will finish before you come back with the right team. (and youre giving a lot away for very little) Sometimes an airticket and a little help checking it out can save a lot and go along way with far less attention drawn. Without sounding like more of an ass as you may think already, you should really think about what you are trying to achieve as it sounds to me like a bunch of weekenders going for a stroll in bear invested woods.
99* Ps the post is now improving,,,and think about what Cablava said, Blower?


You should probably register your application for a permit before you actually take anybody to the site:

(a) so that you can confirm that nobody else has already done so, and
(b) for self-protection, so that only you can follow up the permit after finding out if the site is worth examining and recovering. I do not want to sound melodramatic, but I would be very careful about going to the location with a group of people whom you do not know. "Accidents" can happen out at sea. You mentioned in an earlier posting that you are in contact with a couple of experienced and well-known people in the business. You are probably better off working with somebody like that, and make sure that your intended movements are documented and left with somebody you know and trust before you set off with somebody you don't.

Best of luck. Keep us informed.


Thank you Mariner, for your suggestion, I'm going to take that option.
And 99* no sweat about that boring thing. I thought a tight budget would be a good thing since this is my first project, being only 26 and my budjet is tight here to begin with. But, you've made me think about what could happen if one piece of equiptment goes down out there. Could be the end of it being "my project". Here was another option: a 75 foot ship that has twin 6 foot blowers,sompressors,dive equip plus another ship that has 2 million dollars worth of ceisium mags,side scan sonar and sub bottom profilers on board, both ships are availiable for hire for searches. Sounds good but not a very tight budget at all. I want to make sure the cost of running the equiptment to completion doesn't deplete the pieces of the pie for the others to an extreme.

Go for a holiday first, you can easily rent a power boat, bullshit a cousin or friend, I would not take people to a site without a signed agreement, Ive taken a few over the years and after months of shittin off on my own, they have returned to work on what I showed them, weasels, there is a big weasel here right now stealin my goodies, I did a similar thing to what you are trying to do many years back and will regret it forever, there were two of the most prominent THR`s involved, I got dick and they told beer stories. You can find the site on your own with few people follow Mariners advice, recruit family not boyfriends, (they can come and go) and you will succeed - too many guys out there at the moment offering investors and advice, all want to hook you as there a very few good working recovery outfits or people, very few, the rest are one offs and stories. Listen to MAriner, I hope Cornelius is not right here and you are for real, stop posting and get an airticket. Good luck, ps no disrespect Cornelius. 99*

Cornelius and all, I have cracked another one of the Captain Kidd Series of maps. So I don't believe they are fake. The owners of that island turned up two treasure stashes, the first one in the 1950's. I can send you the info, if you want it. I have it in my archives folder, but can send you the attachment by e-mail. Just send me the requests. Yes the money issue is my problem with getting there and spending some time, I doubt many investors would be into funding an excursion like that to just explore until I can show them underwater pictures as proof, so at this point, am I at a standstill?

It's going to take a few months to handle all the legal paperwork, another few months of working 2 jobs to set aside the extra funds not only for the trip, but to handle all the bills back home while we're out there exploring it. Although it would be time consuming to do that, I'm willing to. If there is anyone interested in joining the team who will work the salvage later on as well as come up with the funds to get us there now, handling the bills I need taken care of here while we go take a look and speak with the government while there about the permits of search and salvage , I'd be happy to go now with you. I'd need to get some background on you, and I would post all that do respond right here so we can all vote for best choice. Now I sound like one of those crazy, pay for my vacation types, and I'm sorry for that, but the other option is having you all wait for however many months, and the thread becomes boring, for sure. I'm bracing myself for negative feedback on this thread now. But I know I have something here, and want to show you a project in the making. If anyone is interested in joining the team by funding this beginning exploration, I'd be happy to show you the archived Captain Kidd Map that I have solved of the same series, as well as fill you in on the history, dates and reasons that this island is the island shown on the Mar Del Map. The later being told and shown after signing the necessary Agreement of Confidentiality and Covenant not to Compete. The only other option open is just selling my information to the Mel Fisher group, I have a contact person who could get me into talking with them, but I'd have to get to Florida to do the selling myself. I don't see any other ways to go here guys. Help me out here. If there's any interest in funding, contact me at By contacting me you understand that your name, background information, and any other information that may help us in making a selection of best pic, will be posted within this thread. The poll will take place in the voting booth section. Any other ideas on options I may have, please post them, I would greatly appreciate it. I hope to hear good things from you all, and I find a way to move forward with this project, whether it be now or later. Thank you for all your help so far, you all have been wonderful. Enclosing a pic of the island and the Mar Del Map for reference, see for yourself the resemblance and how the river resembles the lines drawn in the mountain. Interior areas colored in green to aid in protection of identification. Coastal areas are white and remain true to actual island.


  • Mar Del-Skeleton2 Map View.webp
    Mar Del-Skeleton2 Map View.webp
    73.9 KB · Views: 592
Liquigirl, I really think you are onto something here with the shipwreck and I enjoy your enthusiasm for this research. Posting the photo of the island...bad Idea!!! I recognized it the second I looked at it. I am sure there are many wrecks around this island because the water is very shallow all around it. about the safest way in is by plane. people do live on the island but most of the homes that are built there are unliveable. You are looking at a highest elevation of 11 ft. You may have found a shipwreck and I am sure there has been treasure found on the island, many of the islands in these parts for that matter, however I am 90% sure that this is not the island on the Mar Del maps...I know I am new here and I don't want to step on any toes, but you have to consider a few facts and step into the shoes of a wanted man on the run, and this goes out to anyone reading...

Captain Kidd, working for the English , sails into Anguilla ,the Northern end of the British West Indies,(sailing an English ship he had taken and loaded with all his treasure), and finds out he is wanted by England for piracy and murder. His buddies back in New York that helped fund his looting lifestyle are pretty pissed...

Now??? How far do you think this guy is going to sail an English ship that everyone is looking for, full of treasue I might add, before he says screw the buddy funders in New York and England and dump the treasure then get a diffrent ship and sail into New York? There he thinks he can get the charges dropped because he has proof that the ships he plundered were French (because he flew a French flag to trick the Engish to do the same, making the English think they would be safe, and this way he took down English and French ships.) So becoming a Pirate not the Privateer he started out...So, thinking he could get off the hook with the charges against him he leaves Anguilla and quickly dumps the bulk of the treasure, gets a new ship and sails into New York. Thinking he can return and get the goods and live happily ever after...

Back to the point...How far??? Is he going to sail this English Ship??? If he was smart??? Not far...and I don't think he did...If anyone wants to see an Island that matches the Mar Del map almost perfect...say something here and I will share...Thanks for reading, I don't mean to offend anyone here I am just sharing a few ideas of what I have been doing.



You have probably already shared too much information before securing rights to explore this possible wreck, but I would encourage you to follow your dream, and find a way of exploring your ideas without selling out to anopther group just because you do not have the means in the very short term. Cornelius and now travel73 might be right in some of the things they are saying, but you never regret the things you do in life, only the things you don't do. I hope you are right about this wreck and end up getting the satisfaction you deserve from this project, but be careful about being forced down paths you do not really want to take.

I would be interested in your solutions to the Captain Kidd maps. There are lots of mysteries that others have tackled and failed to solve. Sometimes it needs fresh eyes and a fresh mind.

Good luck.


Mariner: Youre wrong ;) - i have regretted many thing i have done(most of them wearing skirts ;)), but then again the things I regret the most is the things i never did.

1liquigirl: Follow your dreams - and keep in mind that a window of opportunity is just what it saying, a window, which can be closed(speaking of experience).


Thank you Mariner and Travel 73, you have been just two of many who have been optimistic the whole way through on this forum or in contact e-mails, being somewhat new is nothing, you can distrust the new or old on this forum, all I ask, is to work this project and to be the one who is listed as the founder. It is all listed here as to when I founded this idea to this site, and that is enough for me. I asked those to ask me for my archives of treasure maps that I have read and found, even if they have been found previously, I have found them again.... So I know all that you had been searching for in reading this, if you had been interested in my information, or if you had been interested in your own gain. And maybe you have not yet guessed my island, and maybe you have. So, if someone goes and snatches that from me, my lawyer would prove so. As far as others who have found shipwrecks, (an example of one that has been listed under the bibliography at the following site), you can see that TreasureNet has been listed in the bibliography for information, as mine would be also. Thank you Floyd Mann!!! That website can be found at: Look for Jesus Maria de la Limpia Concep cion (1654). You will see that TreasureNet would be listed as such. Go ahead, take it away from me, if you want, I'm just asking to be a part of the expedition, I will already be listed as founder, my lawyer would make sure that is so, as there is no way to disprove this. To all of you, thanks for being a part of this. And again to the post before, anyone who wishes to be a part of the expedition please continue to e-mail and I will post the inquiries in the voting booth when we have more than just a few to choose from. Just for further information, the pirates were kicked off Nassau, Bahamas on a certain date and went to my island because of location. It's not a matter of discrediting the newer members anymore on this website, it is a matter of any one trying to take anyones information on this website for their own benefit. Try it, and discredit yourself. Thanks for the continual posts, as it should all be good now. Thanks ahead of time for replies. :D

I could be wrong here, but if you look at the compass orientation of the island on the Mar Del map and then the compass orientation on the Google map, you will see that they are not the same and therefore cannot be the same island.

gdaddyflex, I think you are right. I have found an island that matches point for point the Mar Del map. the lagoon, the desert, the reef, the rock cliffs, the hills and the little islands that surround it and the direction of north. I will be taking a trip in April to check it out. The location of the island makes sense with what I have read about the history also...

Good luck on your trip Travel73, let us know how you make out when you return.
gdaddyflex, there are two MarDel Maps listed, both compass orientations are different, the second one has North pointing to the right as my Google Map of the island shows also
Mariner, your e-mail address is all I need to send you the archive information I have on maps I have solved. Send it to my message box on here, or to my e-mail address: Thank you.

Well how would you explain 2 maps of the same island with different compass headings? That is quite suspect to me right there. That would not be considered a small "error". In fact, I haven't run into this before on any of the old maps I have studied. Just curious. ???

The hair and clothing of a cursed pirate are not much affected by water currents ... Norrington: No additional shot nor powder, a compass that doesn't point north...

How can we sail to an island that nobody can find with a compass that doesn't point north?

You never can tell you know these guys were tricky

Cablava, I liked that...another note...the Key Map that was found in Kidd's wifes work box and the Morgan or Skull Map that was found in the Morgan Sea Chest that was said to be owned by Kidd, both point North in the same direction but point diffrent from these two Mar Del Maps. So who is to say? If all these maps are of the same island and your compass doesn't line up that doesn't mean that you have the wrong island. You have to understand that these maps are not navigational charts. They were draw to find the island with the treasure and maybe done out of hast, like the Key map and the morgan/Skull maps which have no similar shape and are not as detailed, and hidden for key people like Kidd's wife and maybe hidden in the chest for future family members because Kidd knew he wasn't getting away with his crimes and was headed for England to be hanged. The Mar Del maps? Why are they made by the same hand and diffrent? Maybe in case they fell into the wrong hands and maybe to stump treasure hunters for the next 300 years or so???

Best of luck with your shipwreck, I also use google earth for research, however not to much success. :-[ :D

You have received a lot of good advice regarding not rushing the matter and I'm sure the TH'ing community would perfer to see you safe then sorry.

Best of luck with your researching and keep us posted

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