Cape Verde ratifies the UNESCO Convention

Like it or not, Archeologists are Treasure Hunters.
Only difference Archeologists use that Fancy name to get paid to Side step rules they placed on
other Treasure Hunters out of Greed.

I Have never heard of a Archeologist digging into his own Bank account
in order to hunt, Find & Enjoy History.

Or split up the Finds with all the Taxpayers Etc. Who Contribute to Archeology

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If Spain is so interested in their lost ships, why don't we hear of them ever searching for the ships with tons of mercury that they lost? Do we need to give them the research or technology to know where to search for them? Or does their greed still exist today with only being interested in the gold and silver that they PLUNDERED(same meaning as Archies using the word looted) from their conquered and killed civilizations. Do Archies ever search for wrecks with mercury so that Spain could fund clean up and stop polluting the ocean from methyl-mercury?

Spain: Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate !


  • mercurio.webp
    23.3 KB · Views: 111
It is curious as throughout history, for gold was conquered, killed, betrayed, plundered etc., and now suddenly, gold has no commercial value, when countries like Russia and China are monopolizing tons of them, Germany wants to return tons deposited in the USA. Who do they want to cheat? Gentlemen, do you know how many tons of gold there are at the bottom of the sea? Thousands!!

Did Spain help fund the recovery of the mercury?

There are several more tons of it as I understand, in the wreckage of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and El Conde de Tolosa in Samana Bay, where the incidence of birth defects is extraordinarily high. There is some dispute as to whether dumping of coal ash is the culprit or the effects of mercury in the ocean nearby.
The Dominican government occasionally talks about recovering the mercury, but it will require hazmat divers, etc in today's litigious society.

Dale Clifton's DiscoverSea Museum site on same:

One question: since the UNESCO convention of underwater cultural heritage came out how many new naval museums have been created and in the countries that signed? Complete museums I mean.

Aren´t looters equal to treasure hunters? ;)

This is such a narrow minded... generalized... discriminatory statement...And I take offense to such.

You are calling anyone who searches for treasures a looter... which lets face it... a "criminal".

First... get off your high horse.

You posted HERE on a TREASURE forum your "claim to fame"... to get your ego stroked... did you not ?

OH looky at me what i did ! ! ! and rubbed it in.

Good for you... i guess you did the right thing... for your ego... obviously the only reward you needed or sought from this.

Your statement pissed me off... FOR...I am a "treasure hunter"... ALONG WITH MOST people on this forum... BUT ! I am no "looter"... nor would I engage in such activity...
NOT because I wouldn't want to... BUT because its illegal and I don't like jail.

The problem with this "thinking" is and has always been the first and only main real problem overall concerning wrecks of any value.

Instead of working together... with each other fairly... its bash anyone who's focus is solely on trying to make a dream of solving and finding ..."pay off".
When you clear the BS... This "pay off" is exactly what dictates ALL wrecks "value" or "worth finding"... and is the MAIN factor of interest TO THEM AS WELL.

One question: since the UNESCO convention of underwater cultural heritage came out how many new naval museums have been created and in the countries that signed? Complete museums I mean.


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