Bronze Member
Let's make a deal then... you keep off Iberian wrecks and then you can dig any wreck you'd like. 
That way, I assure that my nautical heritage is not blown away in pieces - as has happened with all Spanish and Portuguese shipwrecks "worked" by treasure hunters.

That way, I assure that my nautical heritage is not blown away in pieces - as has happened with all Spanish and Portuguese shipwrecks "worked" by treasure hunters.
I mean come on man... its a BIG world out there.
And 70% of it is underwater.
over 200 lifetimes worth awaits finding...
Don't you think we should get busy by any means possible ?
You and 1000 like you... could not even begin to scrape the tip of it.
Sheesh... There is so much being lost everyday we wait... with hands tied.
Realize this...
The ONLY thing that is gonna be LEFT for you or the archies to find at this pace...
IF... that hasn't already been pirated as well.