While all land/territories in North, South and Central America may not have been countries, they were the lands/territories of the Native American Indians and not undiscovered lands/colonies of Spain or any other Country. While it is appalling what the settlers did to the Native American Indians here in seeking new lands to settle and for gain to find Gold and Silver as well as slaughtering many wildlife for their' fur as well, what Spain did to Native American Indians in all of the Americas is more appalling. They committed Genocide all in the search for Gold, Silver, Gems, land and power and to force their faith on another race/society that in all generalities, did not want forced on them. In fact, what the Spanish did to these peoples, was really not much different than what Hitler and the Nazis did to many of the peoples of Europe and especially the Jewish race. Also, the diseases they brought with them, killed millions of Native American Indians and made these peoples more easy to conquer. Now, with these things in mind, do you really and truly believe that Spain deserves the spoils of the genocide they committed and which are the same spoils they have left abandoned on the ocean's floors for some 200 to 500 years?
Treasure Salvors deserve something for the time, research, funds they spend as well as the wear and tear on equipment that the expend to bring these treasures and artifacts back to the surface and where they can be viewed and enjoyed by the people of the world instead of lying on or under the ocean's floors and degrading more and more with each and every day. Maybe a fund could be established through the cooperation of the governments, courts and peoples of the world to donate a portion of the funds generated from the sell and viewing of these finds to help the poor peoples as well the remaining indigenous peoples of this world.