Cannon identification

Have been away recently. Here is my checklist for cannon identification
1. Material. Usually bronze or cast-iron (smooth) or wrought-iron (usually hoops)
2. Muzzle-loading (closed tube) or breechloader (open tube)
3. Type. Eg long gun or carronade for Muzzeloaders; swivel gun or bedded gun for Breechloaders
4. Measurements. The diameter of the inside of the barrel, as far down as possible and the length from muzzle to the vent. In practise both these measurements are very difficult to undertake underwater with all the crud about.
5. Details of marks. For most guns the most fruitful places to look are the trunnion faces (the arms that stick out) and the barrel between the trunnions and the basering (the band behind the touch-hole).

Have been away recently. Here is my checklist for cannon identification
1. Material. Usually bronze or cast-iron (smooth) or wrought-iron (usually hoops)
2. Muzzle-loading (closed tube) or breechloader (open tube)
3. Type. Eg long gun or carronade for Muzzeloaders; swivel gun or bedded gun for Breechloaders
4. Measurements. The diameter of the inside of the barrel, as far down as possible and the length from muzzle to the vent. In practise both these measurements are very difficult to undertake underwater with all the crud about.
5. Details of marks. For most guns the most fruitful places to look are the trunnion faces (the arms that stick out) and the barrel between the trunnions and the basering (the band behind the touch-hole).

Have been away recently. Here is my checklist for cannon identification
1. Material. Usually bronze or cast-iron (smooth) or wrought-iron (usually hoops)
2. Muzzle-loading (closed tube) or breechloader (open tube)
3. Type. Eg long gun or carronade for Muzzeloaders; swivel gun or bedded gun for Breechloaders
4. Measurements. The diameter of the inside of the barrel, as far down as possible and the length from muzzle to the vent. In practise both these measurements are very difficult to undertake underwater with all the crud about.
5. Details of marks. For most guns the most fruitful places to look are the trunnion faces (the arms that stick out) and the barrel between the trunnions and the basering (the band behind the touch-hole).

Thanks Mr. Smithbrown. I will try to get the measurements you need next time I visit the gun. Don't know when that will be, like I said above I have several guide trips scheduled in the next couple weeks.

There's several good books on Cannons.. Gunfoundings & Gunfounders is one of them but without any markings it will be very hard to identify.

It's pretty near impossible to tell just by the size and dimensions.

TW. A001_Gunfounding Cover.jpg

There's several good books on Cannons.. Gunfoundings & Gunfounders is one of them but without any markings it will be very hard to identify.

It's pretty near impossible to tell just by the size and dimensions.


Thanks Tony. I just ordered a copy of that book. If there are any markings, they are under the encrustation and corrosion. Next time I visit the gun I will bring a hammer with me.

Hi all,
Im new at this forum and also with cannons. I am hopeful someone can point me to the right place.

I have a cannon I wish to ID. I'll leave a photo.
Barrel 17"
Bore 1-1/8"
wheel 14"
Overall 27"
Weight 100 Lbs

Thanks for any help and sorry to high jack your thread.



Gunfounders and Gunfounding by A.N. Kennard is an awesome book for identifying cannons that have any gunfounders markings but if your cannon doesn't have any markings it will be much harder to identify. Did you check everywhere including on muzzle front and also on the trunnion ends? Another guy here was asking you for the dimensions but in my opinion that's very difficult or even impossible to be able to identify any cannon just by taking those.
TonyA001_Gunfounding Cover.jpg

Hi all,
Im new at this forum and also with cannons. I am hopeful someone can point me to the right place.

I have a cannon I wish to ID. I'll leave a photo.
Barrel 17"
Bore 1-1/8"
wheel 14"
Overall 27"
Weight 100 Lbs

Thanks for any help and sorry to high jack your thread.


View attachment 1281613

Is it me or does this look like a miniature cannon to anyone else ? heh

It is not one... just at first glance...

One word man... Wow !... where on earth did you score that beauty...

It appears the touch hole has been sealed. is it ?
OR is it just an "indention" ?

IF just an indention ... it is a "replica"... made for "display"...

IF it does appear to have something in the touch hole... take a sewing needle and scrap in the hole...
IF you see a silverfish metal...
You have the real deal...
WHICH... is not only amazing... but really friggin rare... and I mean REALLY rare.

PS> Btw ... either way... this is a stellar find.

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Gunfounders and Gunfounding by A.N. Kennard is an awesome book for identifying cannons that have any gunfounders markings but if your cannon doesn't have any markings it will be much harder to identify. Did you check everywhere including on muzzle front and also on the trunnion ends? Another guy here was asking you for the dimensions but in my opinion that's very difficult or even impossible to be able to identify any cannon just by taking those.
TonyView attachment 1285664

Thanks Bronze.......just bought the book, need to find some cannons now to compare to it... Thanks for the heads up...

My pleasure. I've used that book several times for reference. It's a great book. Good luck with your cannon finding. Share with us if you get something good.

Thanks Bronze.......just bought the book, need to find some cannons now to compare to it... Thanks for the heads up...

Posted photos of the Bell, now cannons that's a different thing all together...ha ha

However, I did take this photo of what was possibly one of the USS Vixen's cannons near Conception.... There's a second just under it.

( Gord send me an email address and I'll send you the videos)


Looking for two sets in Crooked island so Watch this space.....

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Gord, Sorry...forgot this...

HMS Southampton cannon photo I took 2 miles from the one above...( ha ha)

She captured the Vixen....


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