Can anyone explain?

its called--- I'm broke as hell - friday night-- staycation -- things are so bad fiscally that folks have to "stay in" and drink at home , since they can't afford to go out eating and bar hopping anymore on friday night like they used to. --and since the wifes got control of the TV remote cuz you didn't take her "out" --what else can you do but get on the old computer?

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I can remember when you could take a car load of people every weekend to the drive in for $10 bucks lol now ya can't even find a drive in

Back when I started driving, 58-59ish, gas was 19 cents a gallon. Fridays all the stations would have price wars, so you might get it for 14 cents. $2.00 would fill your tank, and you could drive all week. Oh happy days!

Yeah An old friend just set me a picture of her and I from 1976. You're going to love this
Then and now.

2nd day at PCSC round up1.0.webp

What can I say. It was the 70s.:goldpan:

Aurabbit ...

At first I thought that was a pic of Jesus with the Easter Bunny.

Good pics!

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Not too long ago, Americans wouldn't be caught dead at home on a Friday night - what happened to us?

In the 80s I use to buy annual passes to Disneyland for around $100 each.

Now it costs $90 per person for just one day!

Weekends cost too much!

in1979 while dating as a young man - i remember 50 cent per gal gas -- $8 for 16 gal --then off to mc dees for $2 big mac large combo meals (2 x $2=4) and finally going to the drive in movies 2 x $2 = $4 and $2 for a tub of popcorn and $2 for 2 big cokes --total for the night out $20

my drive inn

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I know where i will be every fri night for the next 3 months good lord willin, im gonna park my butt on top of those boulders and single jack some holes try to whittle down there size make it easeiar on the body.

Gold rush is over !!!! What els r us gold junkies gona watch?

The company I work for has produced a show called "Prospectors" for the Weather Channel. It starts March 26. I haven't seen it but a friend worked on it and said it's pretty good. Mostly it concerns mining for gems in the Rockies.

The company I work for has produced a show called "Prospectors" for the Weather Channel. It starts March 26. I haven't seen it but a friend worked on it and said it's pretty good. Mostly it concerns mining for gems in the Rockies.

Loved that show, when do we get more?

I can remember when you could take a car load of people every weekend to the drive in for $10 bucks lol now ya can't even find a drive in

I moved to a town south of where I'm at now. They had no entertainment other than eating out. I used to do design work, so immediately I was thinking about what's missing. All I could think of was a drive-in. Family entertainment for cheap. It's a shame that they're all but gone. I figured it could be a travel stop for surrounding towns. Reliving our youths. I still think I had a good idea and I could've got old drive-in stuff for cheap.

$4+ a gallon gas tax's out the whazzooo,and medical deductable bills,who can afford to go out?Used to be able to take the wife and kids out to dinner and a movie at least once a month......cant seem to ever afford it now.Funny thing is I was making less back then?Whats it going to be in 5 years?They just keep taking,and my salary doesnt budge

Kuger, you hit it on the nail head, corporate greed, profits above all else and to hell with the needs of the American worker. Haven't had a raise in over 5 years and the cost for everything has risen over 25 % in that time. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to have the job that I have but it would be nice just to keep up with the increase in the cost of living.

Kuger, you hit it on the nail head, corporate greed, profits above all else and to hell with the needs of the American worker. Haven't had a raise in over 5 years and the cost for everything has risen over 25 % in that time. Don't get me wrong, I am grateful to have the job that I have but it would be nice just to keep up with the increase in the cost of living.

This is a key part of why people unionized back in the day. Shame the unions lost their way in so many cases.

Going out for typical friday night entertainment is barely even a possibility. I feel lucky just to have a job that can cover my bills. Thought about doing without cable tv to save money but i dont think i could do without it and if i got to bored id probably end up going out and spending my whole month cable bill in a night. Basically you cant do crap for less then a 100 bucks.. With the cost of everything so high and wages stagnant. I have to live like a hermit just to save a couple hundred a month. If i go out, ill be in the red....that what is so intriguing about gold prospecting. I know im not gonna be finding a ton of gold or anything but its cheap entertainment. Well that is if your not paying for gas or dont have to travel far. In my case i pay 150 a month for my company car but i am allowed "personal use" and dont have to pay extra for gas as long as i dont take it to far. So this means i can drive to nearby rivers and the gas is all covered by the 150 a month. So any gold i find is actually profit not just covering gas. So literally very cheap to free entertainment for me :)That is until the US government decides to take that from me too. :(

It seems "Our Government" expects only us tax payers to be fiscally responsible. They, the U.S. Government, are Totally Irresponsible when it comes to saving and paying off debts. Spending is all they know and borrowing, again irresponsibly, is how they keep spending This Our Country into financial servitude. And, No Body stops them!!

Just me speaking my mind.................63bkpkr

On Another note - earlier this evening I broke out my Sony ESP Car DiscMan, popped the lid to the box of CD's and have been listening to:

Black and White Nights, Roy Orbison 'and friends'
The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
Fleetwood Mac

and later I will break into the set by the London Symphony Orchestra playing hits by 'The Stones', 'Queen' & 'Abba'

just shaking a little bit of dust out from storage items....................63bkpkr

What's a diskman is that like a carburetor? Lol JK, glad you made it home ok 63 I thought about you in the heat up there and your pack, survivor man les stroud complains about 55lbs of gear and you lug 75 or more! It was ridiculously hot on 3rd and 4th I had sunblock on and still got burnt. Glad your back at it.

Thank you MeteorMiner,
Yes we had some terrifically hot days from the 26 to the 4th. Coming back through SacTown on the 4th I had my left arm out the drivers window and thought I had it in an oven as it was hotter outside than inside my Bronco. Likely the heat is what made me dizzy one day while cliff hiking or maybe I'm just dizzy anyway. I carry the heavy packs but do not necessarily like too, it just happens that way. I can't help myself, I must be sick!

The time I carried in a 115 pound pack and never had it phase me was a magnificent trip, 1989 and a good year! Except of course for the three day rain storm at the end of the trip, hiking out in a drizzle and mud, getting to where the car had been to find it stolen and at that elevation it was snowing, this was a mid September trip. Ah, the challenges of life! Oh, when I found the car was gone, I pulled my revolver to empty the bird shot rounds and put in all solid nose rounds and headed for the paved road "on a mission". Good thing for me I never saw the stolen car being driven on the road when I got there!

Good learning experiences.....................63bkpkr

What's a discman, really now you are not that young! :laughing7: I'm glad to be back at it as well!

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