California miner needs help after USFS employee steals his property from claim


Bronze Member
Dec 5, 2010
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Golden Thread
California miner needs help after USFS employee steals his property from claim without any notice. Please spread the word.

Kerby Jackson
Chairman - Jefferson Mining District

When will we finally, as a group, stand together against this criminal assault on a fellow miner?

Oh, so you're too busy huh?

I'll venture to guess that if it was your property stolen in an illegal act, you'd make the time to be involved...

There is power in numbers.. why can't most of you understand that?

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So Hefty - I have been away for awhile. Were you successful in getting you stuff back ?
Hope so.

So Hefty - I have been away for awhile. Were you successful in getting you stuff back ?
Hope so.

Yes I did Grey...missing a couple of pcs that they distroyed though.
Thanks for asking.


What happens next. Have you ever recieved a response, or do they still have their heads stuffed in the sand, or somewhere else?

Yo Bro!

I've been attempting to post for days now. You know me, but this is the WORST site I have ever encountered to register with. would think they ARE the gov.

I've searched around the net and found many threads on U and this subject.

Let me say that YES, I am Mark's little brother and YES, what he says is true. He would never post otherwise.

Luv u bro!



Oh...uhm...YES, I am Hefty's lil bro. I have worked that claim when our father was alive. I helped our father when he created the DAM Blue bowl.
What the local Gov (cough cough) is doin is just stupid. These folks should not be running ANYTHING.
This is where our country is headed?
Oh my.....we are in trouble.

Anyways...Happy Thanksgiving to u all!



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Well Hello Stow! Glad you found this site. What a mess hey? CALL ME!


Yo Bro!

I've been attempting to post for days now. You know me, but this is the WORST site I have ever encountered to register with. would think they ARE the gov.

I've searched around the net and found many threads on U and this subject.

Let me say that YES, I am Mark's little brother and YES, what he says is true. He would never post otherwise.

Luv u bro!



Don't know why you had a problem, its not hard to register.... We get between 100-150 a day who register......

Dont mind my brother...he is a little slow. :laughing7:

Happy Thanksgiving Hefty & family! I suppose you're about ready for the Calif. Bar exam by now, huh?

Happy Thanksgiving Hefty & family! I suppose you're about ready for the Calif. Bar exam by now, huh?

Thanks Fullpan, hope you and yours had a great one also....
As far as the bar exam....nope, nadda, dont want that job...doesnt pay enough gold. :laughing7:

All i can say as a kind of new comming prospector im overwhelmed on where to go and i did the right thing and sent letters for permission to come and poke around claims for 1-2 days while on vacation. Can you guess how man letters were answered, 1 out of 5 answered and that was with a "no". At that time dredging was illegal. If larger claim prospectors dont promote hobby prospecting why should we stand up for them? Its seems its everybody against everybody. I got tired of asking everyone where i can go to spend 8 hours of my time for $5-10 gold maybe and not get yelled at.

Robbor we standup for these Consitutuonal rights we have been given by the 1866/1872 mining laws.takeing away 1 persons right is amounting to takeing away ALL of our rights if we let it and dont stand up to this! What happens in California, or any other state, in referance to our rights effects every American! if we dont support a American prospector/miner in another state,how can we ask for help when they come for us???the wacoenviros use this tactic to go after 1 person,because they know they cant afford to pay the fine or get locked up!thats why we support each other!! if we let this go, what right of ours will they take away next!

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robbor, I totally agree with your frustration. In the 1980's I found myself on a gravel bar with no claim signs around, so being an ignorant greenhorn, I
set up camp and started sluicing. A month went by before the claimowner showed up and, miracle of miracles, he said as long as I wasn't dredging, I could
hand mine the gravel bar! Long story short, I stayed in that area, off and on, for ten years. I even managed to get a used dredge (Keene 4-inch) down
there and leased the dredging rights for 600 dollars a season. He worked his 2nd claim downstream from me with a six inch dredge until the 1986 flood
drestroyed it and his cabin on the river. The sad thing is, most claimowners would rather see there claims idle than risk the hassles of giving access to
strangers. There must be someway of working around this. Posting a bond, or like leasing an apartment, with first and last, and a "cleaning" deposit
or something. I'm interested to know just how far you went in your letters, if you don't mind elaborating? Anyway, I know there's lots of claims out
there with good gold on them just sitting idle. Damm shame! P.S. I never saw one "enforcement officer" in ten years. I guess those were "golden"

Sorry, Hefty for hijacking this thread.

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Getting together with mining clubs and trying to make a friendship with claim owners takes time but it is worth it.
Dont look at it just to get at their claim, really make some friends because and keep those friendships active.
Many times the start to something is very hard or long but the rewards are very much worth it.

All i can say as a kind of new comming prospector im overwhelmed on where to go and i did the right thing and sent letters for permission to come and poke around claims for 1-2 days while on vacation. Can you guess how man letters were answered, 1 out of 5 answered and that was with a "no". At that time dredging was illegal. If larger claim prospectors dont promote hobby prospecting why should we stand up for them? Its seems its everybody against everybody. I got tired of asking everyone where i can go to spend 8 hours of my time for $5-10 gold maybe and not get yelled at.

1st of all the name doesnt help at all.
2nd... I have let many a people onto my claim in the past.
Some of them respected it, others not so much.
As claim owners we are respondable for keeping them clean, and thats just the 20 acres that I have.
I got tried of picking up others crap they left behind. So now it is a select few that I let use it for prospecting.
Sorry but that is just me.

i agree with Hefty,the claim owner is left holding the bag.he cant stop anyone from enjoying the stream except if theyre removeing precious metal.a lot of the wacoenviromentalists enlist this idea of trashing a claim location then reporting it to some official!its hard to fight this!this is why a lot of claim owners dont publish their location/claim, because sooner or latter someone gonna visit him and his claim. where i like togo, theres a lot of kyakers that get out at my friends claim and park their cars/truck there aswell, and end up walking through our camp with their kyakes in tow.needless to say i dont leave anything out in the open or unlocked! and theres always trash to pickup, nomatter who left it there!

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